Vol 1 and MEL Flashcards
Approx. APU fuel burn supplying air conditioning and electric
275 pph
Are non-revenue passengers permitted on repo flights?
* Captain-approved
* Names to SOC/DISP
“Cabin Advisory”
“Emergency Prep”
Will the passengers need to brace or evacuate?
Yes - Emer Prep.
No - Cabin Advisory
Can F9 mechanics sit on the flight deck jumseat for travel?
Yes, but must be “on duty.”
Can the APU be started/used while refueling?
Yes, but avoid electrical power transfers.
Can the flight crew accept an RNAV SID/STAR or RNAV approach if both GPS’s are unavailable (e.g. MEL’d)
Yes. You can use GPS or DME/DME/IRU for RNAV 1 procedures.
Can the flight crew takeoff if the holdover time expires for Heavy Snow conditions?
No. because no holdover time exists for Heavy snow. Therefore, the flight crew must perform the pre-takeoff contamination check within 5 minutes of advancing the thrust levers for TO.
Can we do visual approaches in international airspace?
No. Request VMC approach.
Configuration Deviation List. Allows for continued ops with missing secondary airframe and engine parts.
Describe a Cold Temp restricted Airport
Airports in which cold temp corrections have to be made to an approach when the temperature is outside the published values.
Emergency Prep items
- Type of Emergency
- Evacuation Needed?
- Signals? (Brace x3, Remain Seated x3, Evacuate x3)
- Time remaining?
Explain how to Derive ALT minimums
- Airports with at least 1 operational NAV facility providing:
1. Straight-in non-precision approach procedure, or
2. Cat 1 Precision approach, or
3. Circling maneuver from an IAP.
ADD 400ft & 1SM
- Airports with at least 2 operational NAV facilities, each providing a straight-in approach procedure to different suitable runways.
ADD 200ft to higher DA(H) or MDA(H) of the two approaches
& 1/2SM to the higher approaches.
High Mins Captain
(Definition and Limitations)
- < 100 PIC in type at F9
- Add 100 ft and 1/2 sm to pub mins
- CAT 3 approach prohibited
- Exemption 21515 is the actual limit
How could you quickly determine if you can take shortcuts off your filed route if you are dispatched via method two?
Terrain analysis common aircraft weights checklist
How does a pilot initiate the call to the FAs to inform them to prepare the cabin for possible evacuation?
Use EMERG Call button
How far can the SLOP deviation off centerline and which side of course should the offset be?
1 or 2NM to the right of center line relative to the direction of flight.
How long does a flight crew have to submit an incident report?
36 hours
How many hours of rest for a consecutive work week of 168 hours? (7 days)
30 hours
How many hours of rest is required b/w flight duty or reserve availability periods? How many hours of uninterrupted sleep opportunity is required?
10 hours b/w flight duty or reserve availability.
10 hours of rest must include 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep opportunity.
How many wing walkers are required to park the plane at the gate?
How much flight time does RESERVE fuel allow for?
45 minutes.
How much fuel is required prior to departure?
Fly to airport of dispatch, thereafter; to fly to most distant alternate, thereafter; to fly 45 minutes at flight plan cruise altitude.
Must consider:
1. 1 instrument approach and possible missed approach at DEST.
2. Wind and other weather conditions
3. Known delays
4. Increased fuel consumptions for high speeds.
How must an approach be conducted when the visibility is 1/2 mi / 2400 RVR or less?
Auto-land must be conducted if available. You can use 1800 CAT I mins if no auto-land available
If an international flight diverts and does not clear customs what does the flight need to continue to its destination?
A permit to proceed.
If no fuel slip, or fuel reliability is not accurate, can we still depart?
Yes, as long as FOB is not less than 500lbs from the release fuel.
If the holdover time expires may the flight crew takeoff?
Yes, as long as the A/C passes the pre-takeoff contamination check (exit row check) within 5 minutes of advancing the trust levers for TO.
If there are no published TO mins, what mins should be used?
Nothing lower than the OPS Spec C078.
IRS only A/C can maintain RNP of 10 or better for how long?
6.2 hours
Is deicing with the flaps/slats extended permitted? Is anti-icing with the flaps/slats extended permitted?
We are authorized to Deice with Flaps/Slats extended, but must retract Flaps/slats prior to Anti-ice.
Is F9 allowed to depart VFR and pick up IFR clearance?
Yes, under certain weather conditions and IFR clearance is obtained no further than 50 miles from airport.
Is operation of the A/C under its own power permitted on any surface if braking action is NIL?
Less than 100 hrs First Officer limits?
Captain must make all takeoffs and landings if:
1. below 4000 RVR or 3/4 sm
3. Contaminated runway
4. Braking action less than GOOD
5. Crosswind over 15 kts
6. Wind shear
7. Special Airport
8. Captain deems it prudent
Logbook entries that require the Captain Signature?
- Computer Reset
- Flight Crew Placard
- Follow Up Required
Lost Certificate?
FAA website for a temporary authority. Only good for 60 days
May direct clearances off the flight planned route be accepting during class 2 operations?
Yes if:
- Course and Distance appear reasonable.
- Abeam points are selected for fuel scoring.