Von Willebrands Disease Flashcards
Autosomal dominant
Who is more likely to get it?
O group blood
What type of bleeding is seen in vW disease?
Platelet type bleeding
What is typical platelet type bleeding?
Types of vWD?
Type 1 - quantitative loss
Type 2 - qualitative loss
Type 3 - complete deficiency
Where is vWF made and stored?
Made in endothelium
Stored in weibel-palade bodies
What is the role of vWF in factor 8 metabolism?
Binds to it to stop it being removed
Without can = factor 8 deficiency
Typical presentation?
” 24 y/o woman presents 8 weeks post-partum with heavy vaginal bleeding, fatigue and lightheadedness. She had no problems in pregnancy or during delivery. Uterine tone is normal. No genital tears and no retained placenta. “
What is pseudo-vonWillebrands disease?
Caused by lymphoproliferative/myeloproliferative disease
What is pseudovWD associated with?
Aortic stenosis
Wilms tumour
What is Wilms tumour?
TReatment of vWD?
vWF concentrate
Tranexamic acide
What is DDAVP and how does it work?
Short term increases release of vWF from stores (weibel-palade bodies)