Verb + a + Infinitive Flashcards
acercarse a
to approach
En este punto, Consejo y Comisión parecen acercarse a nuestros planteamientos
With regard to this point, the Council and the Commission appeared to sympathise with our position.
acertar a
to manage to
acertar a oir - overhear
acostumbrarse a
to be/get used to
alcanzar a
to manage to
animar a
to encourage to
aprender a
to learn to
atreverse a
to dare to
ayudar a
to help
bajar a
to go down to
comenzar a
to begin to
comprometerse a
to undertake to
conducir a
to lead to
contribuir a
to contribute to
convidar a
to invite to
cuidar a*
to take care o
decidirse a
to decide to
dedicarse a
to devote oneself to
desafiar a
to challenge to
disponerse a
to get ready to
echar(se) a
to begin to
empezar a
to begin to
enseñar a
to teach to, show how to
forzar a
to force to
impulsar a
to urge to
incitar a
to incite to
inclinar a
to incline to
invitar a
to invite to
ir a
to be going to
limitarse a
to limit oneself to
llegar a
to manage to, succeed in, end up
llegar a ser
to become
llevar a
to lead to
mandar a
to send to
meterse a
to start to
negarse a
to refuse to
obligar a
to force, compel to
pasar a
to go on to
persuadir a
to persuade to
ponerse a
to begin to, set about
prepararse a
to get ready to
renunciar a
to renounce
resignarse a
to resign oneself to
resistirse a
to resist
tender a
to tend to
volver a
to ___ again