Vol. III - Cardiovascular and Pharm Flashcards
role of diuretics in HF
symptom management
high pitched “blowing” early diastolic decrescendo
aortic regurgitation
Left horn of sinus venosus becomes
coronary sinus
Use of Class IB anti-arrhythmics
Acute ventricular arrhythmias esp post MI
How do we prevent cerebral vasospasm in subarachnoid hemorrhage
Class 3 anti-arrhythmic mechanism
K channel blockers –> increased Ap duration, ERP, and QT interval
Fixed splitting is heard in
3rd aortic arch becomes
Common carotid
treatment for primary hypertension
Thiazide diuretics, ACE-i/ARBs, Ca channel blockers
Pathology 2-several weeks post MI
contracted scar is complete
Continuous machine like murmur, loudest at S2
patent ductus arteriosus
Primitive pulmonary vein becomes
smooth part of left atrium
Causes of tricuspid regurgitation
RV dilation and Rheumatic fever
Drug induced long QT –> Torsades risk
ABCDEF: antiArrhythmics (Ia and III), antiBiotics (macrolides and fluorquinolones), Anti”C”ychotics (haloperidol, ziprasidone), antiDepressants (TCAs), antiEmetics (odansetron), antiFungals (azoles)
6th aortic arch becomes
proximal pulmonary arteries and ductus arteriosus
Abnormalities associates with failure of neural crest migration
Transposition of the great vessels
Tetralogy of Fallot
Persistent truncus arteriosis
Causes of mitral regurgitation
Ischemic heart disease post mI, LV dilation, Rheumatic fever
systolic crescendo-decrescendo that radiates to the carotids, loudest at base of heart
Aortic stenosis
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy findings
S4, systolic murmur, possible mitral regurg
Frequency of left to right sunts
Pathology 1-3 days post MI
Coagulative necrosis and acute inflammation with neutrophils
late systolic crescendo with mid-systolic click, best heard over apex
Mitral valve prolapse
Opening snap followed by mid to late diastolic rumble
mitral stenosis
pacemaker action potential phases
0: voltage gated Ca
3: repolarization via K efflux
4: spontaneous depolarization b/c of funny Na/K channels
Things that increase contractility
Beta 1 activation by cathecholamines, increased Ca, decreased extracellular Na, Digoxin
right horn of sinus venosus becomes
smooth part of the right atrium
cardiovascular complication of syphilis
aortic atrophy and dilation, can lead to calcification
treatment for htn with diabetes
ACE-i/ARBs first line, Ca channel blockers, thiazides, Beta blockers (can mask hypoglycemia though)
Pathology 3-14 days post MI
macrophage infiltration followed by granulation tissue at the margins
Class IC anti-arrhythmics
Flecainide, propafenone
Use of Class IA anti-arrhythmics
both atrial and ventricular, esp. SVT and VT
2nd aortic arch becomes
Stapedial and hyoid arteries
Class IA anti-arrhythmics
Quinidine, procainamide, disopyramide
Pericardium is innervated by
Phrenic nerve
Fick principle
CO = rate of O2 consumption / (arterial O2 content - venous O2 content)
Rheumatic fever pathogenesis
Type II hypersensitivity - Ab to M protein cross react with self antigen, often myosin
Use of Class IC anti-arrhythmics
SVT, including afib, contraindicated post MI
Paradoxical splitting is heard in
Conditions that delay aortic valve closure (aortic stenosis and left bundle branch block)
Treatment for Torsades de pointes
magnesium sulfate
Dilated cardiomyopathy findings
HF, S3, systolic regurg murmur