Chapter 23,24,25 Quiz Flashcards
Proteolytic Enzymes
Specialized enzymes that break down protein
Average Body Protein Ratio
- 65 kg/10.7kg (150lbs/23.58946 lbs)
Discolorations due to chemotherapeutic agents
- Yellow discoloration from Jaundice
- discolorations caused by hemolysis, hemorrhages, ecchymosis and purpura
What neutralizes formaldehyde?
Nitrogenous waste
Affects of chemotherapeutic agents on the liver
- drugs may change to an innocuous form by hepatic enzymes
- drug may cause changes in the liver itself
- Both these changes can cause jaundice
Corticosteroidal and anti-inflammatory effects
- Can negatively affect organs
- decrease permeability of the cell membrane
- Can change liver function
- Can change kidney function
- change biochemical constituents of blood: damage blood cells
- Blocked circulatory system
- cause damage to arteries and veins
- damage to the skin: hemorrhages, ecchymosis, purpura
Types of drugs used to treat leukemia and various cancers
Opiod use
Radioactive isotopes and their effects
Embalming facts concerning diabetes
General information about purge
Ways purge can develop
Specific purge contents
Pre-embalming purge
Methods of preventing post embalming purge
Similarities between true tissue/decomp gas and gangrene
Differences between true tissue/decomp gas and gangrene
Viewing without embalming information
Human remains shipping
Preparation of the casket or shipping container
Receiving human remains