french and italian in the 14th Flashcards
14th century
is about the black death,
hundred years of war,
the popes authority was questioned
composers of secular
- Guillaume de machaut: france
- Francesco landin: italy
- both focused on secular music
Philip the Vitry
> A treaties called the ars nova attributed to him ,
French musician
> wrote five of the motets in the roman de fauvel (narrative poem satirrizing political corruption
> > their tenors provide the easrlierst examples of isorhythm (equal rhythm)
Ars nova
the style and technique is based on rhythm and notation
Roman de fauvel
- narrative poem
- 169 pieces within the poem
- ars nova motets
- tenors are in isorhytmic or identical rhythme and might recuure as many as ten times,
talea and color
Recurring methods in motet tenors, rhytmic and melodic
> the repeating rhytmic unit was “talea”
reccuring segment of melody “color”
> In some motets, the tale and color do not coincide so that repetittion of color begin in the middle of a talea
Machaut’s motets
traditional method:
>borrowed tenors support two other voices
>longer and more rhytimivally complex
> 19 masses are isorhythmic
> emphasized talea recurrences by a technique called hocket
two voices alternate to rapid succession,
one resting while other sings
practitioner of the ars nova in france
great composer of monophony courtly lyrics
wrote motets, monophonic virelasi, polyphonic chansons
francessco landini
italian musician of the trecento
composed for his own pleasure
Wrote 140 ballate
Two voices singing same text like the madrigals
Solo voice with twi accompanying nontext voices
Melismatic passages
Landini cadances
Antonio squarcialupi
> florentine organist
created squarcialupi codex
The codex included three types of compositions:
>ballata: dance song
Ballata later becomes popular and it betrays the treble dominated french chansons
Love poems usually set for two voices
Musically unifying device for tenors in motets
(Equal rhythm)
Tenors are laid out in segments of equal rhythm
Two voices alternating in rapid succession, one singing, while the other rests
Italian trecento
Secular songs of italy