Vol I,II,III Extra Flashcards
What equipment must be operational prior to entering RVSM airspace
- FWC- Flight Warning Computer (Altitude Alerter)
- FCU- Flight Control Unit
- Autopilot
- Transponder
- PFD’s - Primary Flight Displays - 2
- ADR’s - Air Data Reference (#1 is required) - 2
- DMC’s - Display Monitoring Computer - 2
What are the four requirements to accept an RNAV departure
Cross track error deviation should be limited to .5NM
NAV database - SID/STAR must be retrieved by procedure
name from NAV database
Flight Director - Pilot must use Flight Director and/or Autopilot in LNAV mode
500 - Pilot must be able to engage the RNAV flight
guidance no later than 500ft above airport elevation
Flight attendant emergency briefing
Type of emergency Evacuation Anticipated? Signals from the Cockpit to the Cabin ( “Brace, Remain Seated, Evacuate") Time remaining until Landing
During the cockpit prep, setting the QNH on the FCU, what is the max altitude difference between PFD 1 and 2, standby steam gauge and ISIS?
PFD 1 & 2 = +/- 20ft difference
Standby system Steam Gauge = +/- 300ft from PFD ISIS system = +/- 100ft from PFD
United States holding speeds?
Above 14000 ft = 265 KIAS
If the weather at the departure airport drops below CAT 1 minimums as you taxi out, what should
the flight crew complete?
SMGCS charts out for taxi
Takeoff Alternate is required
ARTR required from dispatch
Red Stop Bar Lights at the runway
When is an ARTR required?
Supplements operations crew change
Hour Old (release is more than one hour old)
Alternate becomes required at destination
Fuel more han 2000LBS to be added or +/-400LBS of fuel
with no AWP
Takeoff alternate
MEL added to aircraft after release was sent
Miles added to the flight plan greater than 100 miles
CAPT signs the release and there is a Captain change
When is a new release required?
a. Supplemental operations when there is a captain change
b. Captain change during normal operation after captain being replaced has signed the release
When do you need a new TLR report?
If the QNH drops more than .10 QNH from the TLR
What are the three different engine failure procedures?
Standard (Simple) - Runway Heading
Simple-Special (Special) - Heading to a DME than direct to
a fix
Complex-Special (Complex) - An escape route that can be
found in the AIP or Jepp chart 10-7
what does the ELAC do?
Abnormal attitudes
Aileron Droop
Autopilot Acquisition
Activates the Protections
what does the SEC do?
Abnormal Attitudes
Speed Breaks
What do the FACs do?
Beta Target Speed warning Wind shear Flight envelope protections Tail functions Rudder limiting Alternate Law Yaw Turn Coordination Trim Yaw Damping
When is an alternate required?
1,2,3 rule \++ 1500/2 - Flag operations Marginal weather - within 100 and 1/2 Method 2 Offline Charters International - airports with one runway of flight time > 1 hr Severe Icing + or - 1 hr Thunderstorms + or - 1 hr RNAV only approach Supplemental 3585
Required emergency equipment onboard
PBE Full Face/Oxygen Mask (4) Halon Fire Extinguisher Crash Axe Flashlights (2) Protective Gloves Escape Ropes (2) Life Vests (4)
Required Manuals
Diversion Forms Kit
speed break extension inhibited when?
Sec - 1/3 faulted Elevator L or R fault Alpha protection active Flaps full = Retraction Alpha Floor active Thrust Lever > MCT
How can you determine landing distance?
Release (no wind, one runway)
AWP (ACARS landing data)
QRH - Performance (Chapter 7)
What do the IRs do?
Flight Path Vector Aircraft Position Track Heading Attitude Acceleration Ground Speed
What do the ADRs do?
Barometric Altimeter Overspeed Aoa Temperature Speed/Mach in an unreliable airspeed scenario, If I shut off all 3 ADR’s below FL250 what happens? Back Up Speed Scales
The Pneumatic system supplies air pressure for what?
Wing Anti icing Engine starting Hydraulics Air Conditioning Water Pressurization
Engine 1(2) bleed Fault
Leak (wing and engine) Overpressure Downstream Overheat Start in Progress (valve not closed) APU bleed on (valve not closed)
What does the ditching switch do?
(closes all panels below the float line) Packs Ram air Outflow Valve Blower Extract
What does pushing the ENG 1(2) fire PB do?
2 - Silences CRC, arms squib
1 - Closes the Hydraulic Shutoff Valve
2 - Closes LP Fuel Valve, de-energizes the FADEC
1 - Deactivates the IDG
2 - Closes the bleed valve, closes Pack Flow Control valve
What happens when the APU fire PB is pressed?
2 - silences CRC, arms the squibs
0 - hydraulics
2 - closes APU fuel pump isolation valve, turns off APU fuel pump
1 - Deactivates APU generator
2 - Closes APU bleed valve, closes cross-bleed valve
What happens when the APU test PB is pressed
Squib light and discharge light
APU fire PB light (DC power)
CRC and master warning light (DC power)
ECAM message
What happens when the Fire test PB is pressed
squib and discharge lights engine fire PB illuminates in red CRC and master warning light ENG 1(2) warning on the ECAM appears Fire light on the engine panel illuminates
Normal Law Protections
Bank - 67, 45, 40, 33
Yaw - damping and turn coordination
Pitch - 30, 25 flaps full, 15 down
Aoa - Vmax, Vls, alpha protect, alpha max
Load - clean -1 to 2.5, slats and flaps 0-2.0, alpha floor
Speed - Vmo +6, Vmo + 16, Vmo + 30
Alternate Law Protections
Bank - no protection Yaw - damping only Pitch - no protection Aoa - Vls, Vsw Load - -1 to 2.5, slats and flaps 0 to 2.0 Speed - Stability varies vol
Direct Law Protections
Bank - no protection Yaw - mechanical rudder Pitch - no protection Aoa - Vls, Vsw (indicates) Load - no protection Speed - aural over speed
Alpha Protect protections
Bank - 45 deg Auto pilot - disconnect Speed breaks retract Aoa instead of load Pitch up trim inhibit
High Speed Protection
Bank - 40 deg
Auto Pilot - disconnect
Seeks wings level
Nose up movement
Abnormal Alternate law limits
Bank 125 deg
Pitch - +50, -30 deg
Speed - 440 KIAS, .91 MACH or 70 KIAS
What happens when you start the apu?
- Master switch on
- Power electronic control box
- Pressuring fuel pump
- fuel isolation valve open
- Open apu flap - inlet
- Ecam page up
PTU inhibit
- Engine master switches mismatched with parking break set or toe pin installed
- cargo door operation
SRS speeds
- Take off with 2 engines - V2 + 10kts
- Takeoff with engine failure after V1 - speed at time of failure but not less then V2
- Go around phase - speed existing at the time of go around but not less then Vapp
When are radio reports always required?
• Deviation from an ATC clearance or instruction for an emergency or in response to a TCAS Resolution Advisory (RA).
• When vacating any previously assigned altitude or flight level for a newly assigned altitude or flight level.
• When unable to climb/descend at a rate of a least 500 feet per minute.
• When an approach has been missed. (Request clearance for specific action; i.e., to alternate airport, another approach, etc.)
• Change in the average true airspeed (at cruising altitude) when it varies by 5 percent or 10 knots (whichever is greater) from that filed in the flight plan.
• The time and altitude or flight level upon reaching a holding fix or point to which cleared. • When leaving any assigned holding fix or point.
• Pilots encountering weather conditions which have not been forecast, or hazardous
conditions which have been forecast, are expected to report such conditions to ATC.
• Any information relating to the safety of flight or whenever encountering a meteorological
condition or an irregularity in a ground or navigational facility, in flight, which is essential to the safety of other flights.
• Any malfunction, in controlled airspace, of navigational, approach, or communication equipment including VOR, ADF, GPS anomalies, complete or partial loss of ILS receiver capability or impairment of air/ground communications capability. Reports should include the call sign and flight number, equipment affected, degree to which the capability to operate under IFR in the ATC system is impaired, and the nature and extent of assistance desired from ATC.