Volume 1 - 2 Emergency Operation/General Flashcards
Still Alarms
Still alarms while in quarters shall be reported to Metro using the business phone or radio.
Initial Assignments
The first company on scene shall continue the the remainder of the assignment non emergency if there is nothing showing. The responding chief officer may continue them emergency at their discretion.
Move- Ups
Non-Emergency unless otherwise directed by Metro.
Ems incidents with multiple resources
Size-up is given on the TAC, Change in resources given through dispatch channel.
Personnel exempt from Nonemergency dispatch
Fire Chief, Deputy Chief, and Medical Advisor
Controlled Intersections (Multiple Vehicles)
The first apparatus of the convoy shall stop at all red lights and stop signs, the remaining app. shall slow down and proceed through with caution. Except when controlled by a Traffic Officer.
Controlled Intersections (single vehicles)
Single-Unit companies shall stop at all lights and stop signs unless controlled by a Traffic Officer.
Approaching an intersection
Drivers shall decelerate by removing their foot and cover the brake even when the signal is green.
Entering intersection from opposing lanes
Shall slow to a REASONABLE SPEED for traffic and road conditions.
Special Response Problems
Chief Officers having unusual or special response problems in their first in shall establish in writing any special procedures necessary. Forward through channels to the Emergency Services Bureau.
Narrow Streets
If Traveled Roadway is:
<20’- No parking, both sides of street or fire lane.
20’-28’- No parking, one side parking allowed same side as fire hydrant.
>28’ No restrictions unless red paint on curbs is needed.
Warning Devices
Warning Lights shall be extinguished where operations can be safely continued without hazard (vehicles on the shoulder)
Radio Return of Appartus
Members returned by radio while responding shall shut down in a inconspicuous manner.
No apparatus shall pass another (ex chief) unless
Disabled or delayed, moving at reduced speed due to terrain, giving way in order to alter the response sequence so as to obtain optimum approach.
First alarm assignments
Category A- Not less than 4 fire companies, including not less than one truck. Req fire flow less than 4500 gpm
Category B- Not less that 6 fire companies, including not less that two trucks. Req fire flow 4500 gpm and above.
-Dwellings, apt, hotel four or more stories in height, more than 15,000 sq ft. under one roof on two floors more than 10,000 sq ft under one roof on one floor
All Fire Prevention Bureau occupancies in Public Safety
Schools, Special schools, day nurseries, two or more
Sanatoriums, homes for aged, hospitals, public assemblages, and churches except b-2 under 100’
All assemblage occupancies on 2nd floor or above
Category C- Not less than four fire companies, including not less than three engines and one truck- brush, harbor, airport.
Category D- One engine or one Light force unless more than one automatic device or a second alarm source, confirmation of an actual incident or any officer may request additional as directed.