vocab test 3 Flashcards
increased adrenal gland activity seen at onset of puberty
intersexual genetalia
anbigupous genitalia
synthetic estrogen
class of tumors that originate in either the egg or the sperm
germ cell tumor
loss of primordial germ cells in gonads of embryo
gonadal dysgenisis
having both male and female sexual charectoristics
vascular tumer of adrenal gland
early on set of puberty
precocious puberty
individual with external genitalia of one sex and the internal sex organs of another sex
malignancy derived from striated or skeletal muscle
nodule projecting from a thickened cyst wall usually ovarian in origin
rokitansky nodule
start of breast development at the onset of puberty
genetic syndrome characterized by an X and O chromosome combination resulting in a female with premature ovarian failure and lack of puberty
turner syndrome
pregnant woman’s cervix begins to dilate before pregnancy has reached term
cervical incompetence
mental/ physical traits, anomalies, malformations or disease
ring like area of tissue that represents opening of vaginal canal
congenital caused by failure of degeneration of central epithelial cells of hymenal membrane
imperforate hymen
patient bears down like having a bowel movement
valsalva meneuver
congenital fusion of cervical spine, assoc with MRKH syndrome
klippel-feil syndrome
reconstructive surgery on uterus used to primarily correct septate
small opening especially one if enterenc to into a hollow organ
absence of one or both kidneys
renal agenisis
uterus didelphys with obstructed unilateral vagina and associated ipsilateral renal and utreter agenisis
WHW syndrome
complete failure of the median septum to be reabsorbed
septate uterus
partial failure of the median septum to be reabsorbed
subseptate uterus
complete absence of uterus
unterine aplasia
mildest fusion anomally resulting in partial indentation of the uterine fundus with a normal endo cavity
uterus arcuatus
anomally that results in one vag two cerv and two uterine horns
uterus bicornus bicollis
anomally resulting in two vag two cerv two horns
uterus didelphys
anomally resulting in one vag one cerv one horn
uterus unicornis unicollis