Volume 1 - Training And Support Bureau Flashcards
Training And Support Bureau - Deputy Chief
Reports directly to the Chief Deputy of Administrative Operations. Assists the Fire Chief as a regular member of his general staff, making recommendations on general policies, practices and procedures.
Bureau Liaison Officer/Volunteer Coordinator
Captain 1 that reports directly to the Bureau Commander. Serves as the Staff Officer to the Bureau Commander. Conducts research and formulates staff projects.
Supply and Maintenance Division
Responsible for procurement, maintenance, and repair of fire apparatus and other emergency and non-emergency equipment; compiling and writing apparatus and equipment specifications and the procurement and distribution of supplies.
Supply and Maintenance Division - Assistant Chief
Supervises and directs the Division. Prepares specifications for apparatus and equipment and directing an analysis program regarding the possible improvements of Department apparatus and equipment.
Assistant Division Commander
BC Acts as liaison between Supply and Maintenance and Emergency Services personnel. Conduct field inspections for Supply and Maintenance purpose.
Management Analyst 2
Investigate, report, and coordinate, as required, budgeting, employee relations, purchasing, inventory control, and data processing activities. Assist Equipment Engineering Unit in reviewing vendor bids and discussing problems with vendors during delivery and warranty periods.
Maintenance Section
Directed by an Equipment Superintendent and provides maintenance and repair of fire apparatus and other emergency and non-emergency equipment.
Heavy Duty Shops
Includes Field Repair Shop, Heavy Shop, Allied Shop and Valley Repair Shop. Duties are to inspect, service, maintain, overhaul and repair fire apparatus, fireboats, tractors and other emergency equipment.
Body, Paint and Sheet Metal Shops
Provide welding, blacksmith, body work, metal work and painting services.
Light Vehicles
Provides preventative maintenance and repair of vehicles as well as electrical repair of lighting systems, portable tools, sirens etc.
Purchasing and Supplies Section
Directed by a Management Analyst who is responsible for the procurement and distribution of supplies used by the Department.
Store Keeping
Responsible for maintaining records of supplies. Supervises and maintains the inventory system of the Department.
Receiving and Distribution
Checks packing slips against F-80’s. Stores, issues and prepares supplies for delivery to various Department subdivisions.
Staff prepares purchase orders and requisitions to obtain supplies from City vendors and GSD Warehouses. Tracks requests.
Equipment Engineering Unit
Manages apparatus and equipment specifications development. Evaluates bids for specification compliance and recommending contract awards. Evaluates apparatus and equipment purchases to ensure compliance with specifications. Overseeing the Annual pump and aerial ladder testing program.
Equipment Engineering Unit Personnel
Staffed by a civilian Equipment Specialist 2, a civilian Equipment Specialist 1 and a Fire Department Engineer.
Equipment Engineering Engineer
Compile and write apparatus and equipment specifications. Perform research and submit reports as directed by the Unit Commander. Conduct the annual pump and aerial ladder testing program. Perform acceptance tests and follow-up field inspections on new heavy apparatus.
Medical Supply Unit
Respond to emergencies where additional medical supplies are needed. Purchase and maintain Department inventory of medical supplies. Participate as an “on-call” IMT logistics member.
Rescue Maintenance Unit
Responds to emergencies with the emergency air apparatus where additional air and oxygen cylinders is needed. Maintains the Departments resuscitators, breathing apparatus, and underwater diving equipment. Refilling air, oxygen cylinders, and carbon dioxide extinguishers.
Building Administration Unit
To administer the fire facilities maintenance and repair program, coordinate approved facility CIEP and Alterations and Improvement projects, administer fire facility special fund accounts, and oversee the construction of the 19 newest fire stations and the Air Operations Division.
Building Administration Unit - Commanders Responsibility
Reports to the Training and Support Services Commander. Collects requests, prioritizes, and prepares annual Alteration and Improvement reports. Coordinates the sale of vacated Fire Stations with General Services Asset Management. Coordinates the purchase and acquisition of future Fire Station sites.
Fire Facilities Coordinator
Respond to all telephone requests for maintenance and repairs to all Fire Stations and fire Facilities, routing requests to the Department of General Services. Receiving and providing clerical control of all alteration and improvement requests. Review and process all F-113’s. Maintain inventory and issue remote controls for fire station apparatus doors.
Prop F Section
Acts as Program Manager in the absence of the Building Admin Unit Comm. Oversees the day-to-day management and operation of the program. Assists the Program Manager in identifying schedule and budget problems and proposition solutions.
Prop F Captain 2
Program manager responsible for their geographic area. Responsible for project start-up and completion. Directs Asset Management in the selection of sites for all fire facilities. Coordinates design efforts of all disciplines and resolves design issues among disciplines.
Management Analyst 2
Provides administrative support for the design and consultant management teams. Supervises the daily functions of the office and exercises independent judgement in dealing with emergencies and building projects. Prepares Mayor’s monthly status report and other special reports.