*Bk 100- Highrise Flashcards
What company is responsible to check two floors below the fire floor for the suitability for Staging?
The initial fire attack company
In high rise incidents the Rapid Intervention Company(s) is normally assembled and deployed from ________.
The Division Supervisor reports to the _______ or __________ and is responsible for fire suppression and rescue activities within a geographic area, usually aspecific floor.
Incident commander or operations chief
Who supervises and coordinates the activities of Lobby Control, Systems Control,Base, Ground Support, Supply Unit, Communications Unit, and Medical Unit?
Logistics chief
Requests from Staging for equipment and supplies will go through the _________ chief to Base or Ground Support.
The Lobby Control Officer reports to the _________ chief or the ________.
Logistics section chief or IC (if logistics is not set up)
What group is responsible for locating and searching for unaccounted elevators which may contain building occupants?
Elevator group
If needed, a ___________ unit can be implemented to assist Lobby Control with monitoring and maintaining the buildings built-in fire control, life safety, environmental control, communications and elevator systems.
Systems control unit
If implemented, the systems control unit reports to who?
Logistics chief.
Can also be contacted directly from operations chief
The ___________ group is responsible for providing transportation for personnel,equipment, and supplies; providing refilling of SCBA cylinders and maintenance of SCBAs; provide fueling, service and maintenance of vehicles and portable power equipment and tools; and implementing the ground level traffic/movement plan at the incident including marking safe access routes and zones and coordinates the transportof equipment via the stairwells.
Ground support group
The Ground Support supervisor reports to the _______ Branch Director (if established) or the _________ Chief.
- Support branch director
2. Logistics chief
Base shall be established a minimum of _____ feet away from the incident structure.
200 ft
In a high rise incident, a minimum of a ____ member initial fire attack team shall ascend to the reported floor.
The second-in company to a high rise fire has what responsibly?
Establishing lobby control
The command post should be established a minimum of how many feet from the structure?
200 ft
Who has the ultimate responsibility to authorize (or discontinue) the use of elevators?
The incident commander
The Rapid Intervention Company at a high-rise should involve what kind of resource(s) as a minimum?
Light force, engine or squad AND an ALS rescue
Where should the RIC team be located during a high rise fire?
Staging or 1 floor below the fire
Once occupants have been evacuated from the structure, they should be moved a minimum of _____ feet from the affected structure.
Normally, how many companies should be kept at Base for each company held in staging?
How should you position an apparatus in the apparatus parking area of base?
Who is responsible for verifying a water supply is established in the standpipe system.
Lobby control
If the building is not equipped with pressurized stair shafts, utilize _______ to pressurize the stairwells.
Do all access stairwells need to be pressurized?
Who shall notify the Incident Commander of the elevator status and any elevators that are not accounted for and their location?
Lobby control
Who assigns and supervises Fire Attack, Staging, Division Supervisors, Group Supervisors, Rapid Intervention, and Air Operations?
Operations chief
Who is responsible for the transport of equipment via a stairwell, on a priority basis, from ground level to the Staging floor?
Ground support unit
When moving equipment up a stairwell for ground support, normally there should be one member per how many floors?
2 floors
A high rise building is defined as a building which is over ____ ft in height,measured from ground level access to the floor level of the highest floor intended for occupant use.
75 ft
For a working fire, relocate occupants from the fire floor and at least ____ floors above and ____ floors below the fire to a safe location, preferable below the fire.
2 above and 2 below
Does the Fire Code require an interior OR exterior lock box? for Fire Department use in a high rise?
The fire attack team should grab what two things from the lockbox before proceeding to the fire floor?
1 set of keys and a copy of the building inventory
Who sets the Fire Attack Team’s pace when climbing a stairwell?
The officer
Some outside stairwell doors are held closed by a magnetic device requiring _____ pounds of pressure to overcome it.
What is the approximate time it takes a fully suited up firefighter to ascend one story of stairs in a high rise?
1 minute per floor
If the fire is reported to be on or below the _____ floor, the stairwell shall be used.
Which two types of elevators should not be utilized until it is determined safe by fire department personnel on the desired floor(s) of operation and their use approved by the Incident Commander?
- Elevators not equipped with emergency service
2. Freight elevators
Elevators should not be taken closer than ____ floors below the reported fire floor or ____ floors below the lowest alarm activated floor location.
2 and 2
No more than ____ personnel with equipment is permitted in any elevator.
The Fire Attack Team should give an assessment of conditions found in the stairwell every ___ or ___ floors and, if elevators are used,during the precautionary stops every ___ floors.
- 5 or 6 floors
2. 5 floors
Once you have identified the fire floor, before opening the stairwell door, you must check what floor and report your findings to the Incident Commander?
The floor above the fire
Standpipe pressure in a high-rise building could be controlled by what three means?
Pressure regulating devices, pressure restricting devices, or orifice plates
The orifice plate controls pressure by restricting _____ and is limited to its design requirements for supplying ____ g.p.m.
- Volume
2. 200
The pressure regulating devices are set to _____ gpm.
Do pressure regulating devices control volume, flow or pressure?
Pressure restricting devices work by restricting pressure, flow or volume?
The orifice plate controls ______ by restricting volume.
Flashover may be possible with temperatures as low as _____ Fahrenheit.
A downward draft, or “reverse stack effect,” becomes more pronounced when outside temperatures are higher or lower?
Stair shafts that service odd or even floors of a building are also known as ________ stairways
Stair shafts in high-rise buildings constructed after what year are required to employ a stair shaft ventilation system?
What era would you find openable windows on all sides of a high rise building?
What era would you find tempered glass on at least two sides of a high rise building? (At corners, and at 50-foot intervals or less.)
What era would you find tempered glass on four sides of a high rise building? (At corners, and at 50-foot intervals or less.)
Post 1974
Tempered glass windows are identified by ___ inch luminous or reflective decals in a lower corner which indicate they are “For Fire Department Use.”
What year implemented the requirement of Smoke Control Systems (Uniform Building Code) in high rise buildings?
Smoke Control Systems (Uniform Building Code) in high rise buildings has eliminated the requirement of the installation of what type of windows?
Tempered glass windows
Unless the HVAC system is contributing to the spread of fire or smoke throughout the building, it should be left in the ______ position.
On (operating)
Water turbine blowers produce significantly less noise and will provide more than ____ the cubic feet of air per minute than a like-sized gasoline powered blower.
High-rise buildings constructed after 1974 are required to employ an emergency smoke control system that is comprised of what 3 components?
- Pressurized Stairshaft
- Mechanical Smoke Removal System
- Tempered Glass or Openable Windows
Who shall be responsible for ensuring that stairwells are pressurized?
Lobby control
Regardless of size, portable blowers should be placed ___ to ___ feet back from the stairwell doorway and angled back at least __ degrees
- 4 to 6 ft
2. 5 degrees
Placing fans in a _______ is more effective than placing them in-series for stairwell pressurization.
If windows must opened/broken for ventilation purposes, utilize the windows on the ______ side of the building, if possible.
If it is necessary to cross ventilate floors above the ____ floor, it may be necessary to utilize an additional blower in the pressurized stair shaft.
Additional pressurized air may be necessary due to the leakage (through vents,unsealed openings, etc.) in stairshafts over ___ floors high.
In a high rise, there shall be a smoke detector installed adjacent to the elevators at each landing, usually in a vestibule on each floor except in the _____.
During a phase I recall, automatic elevators having a total travel of more than ___ feet (or ___ feet after 1975) may be recalled to the lobby by sensing devices (smoke detectors) or a three position key switch in the lobby
- 50 ft
2. 25 ft
Phase I for elevators is also known as “_____ phase”
Phase II for elevators is also known as the “______ phase”
Elevators equipped with phase II capabilities having a travel of ___ feet or more above the lowest grade may be recalled to the lobby by smoke detectors or by a three-position key switch in the lobby
70 ft
What are the three positions of the “Emergency Service” switch inside an elevator car?
- On
- Off
- Hold
Elevator ascent during investigations or firefighting operations shall only be used when the reported location is above the ___ floor.
6th floor
If the building is equipped with split bank elevators, do not use an elevator that services the fire floor if a lower bank of elevators reaches within ___ floors of the fire floor.
Prior to going aloft in an elevator, all members shall have donned their SCBA face piece and be prepared to connect the regulator if an IDLH is encountered.
No answer
A ________ extinguisher shall remain in the elevator car with the elevator operator.
Dry chemical
The elevator operator will be assigned and report to ________.
Lobby control officer
The elevator operator shall be equipped with?
- full personal protective equipment and SCBA
- portable radio
- sound powered phone
- forcible entry tool(s)
- dry chemical fire extinguisher
Members assigned as elevator operator must remain in the elevator car and either maintain constant pressure on the “______” button or activate the “_____” feature, if the elevator is so equipped.
- Door open
2. Hold
Personnel utilizing the elevator for ascent shall make precautionary stops every ___ floors in order to test and confirm that the elevator is properly operating in the Phase II mode.
The lobby “Emergency Service” switch shall be turned to ____ even if the cars have already been returned to the lobby floor in response to the activation of a smoke detector.
Should you remove the key from the switch when placing the elevators into phase I recall?
When elevators are recalled, the photo-electric beams and other non-mechanical door retraction safety devices are active or deactivated?
The _______ position on the three position key switch is used during an incident to place the elevators in operation on a temporary basis when the entire building has been deemed safe for normal use, but there is still enough residual smoke to actuate the detector or the detectors are malfunctioning.
Is the key removable when the switch is in the “bypass” position for elevator recall?
The lobby “Emergency Service” switches, marked with “RESET,” “OFF,” and “ON” operate in the same manner except that there is no means to bypass the alarm system.
No answer
During an elevator phase II override, if the “door open” button is released prior to the doors reaching the fully opened position, what will happen to the doors?
They will automatically re-close.
During an elevator phase II operation, the elevator doors automatically re-close if the “open door” button is released prematurely. What is the only exception to this?
The only exception is that the doors may automatically open upon return to the lobby
Phase II override- If a “Door Close” button is not provided, continuous pressure on what button will serve to close the doors?
The desired floor button
During a phase II override, if multiple floor buttons have been actuated, the car will stop at the first of the selected floors that it reaches. At that time, what happens to the other selected floors?
They will be cancelled
Elevators installed after October 15,1985 must have a separate _________ button for use by emergency personnel.
“Call cancel”
Elevator car(s) may be equipped with an “Independent Service” mode. Can this mode be used by trained fire personnel?
No, this mode is used by employees or service personnel for routine, nonemergency operations
Elevators installed since _____ are required to be recalled to the lobby.
Are elevators being used in the “Independent Service” mode subject to recall?
During either phase I or phase II operations, it is possible that the smoke may be of sufficient density to block the photo beam and cause the door to remain open. The photo-electric device can be rendered inoperable by depressing the switch marked _________.
“To be used in case of fire only”
During a phase II override, the use of the “Emergency Stop” switch should be used when?
As a last resort
Salvage operations should begin where?
Fire floor and one floor below
How many unplasticized copies of the Building Inventory sheet should be in the fire department lock box?
If the building is equipped with sound powered telephones, how many should be kept in the fire control room?
6 removable
1 fixed
When waiting to load and/or board a Department helicopter, personnel shall form a single line at least ____ from the aircraft, toward the front side, in full view of the pilot at all times
50 ft
What two groups are high rise buildings divided into?
“Existing” high rise and “new” high rise
All high-rise buildings, then and today, are of Type ___ Construction, that is, noncombustible construction throughout.
Type I
Type I constructed high rises were generally built with steel beams coated with a fire retardant material commonly known as _______.
In a __________, you travel through a vestibule where smoke can escape to the outside atmosphere as you move between the building and the stairshaft.
Smoke tower
In some buildings under 275’, and all buildings exceeding 275’, a _______ standpipe system is required.
Every new high-rise building must have Emergency and Standby Power Systems. The emergency and standby power systems are supplied by the same power source (emergency generator) and may be in operation at the time of our arrival.
No answer
The emergency generator for a post 1974 high rise must provide power for at least ___ hours at full demand.
8 hrs
A Building Communication System was required in the public areas of buildings over ____ ft in height
150 ft
During the high rise retrofit of 1976, fire escapes were required to have wired glass or equivalent protection for the windows on all landings and within ___ ft on either side of the landing
5 ft
Implementation of the state mandated High-Rise Retrofit Program began in what year?
What year did the Retrofit Sprinkler Program require the installation of sprinklers in existing high rise office buildings?
Elevator lobby vestibules have a fire rating of how many hours?
1 hour
In sealed buildings, breakable tempered glass windows on the perimeter of the building every 50 linear feet with a ___ square foot opening.
Tempered glass windows in a sealed high rise are supposed to be identified by a __ inch minimum luminous or reflective decal in a lower corner which indicates they are “tempered glass”
The main focus in salvage operations is the control of water and keeping it out of what 3 areas?
elevator shafts, machinery rooms, and electrical rooms.
High rise:
Prior to 1974, generally, there was how many fire pumps? What kind?
One electric fire pump
High rise:
Since 1974, buildings over 275 ft are required to have ____ fire pumps, how many electric and how many diesel?
3 pumps
1 electric, 2 diesel
High rise diesel fire pumps:
There shall be a minimum ___ hour (new high-rise post 1974) and ___ hour (existing high-rise-1960 through 1974) supply of fuel.
At a high rise incident where evacuation is underway prior to fire department arrival, beginning at the _____ floor, firefighters must make their way to each landing and attempt to control existing occupants.
Stairshafts that open to the INTERIOR ONLY of a building and provide roof access:
The natural air flow within the stairshaft is virtually ____ in buildings up to 25 stories. Buildings over 25 stories will naturally flow ____ (minimal or considerable?) amounts of air in an _____ (upward or downward?) direction.
- Static
- minimal
- upward
Stairshafts that OPEN to the EXTERIOR of a building and provide roof access:
Natural air currents of ___ to ___ mph, that flow upward in the stairshaft can be created by simply opening a door at the bottom and roof level.
3 to 6
1301 halon extinguishing systems found in high rises:
Halon will decompose into toxic gases, principally ______, if permitted to heat to approximately ____ degrees Fahrenheit.
High rise air ops:
- Normally, helicopters should remain approximately ____ ft from the involved building while inflight.
- The helispot location should be located at least how far from the incident site?
High rise:
Dry standpipe outlets are located based on the requirement that every point within the structure must be reachable by a ____ ft stream of water from a nozzle attached to 100’ of hose.
High rise:
The minimum helicopter response time from the Van Nuys airport to the downtown area is ____ to ____ minutes.
10 to 12
High rise helicopters response:
A hoist may be used when the people to be rescued are trapped on a balcony or on a roof without a landing area. Hoist rescues are limited to _____ ft or approximately ____ stories below the roof.
250 ft
20 stories
High rise:
The primary responsibility for fire cause determination rests with the Incident Commander. Due to the magnitude of most high-rise fires and the associated dollar loss, this function is normally PERFORMED, as per Department policy, by ______
An Arson unit
High rise:
Regarding overhaul, the first priority for the Incident Commander is to ensure the building is _______
structurally safe for firefighters
High rise:
For incidents requiring large-scale evacuation of a building, the Re-Entry/Re-Housing Unit Leader position should be established. This position reports to who?
Evacuation Group Supervisor (if established) or the Incident Commander
High rise overhaul and re-housing/re-entry:
The _____ shall coordinate the release of pertinent information to the evacuees under the direction of the Incident Commander.
Evacuation Group officer
High rise:
What shall be done if after a fire, building management/Fire Department personnel are unable to restore the fire protection equipment (sprinklers, alarms, etc.)?
fire watch notice shall be issued and a fire watch established.
High rise:
When extending lines into a fire floor, consider using the _____ method
“Wet Line/Dry Line” method
High rise:
A ten-member Task Force can provide how many rotating fire attack teams on the fire floor?
While the initial fire attack team leads fire attack, relief teams wait in the stairwell conserving air, this ensures fire attack without interruption.
3 teams
Book states consider using three-person teams
High rise:
Forcible entry tools should be taken aloft by the first Fire Attack Team, specifically the ______
rotary saw
High rise:
When established, the ______ is responsible for maintaing supplies of equipment and a reserve force at a level specified by the Incident Commander.
Staging area manager
Anytime reserves fall below the specified level, additional resources are requested by the Staging Area Manager through the Incident Commander/Operations Chief to Logistics/Base. Necessary supplies and equipment are requested directly from Logistics/Base.
High rise:
What position in the high rise ICS is responsible to request response of, and make contact with, building engineer, utility representatives, elevator service personnel, etc. and anticipate the failure of critical systems?
Systems control unit
High rise:
If an auxiliary water supply is required, the Officer in charge of the ______ will coordinate and supervise this effort. Request _____ to provide a supply line to the entrance of the stairwell.
Ground Support Unit
High rise buildings built in the City of Los Angeles are designed to have a ___ hour fire resistance between floors and vertical openings.
2 hour
What equipment shall fire attack take aloft during a high rise fire?
-portable radios
-rotary saw or forcible entry tools
-high rise hose pack
(Also states high rise packet somewhere in same chapter)
When feasible, the following additional equipment should be taken:
Portable Spotlight
Extra Air Bottles
Portable Extinguisher (mandatory if taking elevator)
In an elevator, a flashing firefighter helmet indicates what?
Smoke/heat detector activation in machinery room
High rise:
During their response, Airborne Engine Companies are designated to the _____ or the _____. Once deployed, the Airborne Engine shall contact and report to the _____ for an assignment.
Helicopter Coordinator (Helco) or Air Operations Branch Director.
Incident Commander
High rise:
The basic requirements of the Incident Command System have been met with the establishment of what 4 things?
- fire attack
- staging
- base
- lobby control
Search for occupants shall be conducted on a priority basis beginning where?
the fire floor and all areas above the fire
Unless absolutely necessary, the stairwell door to the fire floor should not be opened into the evacuation stairwell when building occupants are present. The only exception is when?
it necessitates a civilian and/or firefighter rescue.
The search group officer shall:
Ensure that primary and secondary searches are properly conducted, paying particular attention to _____.
Determine appropriate areas of safe refuge, if appropriate. Continually monitor safe refuge areas for ______.
Carbon monoxide
High rise:
Evacuation should be based on?
the risk to the occupants.
Once occupants have been evacuated, either through self-evacuation or directed by fire service personnel, ______ assistance should be requested to assist indirecting evacuees to a safe location.
High rise buildings designed for human occupancy are of two basic types, either _____ or _____.
residential or commercial
The Department’s Fire and Safety Education Unit administers a program, whereby occupants of all high rise buildings in the City are trained in emergency pre-fire planning and evacuation procedures.
Under this program, building management is responsible for a fire drill how often? And appointment of ____ who shall oversee the evacuation team and occupant instruction
Once a year
Floor wardens
Fire attack and ______ remain the two highest priorities during high rise operations
In the event of a high rise fire, the danger to building occupants could develop from what three sources?
- Directly exposed to fire
- panic (best prevention is through public education)
- smoke (biggest threat)
The ______ is required for commercial high rise occupancies to keep an updated list indicating the name, location, and type of assistance needed for each physically challenged individual within the building.
Building Emergency Plans
Our success in controlling the fire and protecting the occupants will depend on our ability to control the ______
True or false?
If an evacuation is underway upon our arrival, we must attempt to gain control of it.
When firefighters are able to move in the stairwell, the occupants ____ or more floors BELOW the fire should be managed until occupants above the fire can be evacuated. Occupants on floors ____ or more floors ABOVE the fire should also be managed and assisted in evacuation.
3 and 3
Once firefighters ASSIGNED to gain control of the fire attack stairwell have managed the flow of occupants into the stairwell at a specific floor, they must remain where?
on that floor, at the stairwell door to prevent occupants re-entering the stairwell.
In high-rise buildings, the area above the ceiling is known as the _____ and is for the return air of HVAC systems. This area presents a hidden space, above the level of the sprinkler system effectiveness, where fire can spread undetected. It must be checked frequently during fire attack.
The pressure generated by a fire can be up to ____ times atmospheric pressure and will force smoke through openings and may contaminate other floors or stairshafts within the building.
When stabilization of the temperature occurs, smoke and fire gases will form layers or clouds within the building known as _____. This serves as a “lid” for other products of combustion which will tend to bank down below the smoke and horizontally spread to other portions of the building. This process is common in vertical stair shafts.
Diesel fire pump:
The fire pump controller is used to start the engine when there is a drop in the water line pressure. This is done by a ____ pressure switch. The policy in Los Angeles for the STOP pressure is set ___ p.s.i. below system pressure and the START pressure is set ___ p.s.i. below the system pressure.
10 and 50
To keep the fire pump from constantly starting and stopping. The run-out timer is normally set for ___ to ___ minutes for electric driven fire pumps and ____ minutes for diesel driven pumps.
7 to 10 electric
30 diesel
What kind of pumps are used to maintain a uniform, relatively high pressure on the fire protection system and prevent the main fire pump from activating due to minor fluctuations within system?
Pressure maintenance pumps or Jockey or make-up pumps
The jockey pump should be set to operate at a pressure of ___ to ___ p.s.i. higher than the main pumps starting pressure.
5 to 10
Fire pump controller:
If the pump engine fails to start at the end of ___ crank attempts, the “Overcrank” Lamp will be lit and the audible alarm will sound.
How often are high rise fire pumps tested?
Once a year
_____ switches are placed on valves in the firefighting water systems of buildings to prevent unauthorized closing by sending a trouble signal to the fire alarm panel. The switch will activate within ____ turns.
2 turns
____ type water flow switches are used on wet sprinkler systems to detect water flow. In high-rise structures they will be found in the stairshafts where the sprinkler pipe comes off the standpipe. The minimum flow rate for alarm is 4 to 10 g.p.m. (equal to one sprinkler head) and operates in 20 to 60 seconds.
A 2” hose line at 200 g.p.m. adds ____ pounds of water per minute.
Based on the type of occupancy and incident, it is often advantageous to channel water into a _____.
All high-rise buildings have a minimum of ____ Approved Means of Egress From Each Floor.
Use of an elevator for a high rise fire always requires more than how many people?
More than 4
1 to operate elevator, 4 for fire attack team
What equipment SHALL stairwell support personnel have?
- PPE and SCBA
- spotlights
- portable radios
- sound powered telephones
Per the Addendum:
What four pieces of information/equipment shall the fire attack company gather once entering the lobby?
- Nature and location of emergency
- location of annunciator panel or control room
- lobby telephone number (or states fire control room in book)
- lox box keys and building inventory plan
Keep a firefighter at the valve whenever you remove the orifice plate for safety, and open the outlet slowly how many turns? (You can adjust the outlet as needed).
1-1/2 turns