opera and vocal music of late 17th Flashcards
italy opera
the birth place of opera,
stylistic source for composers of operas and chamber cantatas all over europe,
recitative and arias
managing the theater, truste by the owners of the place, had to bring profit
Alessandro scarlatti 1660-1725
held sway in rome and naples
Cantata chamber music
NAWM 94a - wide range harmonic, chromaticism and diminished 7th chords that convey strong emotions
aria and aria types
Everything stop and she sings her emotions in an aria
> melismatic unlike recitative,
rare in french,
> reflected the meaning of a text in musical motives in the melody or accompaniment,
> strophic aria - every stanza performed to same music
> da capo aria - aba structure
chamber cantata
leading form of vocal chamber in italy ,
private parties that were sponsored by wealthy people
solo voice with continuo, some featured two or more voices
the text is usually pastoral love poetry, dramatic narrative
the demand for new cantata
offered poets and composers regular work and chances to experiment
chamber cantata composer
alessandro scarlatti
nawm 94a - consists of two recitative-aria pairs
second recitative with wide harmonic range
is instrumental and for sound
french writers on nature and opera
opera is ruining the finest things we have, tragedy
it is faulty and contrary to nature
france opera
ballet and tragedy
1670s naional opera was established under king louis xvi
two traditions influenced opera, sumptuous and colorful ballet and classical tragedy
why was ballet a prominent place in french opera
kings love for participation in dance ensured its position
the man of music
jean baptiste lully
italian, florence
attracted attention to the kings and stayed in france, remained louis xivs favourite compoesr
composed instrumental and dance pieces for italian opera
lullys operas
begins with an overture (opening)
welcoming the kings
two sections - each played twice
first section is homophonic and majestic, marked by dotted rhythms and anacrusis (upbeat ) figures
adopting recitative in france
- To project dramatic dialogue, Lully adapted Italian recitative to French language and poetry.
- But this style was not suited for the rhythms and accents of French.
recitative simple and mesure
* Shifting the metric notations between duple and triple to allow the most natural declamation of the words.
* More deliberate motion in the accompaniment,
* More lyrical moments
- Were typically syllabic or nearly so, with a tuneful memory, little text repetition and no virtuosic display,
string and wind instruments
- Wind, brass players played in military and other outdoor ceremonies, or joined the chapel,
church music in france
- The French composers borrowed Italian styles such as the sacred concerto and oratorio,
French two style motets
* Petit – sacred concerto for few voices with continuo,
* Grand – soloist, double chorus, and orchestra,
england and opera
- English music drew inspiration from both Italy and France in combo with native traditions.
musical theater of england
masques was the fav court entertainment
shared aspects of opera
dancing, singing, scenery, costumes, spoken parts
oliver cromwell
banned stage play
but not concerts or private plays
this led to the invention of opera
henry purcell
dido and aeneas 1689
performed at a girl boarding school,
opera in miniature - 4 roles, three acts and one hour to perform
overture and homophonic choruses resemble lullys