Volver Flashcards
- Turn, bend, turn-around
- Walk, stroll, hike, spin
- Return,come back, coming back
- Revival, coming back
a la vuelta
around the corner, at the turn
on the return; al regreso
on the back, on the other side
a la vuelta de
around; alrededor de
at the turn of: A LA VUELTA de una semana.
billete de ida y vuelta
two-way ticket, round-trip ticket
cuarto de vuelta
quarter turn
dando vueltas
round and round
dar dos vueltas a
turn twice
Dar dos vueltas a la perilla, Turn the knob twice
dar la vuelta
turn around, turn about
flick over; voltear de arriba a abajo
dar la vuelta a
turn, rotate:
Ella le dio la vuelta a la palanca, She turned the lever.
turn around, go around, circuit, compass, walk around,
Ella le dio la vuelta a la esquina, She turned around the corner.
estar de vuelta
be back, have returned;
bounce back; mejorarse, recuperarse
llamar de vuelta
call back, ring back
no hay que darle vueltas
there are no two ways about it, that’s all there is to it,
no hay vuelta atrás
there is no going back
traer de vuelta
carry back, bring back, fetch back
To return
If the meaning is to return to a specified place, the preposition “a” typically is used
Pedro volvió a casa de su tía.
Pedro went back to his aunt’s home.
¿Cómo vuelvo a mi peso normal?
How can I get back to my normal weight?
Volvieron muy contentos de su aventura.
They came back very happy from their adventure.
Volver a + Infinitive
To do something again
Vuelvo a leer el libro.
I read the book again.
In the reflexive form, volverse can mean “to become”
Me volví vegetariana hace 3 semanas.
I became a vegetarian three weeks ago.
Hacer volver
Send back
Juan hizo volver el pedido, John sent back the order.
Juan hizo volver a los soldados
mandar volver
ordenar volver
Order back
Synonyms: cambio, dinero suelto, monedas, feria, sencillo, morralla, suelto
sencillo = small change, change, small coins
one way ticket
suelto = loose change, small change, change
short article in newspaper