chapter 3 Flashcards
complication of uterine and vaginal malformations do not occur from
distal ductal regression
germ cells that migrate from the yolk to the gonal region ofrm
genital ridges becoming sex cords
apoptosis is related to
regression of the uterine septum
anomallies related to abnormal differenciation of wolffian and mullerian ducts are of
renal origin
ductal segmanets that create the uterovaginal canal forming the uterus cervix and majority of the vagina originate as
mullarian ducts
uterine septal anomalies such as complete septum are result of
bc12 gene absence
thickened sinusal tubercle develops into a sinovaginal bulb which becomes
the lower on fifth of the vagina
mullarian duct anomalies are not associated with the
unilateral arrested mullarian ducts cause
uturus unicornis unicollis
a hypoplastic uterus produces
a small endo and myo
the most frequent location of a transverse vaginal septum is the
junction of the upper and middle third of the vaginal canal
which ultrasound scanning plane is most helpful in diagnosing vaginal malformation such as atresia
sonohysterography is also known as
uterus bicornis bicollis and uterus bicornus unicollis result from
partial fusion failure
cervical incopetence is reported mostly with a
bicornuate uterus
which mullerian anomaly is most associated with renal agenisis
uterus didelphys
failure of uterine median septum resorption results in
septate uterus
the most common mullarian duct anomally
septate uterus
des an estrogen used from 1948 to 1971 does not effect the
anomalies of the fallopian tubes include
luminal atresia
absent muscular layer
absent ampula
mullarian ducts fuse by
10 wks
tense buldgeing membrane would be diagnosed as
imperforate hymen