Current Words Flashcards
[hambre] to satisgy
[sed] to quench
[deseos] to satisy
[ambición] to fulfi, fulfill
[satisficarse] to be statiffied
comer hasta la saciedad
repetir hasta la saciedad
todavía falta
Still a long way to go
El resultado global es que todavía falta mucho para una convergencia razonable de los precios.
The overall result is that there is still a long way to go to achieve reasonable convergence of prices within the EU.
Find out,
learn, or
determine with certainty,
usually by making an inquiry or other effort. Yo Averiguo Yo averigué
Convenir (1)
me conviene
- [ser aconsejable] /[ser ventajoso] tobe advisable
- [venir bien]
It suit me, it is right for me, it works for me
1a. no conviene beber alcohal durante el tratamiento ~ it is not advisable to drink alcohol during treatment
1b. convendaría que decansaras ~ it would be a good idea if you rest
1c. Ese homber no te conviene ~ that man is not right for you
2a. El jueves no me conviene ~ Thursday is not good for me.
2b. Hoy no me conviene ir ~ it does not suit me to go today.
quiero bajarme aqui
me bajo aqui
I get off here
Thick, heavy, bulkyPantalones gruesos ~ thick trousers
[acordar] to agree
Conver en, to agree on
convenir una fetcha, to agree on a date
[en anuncio]
convenieron en espera un mess ~ they agreed to wait a month
a la hora convenida ~ at the agreed time, appointed time
le pagó lo convenida ~ she paid him the agreed amount
sueldo a convenir ~ salary negotiable
Me he quedado sin gaslina
I have run out of petrol
to expire
el plazo caduca el 17 de noviembre ~ the closing date (for enrollment, etc) is November 17
esta vale está caducado ~ this voucher is no longer valid or out o date
Caduca a los tres meses ~ use within three months
este yogur está caducado ~ this yogur is expired
tengo el carné caducado ~ my id card has expired
Validity, applicability , term, lifeEstar en vigencia~ to be in forcePerder vigencia ~ no longer applicableTener vigencia ~ to be valid, apply
Current , in force Según la normativa vigente ~ according to current regulations in placeUna costumbre aún vigente ~ a custom which still prevails
Period, installementDentro de plazo previsto ~ within the specified timeNos dan un plazo de ocho días ~ they gave us eight days Cuando vence el plazo ?When is the deadline?a plazo fijo ~ fixed-terma corto plazo ~ short- términosa largo plazo ~ long-términosPagar algo a plazos
Suitable, appropriate No apto para el consumo ~ not suitable for consumption Apto para el servicio militar ~fit for military serviceNo es apto para el cargo ~he is not suitable for the job
[un camino, acceso] to unblock [una cuenta, los salarios] to unfreezeDesbloqueado iPhone ~ unlocked iPhone
dispositivo sm
- (= aparato) device
(= mecanismo) mechanism dispositivo de seguridad (= mecanismo) safety catch
(= medidas) security measures pl dispositivo intrauterino intrauterine device, coil
- dispositivos Mil, forces dispositivos de seguridad security forces
respaldo sm
- (de silla) back (de cama) head
- (de documento) (= dorso) back (= cosa escrita) endorsement
- (= apoyo) support, backing
Seat back
lesionar vt to injure lesionarse vpr to injure oneself lesionarse la pierna to injure one’s leg
waste [weɪst] n 1. (= misuse) desperdicio m, derroche m what a waste! ¡qué desperdicio or derroche! to go to waste echarse a perder, desperdiciarse; it’s a waste of money es dinero perdido, es tirar or derrochar el dinero; it’s a waste of time es una pérdida de tiempo; it’s a waste of effort es un esfuerzo inútil 2. (= rubbish) basura f, desperdicios mpl (= waste material, substance) desechos mpl, residuos mpl household waste basura f doméstica; human waste excrementos mpl; nuclear/toxic waste desechos mpl or residuos mpl nucleares/tóxicos vt 1. (= use inefficiently, squander) (water, electricity, gas) derrochar (money) malgastar, derrochar (time) perder (life) echar a perder (space, opportunity) desaprovechar, desperdiciar (food) desperdiciar, echar a perder don’t waste your time trying to persuade her no pierdas el tiempo intentando persuadirla; to waste no time in doing sth no tardar en hacer algo; sarcasm is wasted on him con él el sarcasmo es inútil; caviar is wasted on him no sabe apreciar el caviar; nothing is wasted no se desperdicia nada, no se echa a perder nada; you’re wasting your breath! ¡estás gastando saliva! 2. (US ** = kill) liquidar * cargarse * (Sp) adj 1. (= for disposal) (material) de desecho 2. (= leftover) (paper, fabric) sobrante 3. (= unused) (ground) baldío, yermo 4. to lay waste to sth devastar algo, asolar algo waste bin (Brit) n cubo m de la basura waste disposal n (industrial) eliminación f de los desechos or residuos (of household waste) eliminación f de la basura doméstica waste disposal unit (Brit) n triturador m de basura waste matter n (industrial) residuos mpl (from body) excrementos mpl waste paper n papel m de desecho waste pipe n tubería f de desagüe waste products npl (industrial) residuos mpl (from body) excrementos mpl