Limitations Flashcards
A/P Min Engagement Heights
900 ft AGL
500 ft AGL
Non-Precision Approaches
Non-Autoland ILS - CAT 1 FMA
160 ft AGL
Non-Autoland ILS - CAT 2/3 FMA
80 ft AGL
After takeoff
100 ft AGL, 5 sec, SRS
100 ft AGL
Autoland Approach
ROLLOUT/Taxi Speed
Air conditioning via packs should not be used when…
LP or HP Air is in use.
Approach Category
(A320 CEO, A320/A321 NEO)
Category C
Approach Category
(A321 CEO)(700’s)
Category D
Approach Speedbrake Limitation
(also an OEB)
ALL NEO Aircraft:
No speedbrakes at or Below 240 kts if either:
* GWCG > 35%
* Overweight Landing Conditions
APU Limits During Refueling
- No restarts after failed start or auto shutdown
- Shut down APU if a fuel spill occurs
Autoland Autobrakes Runway Length Requirements
Autobrakes LOW
Autobrakes MED < 8,000’ rwy
Cabin Pressure Differential Limits
-1.0 to 9.0 psi
Safety Relief Valve Operates at 8.6 psi
Flight Maneuvering Load Limits
-1g to +2.5g
Flight Maneuvering Load Limits
0g to +2g
Max Altitude for
APU Battery Restart
25,000 ft
Max altitude for APU start using normal electrical
39,000 ft
Max Brake Temp for Takeoff
300º C
Max Cockpit Window Open Speed
200 kts
Max Crosswind for Landing
38 kts
Max Crosswind for Takeoff
35 kts
Max Hydraulic Pressure
3200 psi
Max Pressure Altitude
(Takeoff and Landing)
9,200 ft
Max Pressure Altitude
39,800 ft
Max Slats/Flaps Extended Altitude
20,000 ft
Max Tailwind for Landing
10 kts
Max Tailwind for Takeoff
(“Tailwind for Takeoff has Two”)
- 10 kts (A321 CEO)
- 15 kts (All Others)
Max Taxi Speed in a Turn
20 kts
A/C 216-299 >167,550#
Max Tire Groundspeed
195 kts
Max Windshield Wiper Speed
230 kts
- 300 series = 45 knots
- 600 series = 35 knots
Takeoff xwind limits still apply separately
Min Pressure Altitude
(Takeoff and Landing)
-2,000 ft
Min Reverse Thrust Speed
70 kts
Min Takeoff Fuel
- 3,300 lbs
Minimum Runway Width
148 ft or 100 ft
Depending on SN
Reduced Thrust Takeoff Prohibitions
- Contaminated Runway
- Windshear
- Special Departure Procedure Requires TOGA
Reverse Thrust Limitions
- Prohibited in flight
- Not for backing up
- Not for reducing taxi speed
Runway Slope Limitation
± 2%
Stabilized Approach Criteria
[1000 AFE]
Correct Lateral Path
± 1 dot (ILS/LOC)
± 0.3 NM (RNAV)
± 1/2 dot (VOR)
Correct Vertical Path
± 1 dot (Glidepath)
Steady Rate of Descent
1200 FPM
Final Landing Configuration
Absent GPWS warnings or cautions
[500 AFE]
[All of the 1000 AFE plus]
Steady rate of descent
1000 FPM
Target approach speed
-5 to +15 kts
Thrust Stabilized
Landing checklist Completed
TOGA Thrust Time Limits
5 minutes
10 minutes (Single Engine)
280 kts
250 Kts
VLO (Retraction)
220 kts
350 kts / 0.82 Mach
When are cross-bleed starts prohibited?
During pushback.
When is Autoland Required?
Below CAT 1 Minimums
Below 1/2 sm (2400 RVR) and capable
Minimum Oil Quantity
* 9.5 qt + 0.5 qt per hour
320 NEO
* 10.6 qts
* 9.0 qts + 0.5 qts per hr
* (Whichever is higher)
321 NEO
OAT at or above -30° C 14 qt
OAT below -30° C 16.5 qt
Max Taxi Thrust
40% N1
When are “heads down” activities permitted during taxi?
Only during straight taxi