Vocabulary C-E Flashcards
Cadaveric Lividity (Livor Mortis)
Intravascular red-blue discoloration resulting from postmortem hypostasis of blood
Dead human body used for medical purposes
Cadaveric Spasm (Instantaneous Rigor)
Immediate stiffening of the muscles of a dead human body
Superior portion of the cranium removed during cranial autopsy
Semi-permeable minute blood vessels allowing for the diffusion of arterial embalming fluid
Circumscribed inflammation of the skin and deeper tissues that ends in suppuration and is accompanied by systemic symptoms
A cancer-causing chemical or material
Case Analysis (Embalming Analysis)
Evaluation of the dead body prior to, during, and after the embalming procedure is completed
Case Report (Embalming Report)
Detailed listing of body conditions and treatments performed by funeral personnel for all bodies received into a facility for preparation
Cavity Embalming
Direct treatment of the contents of the body cavities and the lumina of the hollow viscera; usually accomplished by aspiration and injection of chemicals using a trocar
Cavity Fluid
Concentrated embalming chemical injected into the cavities of the body following the aspiration of the body; Can also be used in hypodermic and surface embalming
Cellular Death
Death of the individual cells of the body
Center of Arterial Solution Distribution
Ascending aorta and/or arch of the aorta
Center of Venous Drainage
Right atrium of the heart
Centrifugal Force Machine
Embalming machine that uses an electrical pump to create pressure either pulsating or non-pulsating
Application of chemical agents in the treatment of disease in humans, primarily cancer, causing an elevated preservative demand
Clinical Death
Phase of somatic death lasting from 5-6 minutes in which life may be restored
Closed Drainage System
Procedure that limits exposure to drainage by attaching tubing to a drain tube allowing drainage to flow directly from a vein into a sanitary disposal system
Coagulating Agents
Chemical and physical agents that bring about coagulation
Process of converting soluble protein to insoluble protein by heating or contact with a chemical such as alcohol or an aldehyde, solidification of a sol into a gelatinous mass
Co-injection Fluid
Primarily used to supplement and enhance the action of vascular (arterial) solutions
Communicable Disease
Disease that may be transmitted either directly or indirectly between individuals by an infectious agent
Concurrent Disinfection
Disinfection practices carried out during the embalming process
Concurrent Drainage
Method of drainage in which drainage occurs continuously during vascular (arterial) injection
Contaminated Sharps
Any contaminated object that can penetrate the skin including needles, scalpels, broken glass, and exposed ends of wires
Transparent part of the tunic of the eyeball that covers the iris and pupil and admits light into the interior
ELected or appointed official of a local community who may or may not gave medical training and holds inquests concerning sudden, violent, and unexplained deaths
Cosmetic Fluid
Arterial fluid that contains active dyes intended to restore a more natural skin tone
Technique using active dye in an attempt to cover internal discolorations such a jaundice
Crackling sensation produced when gases trapped in tissues are palpated, as in subcutaneous emphysema or tissue gas
Creutzfeld-Jakob Diseases/CJD
Rare degenerative disease of the brain caused by a prion
Cribriform Plate
Thin medial portion of the ethmoid bone of the skull
Irreversible cessation of all vital functions
Death Rattle
Noise made by a moribund person caused by air passing through a residue of mucous in the trachea and posterior oral cavity
Death Struggle
Semi-convulsive twitches that often occur before death
Decomposition of proteins by enzymes of aerobic bacteria
Decedent Care Report
Documentation of body conditions and subsequent treatments when sheltering, or preparing a body for visual identification prior to cremation; or for a body received from another facility
Separation of compounds into simpler substances by the action of microbial and/or autolytic enzymes
Loss of moisture from body tissue, which may occur antemortem or postmortem; the removal of water from a substance
Extreme dehydration often resulting in post embalming discolorations
Desquamation / Skin Slip
Separation of the epidermis from the underlying dermis
Separation of substances in solution on the basis of differences in their ability to pass through a semipermeable membrane
Differential Pressure
Difference between potential and actual pressure
Any abnormal color in or upon the human body
An agent, usually chemical, applied to inanimate objects/surfaces to destroy most disease-causing microbial agents, excluding bacterial spores
Destruction and/or inhibition of most pathogenic organisms and their products in or on the body
Drain Tube
Drainage instrument used to aid in the removal of venous blood
Removal of blood, blood clots, interstitial and lymphatic fluid, and arterial solution during vascular embalming, usually through a vein
Drench Shower
OSHA required safety device for a release of a copious amount of water in a short time
Dry Gangrene (Ischemic Necrosis)
necrosis resulting from localized deprivation of arterial blood supply
Bruising discoloration of the skin caused by the escape of blood into extravascular tissues
Electric Aspirator
Device that uses a motor to create a suction for the purpose of aspiration
Electric Spatula (Tissue Reducer)
Electrically heated blade which may be used to dry moist tissue, reduce swollen tissue, and restore contour
Process of chemically treating the dead human body to reduce the presence and growth of microorganism, to temporarily inhibit organic decomposition, and restore an acceptable physical appearance
Engineering Controls
Mechanical systems and devices of a facility designed to minimize exposure to occupational hazards
To remove as by cutting out; the area from which tissue has been removed
Exposure Incident
Specific eye, mouth, other mucous membrane, non-intact skin, or parenteral contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials that results from the performance of an employee’s duties
Loss of blood to the point where life can no longer be sustained
Eye Cap
A thin, dome-like plastic shell placed beneath eyelids to restore nature curvature and to maintain the position of posed eyelids
Outside the blood vascular system
Eye Enucleation
Removal of the eye tissue for transplantation, research and education
Eyewash Station
OSHA required emergency safety device providing a steady stream of water from flushing the eye