ITE CA2 Cardiac Flashcards
dP/dt (the rate of rise in ventricular pressure) is a good measure of cardiac contractility. Pressures can be measured directly (in the cath lab) or estimated by echocardiography (using the simplified Bernoulli equation). Requires mitral regurg
Sphericity index
Sphericity index (long axis/short axis) is normally >1.5. It is reduced in dilated cardiomyopathy (the LV becomes more globular)
Factors that can result in variable ACT include
Factors that can result in variable ACT include: hemodilution, hypothermia, platelet counts below 30-50 k/mL, and concomitant administration of other medications which affect platelets (e.g. prostacyclin, aspirin, glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors).
What happens when ultrasound reaches an interface of two tissues with different acoustic impedance?
Acoustic impedance is the capacity of a tissue for transmitting sound. Water and soft tissues have intermediate acoustic impedances, while bone has a high acoustic impedance and air has a low acoustic impedance.
When ultrasound reaches an interface of two tissues with different acoustic impedance (soft tissue-air or soft tissue-bone), most of the ultrasound will be reflected.
Reflection is the basis for correct image formation. Reflection is maximal when the angle of incidence between the beam and the reflecting structure is 90 degrees (giving sharper images).
cranial nerve for carotid sinus baroreceptor reflex
IX Glossopharyngeal
What serum biomarker is first to reach peak after myocardial injury
acute STEMI best identified by wich leads
EKG changes with hypocalcemia
prolong QT
in 60% of population this artery supplies blood to SA node
R coronary
ST segment cahnges with sub-endocardial ischemia
ST segment depression
bainbridge reflex
causes increase in HR in response to increased RA fiber pressure and stretch
T wave corresponds to
ventricular repolarization
NYHA class II
excessive fatigue and dyspnea with ordinary activity
concentric hypertrophy of heart ass’d with what type of overload
sensitivity for combination of EKG leads II and V5 for detecting MI evnts
phase of cardiac myocyte action potential correspond to influx of calcium
PEEP effect on venous return to heart
delta wave
wolff parkinson white
heart sound rapid ventricular filling
S3 - abnormal in all elderly patients
Beck’s triad
for pericardial tamponade
muffled heart sounds
EKG lead best detect right sided arrhythmogenic treacings
which papillary muscle has a single-vessel blood supply
Refraction is a source of artifact that occurs when the ultrasound direction is altered. Like reflection, it occurs when the ultrasound reaches an interface of two tissues of different acoustic impedance. Unlike reflection, refraction is most pronounced when the angle of incidence is acute. Thus, a 90 degree angle not only produces sharper images but also reduces artifacts.
How to close or open a PDA
Prostaglandin E1 helps maintain a PDA whereas indomethacin (nonselective COX inhibitor) is the standard medical treatment for closure of a PDA by inhibiting prostaglandin synthesis. Ligation of a PDA is the surgical treatment of choice if medical therapy has failed. Closure results in higher systemic pressures (especially higher diastolic pressures) and patients may require antihypertensive therapy postclosure.
How many people have pfo
Multifocal atrial tachycardia
Multifocal atrial tachycardia (MAT) is defined by a heart rate greater than 100 and three or more distinct morphologies of the P wave on an electrocardiogram or rhythm strip. It is commonly seen in patients with pulmonary and cardiac pathologies, especially those resulting in atrial distention and pulmonary HTN. COPD exacerbation is the most common cause.
Indications for one lung ventilation
Absolute indications for one-lung ventilation include:
- Protective isolation of each lung to prevent contamination of the healthy lung: infection (e.g. abscess, infected cyst), massive hemorrhage.
- Control of distribution of ventilation to only one lung: bronchopleural fistula, bronchopleural cutaneous fistula, unilateral cyst or bullae, major bronchial disruption, or trauma.
- Unilateral lung lavage (e.g. pulmonary alveolar proteinosis).
- Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS).
Relative indications for one-lung surgery:
- Surgical exposure (high priority): thoracic aortic aneurysm, pneumonectomy, lung volume reduction, minimally invasive cardiac surgery, upper lobectomy.
- Surgical exposure (low priority): esophageal surgery, middle and lower lobectomy, mediastinal mass resection, thymectomy, bilateral sympathectomy.
DAPT for BMS after ACS
1 year because ACS
Preop MI with no intervention. How long wait for surgery
60 days
Medications to avoid in wolff parkinson white
The usual rate-slowing drugs used in atrial fibrillation are not effective, and digoxin and the nondihydropyridine calcium channel blockers (eg, verapamil, diltiazem) are contraindicated because they may increase the ventricular rate and cause ventricular fibrillation
Right coronary artery EKG leads
II, III, aVF (inferior)
LAD EKG leads
septal (V1 and V2) and Anterior (V2-V4)
Circumflex artery EKG leads
Lateral (V5, V6, aVL)
best lead for detecting arrhythmias
best lead for dececting anterior and lateral wall ischemia
Idiopathic Hypertrophic sub-aortic stenosis
- pathophys
- physical exam
- management
- factors that worsen it
(IHSS) Thickened interventricular septum/overgrowth of ventricular muscle -> usually antero-lateral; LVOT
Dynamic LVOT obstruction
anterior leaflet is pulled into LVOT during SYSTOLE
Bisferiense pulse: Early rapid peak followed by another peak (unobstructed flow followed by dynamic outflow obstruction)
-SOB, chest pain, syncope, orthopnea, CHF
-management: decrease myocardial contractility (B blocker), normal to slow HR (B blocker), INcrease preload (volume, phenylephrine), increase cardiac output, maintain or increase afterload (vasopressin), avoid arrhythmias
-worsened by increased HR, increased contractility, decreased preload, decreased afterload, arrhythmia
Chemotherapeutic agents: Doxorubicin - MoA - Side effects Bleomycin Cyclophosphamide Methotrexate Vincristine
Doxorubicin - Decrease efficiency of topoisomerase - Cardiotoxicity (LV dysfxn)
Bleomycin - Add glycopeptides and increase free radicals - pulm toxic (avoid high FiO2)
Cyclophosphamide - pro-drug, active drug incorporated into DNA - Cystitis
Methotrexate - inhibition of dihydrofolate reductase - myelosuppression
Vincristine - degradation of microtubulin - peripheral neuropathy (stocking glove), SIADH
Mitral valve postero-medial papillary muscle is supplied by what
Left circumfelx artery OR right coronary artery