*Volume 2 Flashcards
Transfer selections will be made by the Bureau Commander no sooner than ___ days after the vacancy is published.
10 days
Members who conduct any financial or other transactions that will require verification of their employment shall give the telephone number of who?
LAFD Personnel Services Section
Who shall Members notify by telephone if they lose their pay check?
Accounting Services Section
When is the latest a member shall report a lost paycheck?
No later than the morning of the next business working day
Any member who receives a subpoena out of normal channels to appear in court or any court-ordered hearing for a duty connected incident, is responsible for notifying who?
Their Commanding officer
Any member appearing in court where the City is a party to a proceeding shall (except Fire Prevention Bureau Personnel) wear what type of uniform?
Dress uniform
Who normally accepts subpoenas for LAFD members?
Arson Section
Refuse to accept the subpoena if it is less than ___ working days prior to the hearing and it is not reasonably certain that he will be able to deliver a copy of the subpoena to or notify the member concerned within such time as will allow the member to comply with the subpoena.
When a member is “on-call” for a subpoena, the member must be able to appear in the concerned court within how much time?
1 hour
An employee who receives a subpoena and is not notified at their
designated location that their on-call status is terminated by 1100 hours, shall be on-call from ____ hours to ____ hours.
Any member, whose duties may require them to drive a Tractor Transport or Heavy Rescue, shall maintain what Class License?
Class A
How many members are permitted to leave an apparatus and shop for department mess?
Members who have been scheduled to work overtime on a voluntary basis may cancel such overtime by notifying their station commander a minimum of ___ calendar days prior to the scheduled overtime date.
Members are allowed to exchange holidays, regardless of rank, within the same ____ month period.
By when shall a members floating holiday (12hrs) be scheduled to be worked or taken off during the remainder of the calendar year?
Sept 1
When participating in physical fitness, members must be able to respond within how much time?
60 sec
Except for extended leaves, no request for time off which would permit a member to be absent from duty for a period exceeding ___ days, including vacation, will be granted.
65 days
Can Administrative Overtime Duty be converted to cash compensation?
No, AOD must be taken for time off
Hours accrued due to transfers are defined as what?
Administrative Overtime Duty (AOD)
How many sick days does a member accumulate per calendar year?
12 days
For sick leave IOD, how long will a member receive full salary compensation?
Up to 1 year
Up to a maximum of ___ days sick leave in any calendar year shall be allowed for illness in the member’s immediate family
How much time does a platoon member receive for bereavement leave?
Two 24-hr shifts
Platoon duty members are allowed ___ hours per calendar year to secure preventive medical treatment for themselves and their immediate families.
When the circumstances under which a specific leave was requested change, i.e., more or less time is needed, members shall notify the station commander prior to what time? or as soon as possible.
1800 hrs
How much time off does a member get to go vote?
2 hours max
When is the latest a member must notify his commanding officer that the member needs time off to go vote?
At least 2 shifts notice
What is the maximum amount of family leave a member can be approved for?
Up to 4 months
Disciplinary leave shall not exceed ___ months
Exchange of time (F-360) shall involve a minimum duration of ___ hours.
Each member may be permitted up to ___ hours off duty (F-360) each calendar month
Each member may be permitted up to ___ hours off (F-360) in the calendar year in addition to the monthly allowance.
Civil service leave is more than how many days?
What unit shall be contacted when first care or assistance is needed for an IOD injury or illness?
Medical Liaison Unit
What level of “exposure” requires the immediate notification of the Medical Liaison Unit?
Level III
Platoon duty members who donate blood must wait how long before returning to duty?
24 hrs
How often shall members on platoon duty that are off due to IOD or NIOD contact their immediate supervisor to update information regarding their duty status?
Once each segment
Members who receive hospital and doctor bills for IOD injuries and illness shall immediately forward them to what unit?
When shall a member (on or off duty) who has incurred an illness or injury which they believe to be IOD notify their commanding officer?
Immediately, regardless of hour
While off duty, a member who is NIOD does not need to notify his station commander between what hours?
After how many consecutive days off NIOD illness does a member need to secure private medical treatment?
More than 3 days
For platoon duty personnel who were off NIOD, members are returned to duty at _____ or _____ hours following notification
0630 and 1830 hrs
After how many days off NIOD does a member need to be cleared by a specialist at the Central Receiving Hospital?
Over 30 days
For grooming standards, hair bulk shall not exceed how many inches?
1 1/2 inches
For grooming standards, fingernails shall be no longer than ___ inches beyond the tip of the finger.
“Nightwear” attire may be worn outside of quarters after what hour?
What size stencils shall be used when writing a members name on the turnout or brush jacket?
1 1/2 inches
When labeling a brush jacket, how many inches below the “Los Angeles Fire Department” do you stencil your name?
When labeling a turnout coat, how many inches above the lowest reflective strip do you stencil your name?
Do Battalion inspections take place on odd or even months?
Even months
No fire station visitors are allowed after ____ hours except for special events, when the hours may be extended to ____ hours
2100 and 2300 hrs
Members on duty should retire between ____ and _____ hours
2000 and 2300 hrs
How shall still alarms received in quarters be reported to metro? (2 ways)
Business phone or radio. DO NOT use the fire phone
How many bells at the station alarm panel indicates a “routine” message over the teletype?
How many bells at the station alarm panel indicates an “urgent” message over the teletype?
How many bells at the station alarm panel indicates a “dispatch” message over the teletype?
What are the 3 conditions that warrant a red flag warning within the LAFD?
- BBI in extreme range
- Humidity 15% or lower
- Wind speed 25 mph or higher
All members shall carry and operate their radio equipment in the _____ mode.
When available (AVI), a company is able to respond to an incident within how many seconds?
A fire company that is conditionally available (CAV) will respond to an incident within?
3 min
After how many hours of continuous handheld radio use warrants a change in battery?
3 hrs
If a reconditioned radio battery fails to reach the ___% or better mark, it should be exchanged through radio monitor and sent to piper tech for replacement.
How often will the responsible officer cause all portable radios to be tested in conjunction with a mobile unit?
At least once a week
Who shall be notified immediately anytime a portable radio is lost or stolen.
MFC floor captain
Members may encounter radio problems when operating in what locations?
Below ground levels Within or adjacent to shielded rooms Enclosed elevator cars Center core area of some high rise building Steep or narrow canyons Any location outside the city
Adjustments or changes to Department radio equipment are to be made only by technicians from the _______ Division
Communications services division
Mobile radios have been equipped with a device called a “Time-out Timer”, which automatically terminates a radio transmission after about __ to __ seconds.
30 to 60 sec
If a member is restricted from driving Department apparatus, it shall be noted in ___ ink in the Personal Record Book, Page 6, Form F-731
Red ink
Any member who feels that a Class “B” License will not be necessary in the performance of their duties shall submit an F- 225 through channels, requesting exemption, to their _______ stating their reason for exemption. A copy of this F-225 must be kept on file at the __________ Documentation Office
Bureau Commander
In-service Training
What instances shall a member wear a dress uniform?
- official appearances before the fire commission
- appearances before the fire chief
- appearances before the Board of Rights (EXCEPT when accused)
- appearances in court when city is a party
- appearing at any administrative hearing
- anytime directed or when appropriate
If a disability occurs while on vacation, who shall members notify?
Adjust heating and air conditioning thermostats to start heating when temperature drops below ___°F and cooling when temperature is above ___°F. Window units shouldn’t be turned on until temperature is above ___ degrees Fahrenheit.
Vol 2:
Any member electing to file a grievance shall refer to the _____ for their representation unit.
Said Memorandum of Understanding explains in detail how the grievance shall be filed and processed.
•F-226-A Report of informal grievance discussion
•F-226-B Statement of grievance formal
•F-226-C Reply to statement of grievance
Vol 2:
All transfer of personnel shall be made effective as of ____ hours on that _____ that commences a pay period.
Vol 2:
Regardless of the number of children in the family, employees can take off up to ____ hours per school year, but not more than ___ hours in any given month of the school year.
Vol 2:
- Members arrested for DUI will receive an “Admin Per Se” order of Suspension/Revocation/Temporary License Endorsement from the DMV. ____ days from the issuance of this “Admin Per Se” order, driving privileges will be suspended or revoked.
- When the alleged violation results in confiscation of a member’s driver license, An F-225 shall be forwarded directly to the Operations office within ____ calendar days of the violation.
- 30 days
* 7 days
Vol 2:
All members attending funeral services in uniform are considered as part of the funeral detail and shall be governed by the officer in charge. Members of the detail shall report to the officer in charge at least ____ minutes prior to the time of the service.
Vol 2:
Members with at least one year of aggregate service but less than 10 years of aggregate service are entitled to ___ days (___ shifts) of vacation per year.
16 days (8 shifts)
Vol 2:
- Members with at least 10 years of aggregate service but less than 30 years of aggregate service are entitled to ____ days (___ shifts) of vacation per year.
- Upon completion of 30 years in the aggregate, members shall receive ___ additional vacation day(s) for a total of ___ days (___ shifts) of vacation per year.
24 days (12 shifts)
25 days (12-1/2 shifts)
Vol 2:
To ensure that the Fire Department has current knowledge of inter-governmental relations between the offices of elected officials, it is directed that on-duty contacts with either the Office of the Mayor, City Council, other elected officials, or staff members of their offices be promptly reported by telephone to the _____
Chief of staff
Vol 2:
What is the order of preference to maintain contact with Metro when out of quarters with firefighting apparatus?
A. Radio.
B. Private Telephone
C. Mobile Data Terminal.
Vol 2:
Metro shall test the emergency traffic tone on Sunday mornings at approximately ____ hours
RIC book states 0800
Vol 2:
Maximum reimbursement for watches is limited to _____ except by approval of the C.A.O. in extraordinary circumstances.
Members legally residing outside California and who are required to obtain a driver’s license from their state of residence shall submit an F-225 through channels to _______
Engineers and Apparatus Operators shall become familiar with load limits and speed limits established by the Department of _________ for all roadway bridges within their first-in district. They shall also be aware of the gross loaded weight of their apparatus.
Public works
Special allowance:
twice each calendar month each member may be permitted to be off up to ____ hours (F-360).
A member shall remain in a requested assignment for not less than ____ weeks from the effective date of transfer.
32 weeks