secular songs and nationle styles of 16th Flashcards
music printing in the 1501
boosted the music economy,
prior music was moslty performace now it can also be sold as commodity
music served as a social glue
friends and family could enjoy together.
signaficant national genres
spanish villancico, ittalian forottola
and new kind of french chanson
all simple strophic, syllabic and homophonic, easily singable and so suitable for amatuer peroformers.
italian madrigals
italain national styles
frottola and lauda
>both are strophic
> frottola is composed and sung for entertainment in courts
> lauda performed at gatherings of the faithful ,religious and devotional
italy: other types of light secular songs
villanella: peasant song for three voices, homophonic strophic piece
>mimicked the madrigals
villancico: composed for aristocracy,
short, strophic and syllabic, homophonic
juan del encina
leading composer of villancicos
italian composer sparked a movement during which his sonntes and others poems were analyzed, disussed, edited and imitated
early madrigals of the 16th
they turned to petrach for their texts
its popularity dominated the secular music
settings of a short poem rather fixed patterns of repettition.
in contrast to frottola, marigal poetry was artful and elevated tone
leading composer of the 16th italian madrigal
Jacques Arcadelt
Church musicians
transferred skills in sacred polyphony to writing secular madrigals
The famous madrigal IL BIANCO E DOLCE CINGO contrasts the swans literal death with his own figurative death
He used imitation in the voices, four voices, same melodic figures to accentuate repetition
another madrigal composer
cipriano de rore
flemish by birth
wowrked in italy
he worked with the sense and feeling of the poem
divided the ensemble into higher and lower gropuings to distinguish subtly between the lovers voices as they are about to apart
theorists in the mid 16th embraced
pointing to chromatic and enharmonic tetrachords discussed by greek writers
carlo gusaldo
infuenced by vinentio,
assosiated with chromaticsm at the end of the century
he was a murderer, killed his wife
dramatizes and intensifies the anthitese in the poetry by sudden ccontrast indiatonic and chromatic passages
claudio monteverdi
wrote 8 books of madrigals
smooth combination of homophonic and contrapuntal writing
free use of chromatisici mand dissoance, sensetive to sound and meaning of text
english madrigal composers
thomas morely
thomas weelkes
wrote canzonets and ballets as well as madrigals all based on italian models.
composed his ballet SING WE AND CHANT IT
in imitation of giovanni giacomo gastoldi songs
dance like meter
elements of its text,
wrote 25 other madrigals based on other songs.
the lute song 1600
personal genre than the madrigal
overall mode with much less words
printer in one books
the lute part is in tablature which is a notation system that tell. which string to pluck
john dowland 1563-1626
flow my tears from his second book of ayres
form of processional dance pavane, italian
three repeated section
aabbcC pattern
the role of instruments in 16th
doubled and even sometimes replaced voices in sacred and secular pplyphonic
the lowest part of madrigal or chanson was reduced for a lute or board
accompaniment of the melody performed by the soloist