VPT Flashcards
Normal CVP
Normal pulm cap wedge
normal CO
4-6 L/min
normal CI
2.5-4.2 L/min/m2
normal SVR
770-1500 dynes/sec/cm5
normal PVR
40-140 dynes/sec/cm5
normal MPAP
10-18 mmHg
CVP decreased HR increased PAP decreased ART decreased CO decreased SVR increased type of shock treatments
Volume resuscitation
CVP decreased HR increased PAP decreased ART decreased CO increased SVR decreased PVR decreased type of shock treatments
Septic shock
CVP increased PAP increased ART decreased CO decreased SVR increased type of shock treatments
CVP decreased HR decreased ART increased SVR increased type of shock treatments
Peripheral hypertension
CVP increased PAP increased ART decreased PVR increased type of shock treatments
Pulm Hypertension Dobutamine/Nitro Milrinone Nitric Oxide Prostaglandin E1
CVP increased HR increased PAP increased ART decreased CO decreased type of shock treatments
Poss. Inotropes
Poss. IVF
Avoid high airway pressures
normal arterial oxygen content
20 ml O2/dL blood
normal mixed venous O2 content
normal pulm capillary O2 content
Normal O2 consumption
250 ml O2/min
normal oxygen delivery
640-1000 ml O2/min
Standard concentration
Bolus Dose
3 mg/ml
6 - 12mg
slows AV node conduction time
Amiodarone Standard concentration Bolus Dose Infusion Rate Infusion rate per kg Comments
1.5 mg/ml 150mg over 10 min 1 mg/min 2.5 mcg/kg/min up to 20 Prolongs AP phase 3 (class III antiarrhythmic)
Dobutamine Standard concentration Bolus Dose Infusion Rate Infusion rate per kg Comments
2 mg/ml no bolus dose 0.2-1.4 mg/min 3-20 mcg/kg/min Primarily a beta 1 agonist
Dopamine Standard concentration Bolus Dose Infusion Rate Infusion rate per kg Comments
3.2 mg/ml no bolus 0.2-1.4 mg/min 3-20 mcg/kg/min <3 mcg/kg/min DA1 agonist 5-10 mcg/kg/min B1 and B2 10-20 mcg/kg/min get alpha effect
Ephedrine Standard concentration Bolus Dose Infusion Rate Infusion rate per kg Comments
50 mg/ml
5-10 mg
no infusion rates
Indirect agonist
Epinephrine Standard concentration Bolus Dose Infusion Rate Infusion rate per kg Comments
10-20 mcg
2-10 mcg/min
0.02-0.15 mcg/kg/min
At less than 3 mcg/min, primarily B1 and B2
greater than 3, alpha receptors are recruited
Esmolol Standard concentration Bolus Dose Infusion Rate Infusion rate per kg Comments
20mg/ml 0.5-1 mg/kg load no infusion rate 50-100 mcg/kg/hr, may repeat bolus after 5 min, can increase ggt to 500 B1 antagonist
Hydralazine Standard concentration Bolus Dose Infusion Rate Infusion rate per kg Comments
20 mg/ml
no infusion
directly dilated peripheral vessels
Isoproterenol Standard concentration Bolus Dose Infusion Rate Infusion rate per kg Comments
4 mcg/mL 1-4 mcg 2-20 mcg/min no per kg Potent B agonist = drop in SVR and bronchodilation (no alpha effect)
Labetalol Standard concentration Bolus Dose Infusion Rate Infusion rate per kg Comments
5 mg/ml 20-80 mg q10 min 0.5-2 mg/min no per kg Antagonist alpha1, B1-2
Lidocaine Standard concentration Bolus Dose Infusion Rate Infusion rate per kg Comments
4 mg/ml 1-1.5 mg/kg no infusion rate 20-50 mcg/kg/min Class IB antiarryhthmic Depresses AP phase 0 by inhibiting Na channels
Magnesium Standard concentration Bolus Dose Infusion Rate Infusion rate per kg Comments
40 mg/ml
2 gm
1 gm/hr
no per kg
Milrinone Standard concentration Bolus Dose Infusion Rate Infusion rate per kg Comments
0.2 mg/mL
20-25 mcg load then titrate infusion
0.2-0.75 mcg/kg/min may see arrhythmias with infusion rates greater than 0.75
Inhibits cAMP phosphodiesterase
Nicardipine Standard concentration Bolus Dose Infusion Rate Infusion rate per kg Comments
0.2 mg/ml
no bolus
5-15 mg/hr
1-4 mcg/kg/min
Nitroglycerin Standard concentration Bolus Dose Infusion Rate Infusion rate per kg Comments
0.2 mg/mL 50-100 mcg 5-100 mcg/min 0.5-5 mcg/kg/min Decreases preload much more than afterload
Norepinephrine Standard concentration Bolus Dose Infusion Rate Infusion rate per kg Comments
64 mcg/mL no bolus 2-16 mcg/in 0.05-0.4 mcg/kg/min alpha 1,2 and B1 agonist
Phentolamine Standard concentration Bolus Dose Infusion Rate Infusion rate per kg Comments
5 mg/mL
5-15 mg over 1-2 min
no infusion
Alpha antagonist
Phenylephrine Standard concentration Bolus Dose Infusion Rate Infusion rate per kg Comments
0.16 mg/Ml 50-500 mcg 5-15 mg over 1-2 min 10-50 mcg/min Selective a1 antagonist
Procainamide Standard concentration Bolus Dose Infusion Rate Infusion rate per kg Comments
4 mg/ml 100 mg q5 min 2-6 mg/min no per kg Class IA antiarrhythmic
Propranolol Standard concentration Bolus Dose Infusion Rate Infusion rate per kg Comments
1 mg/ml
0.5-1mg up to 1mg/kg
no infusion rates
Nonselective beta antagonist
Sodium Nitroprusside Standard concentration Bolus Dose Infusion Rate Infusion rate per kg Comments
0.5 mg/mL 50-100 mcg no infusion rate 0.5-3 mcg/kg/min Decreases afterload more than preload. Direct vasodilator
Vasopressin Standard concentration Bolus Dose Infusion Rate Infusion rate per kg Comments
0.2 units/mL
40 units for ACLS, 1 unit for hypotension
0.02-0.04 units/min
Bolus dose in class IIb for VF/VT (recommended that it be used as a one time single dose)