Vsr Parenting Flashcards
The State must adopt a comprehensive health development approach accessible to all, with special priority for children.
Article XIII, Section 11:
Ensures free and compulsory elementary and high school education.
Article XIV, Section 2 (2):
Allows religious education in schools with parental consent.
Article XIV, Section 3 (3):
Mandates the State to protect children’s rights to assistance, proper care, nutrition, and safeguard them from neglect, abuse, cruelty, and exploitation.
Article XV, Section 3 (2):
Governs civil obligations and responsibilities.
Civil Code:
Covers family relations, including child custody and parental responsibilities.
Family Code:
Includes provisions on child labor.
Labor Code:
Establishes the rights and responsibilities of children
Child and Youth Welfare Code (Presidential Decree 603):
Child and Youth Welfare Code (Presidential Decree 603): Establishes the rights and responsibilities of children, amended by:
Child Protection Act (Republic Act No. 7610):
Juvenile justice and welfare act ( RA 9344)
Provides stronger safeguards against child abuse, exploitation, and discrimination.
Child Protection Act (Republic Act No. 7610):
Focuses on the protection and rehabilitation of juvenile offenders
Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act (Republic Act 9344):
Focuses on the protection and rehabilitation of juvenile offenders
Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act (Republic Act 9344):
Amends R.A. 7610, strengthening protection against child labor and providing measures for the elimination of its worst forms
Republic Act No. 9231:
strengthening protection against child labor and providing measures for the elimination of its worst forms
Republic Act No. 9231: Amends R.A. 7610
It is a crime to exploit children for prostitution or sexual activities. Penalties include imprisonment ranging from reclusion temporal in its medium period to reclusion perpetua.
Child Prostitution and Sexual Abuse: