vocal music of the early baroque & invention of opera Flashcards
baroque music
era of 16oo and 1750
>it means: abnormal, bazzre,
> Then in the 19th century, it became the expressive and theatrical
> new respect for senses and feelings,
significant facts about 17th century
> john kepler law and galileo dorp scientific bombs yo
> capitalism: britain and netherlands and italy prospered, made hella money
> British, dutch, french established colonies in north america
Fifth book of madrigals in 1605,
> The composer distinguished between a first and second practice
> Distinct musical languages appropriate to musics differing functions.
Orfeo - recitative
italian musicians
devisesd new idioms: basso, continuo, reciative
new genres: opera
new styles: unprepared dissonances and focus on the solo voice or instrument supported by a bass
continued to influence sacred music and became the center of opera for a time
characteristics of broque music
composers united by a common goal:
express or represent a wide range of feelings vividly and vigorously
excite affection rather express personal feelings
one musical tool for expressive was dissonance (there were established rules that were part of the first practice)
artusi-montverdi controvesy
artusi criticized monteverdi for granting dissonances and contrapuntal liberties in this and other madrigals later published in the fifth book.
rhythm and texture
> either very free or very metric
bar lines indicating a pattern of strong and weak beats
> new texture is homophonic with firm bass and florid treble held together by unobtrusive harmonies
rather than renaissance polyphony of independent voices
Bass continuo
system of notation,
composers only wrote the bass and the melody, leaving it to the composers to fill in the chords or inner parts.
the bass and chords were played on one or more continuo instruments
composers indicating precise pitches by using sharps and flats
Giulio Caccini (1551-1618)
first collection of solo songs with bass continuo
two distinctive formal types used by the poets:
madrigal and air (describe them)
airias and madrigals
caccini called those with strophic settings (many stanzas sung to the same melody)
through-composed like the polyphonic mdarigals
Musicians continue to depend on patronage from courts, churches, and cities

Expressed intense emotions in vocal work and
harmonic exploration in instrumental music
Bringing contrasting forces together,
Voice and instruments
Early operas
Giloramo mei: reaearch on greek music and its role in the theater
Jacopo corsi academy: his group set out to re-create ancient genre in modern form
LEURIDICE; elaborated the well-known myth of Órfãos an ear Eunice
(recitatice style of singing for dialoque
Style of delivery much used in operas, oratorios and cantata‘s in which a singer is allowed to adopt the rhythms and delivery of ordinary speech.
Monteverdi opera
Venation: poppea
Lacks the varied instrumentation on the stage effects of our fellow, because it was written for a commercial theatre