Vocab Quiz #5: (A: Wednesday 5/6; B: Thursday 5/7) Flashcards
Turning point of the Revolutionary War - The French helped the colonists after this
People who work during a strike
Deragatory term used for Southerners who supported Northern policies during Reconstruction
Native American tribe from Florida who fought to keep their land, but were defeated
Women’s rights convention held in the early 1800’s
Seneca Falls Convention
Principle stating that we should divide the legislative, executive, and judicial functions of Government into separate branches.
Separation of Powers
Revolt led by a Rev. War veteran because he wasn’t getting his pension - Demonstrated a major weakness of the Articles of Confederation
Shay’s Rebellion
Law passed in the early 1900’s to prevent businesses from controlling all parts of an industry
Sherman Antitrust Act
Colonial tax on royal notarization - This was the first direct tax on the colonies & angered the colonists
Stamp Act
Concept stating that individual states should be able to determine whether they follow a Federal law or not - This was a major cause of the Civil War
States’ Rights
People who believe that the Constitution should be followed literally - we cannot do anything unless it specifically states it
Strict Constructionists
People who believe that the Constitution can be stretched to apply to different situations at different times - we can do anything it doesn’t specifically forbid
Loose Constructionists
Proposed tax in imported goods that the South hated & SC threatened to nullify because it would have greatly increased prices
Tariff of Abominations
Farmers created these groups in the late 1800’s to deal with political issues relating to farmers (shipping prices, inflation, etc.)
The Grange
Military tactic in which all of an enemy’s territory and propery is burned, looted, destroyed, or killed. Used in Sherman’s March to the Sea.
Total War
Treaty ending the Revolutionary War
Treaty of Paris
Book written by Harriet Beecher Stowe to expose the evils of slavery to a northern audience
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Organizations of employees working together to negotiate with management over issues in the workplace
Statements passed in two states explaining why they would not enforce the Alien & Sedition Acts in the early 1800’s
VA & KY Resolutions
Plan brought to the Constitutional Convention that would have given states congressional representation based on the size of each state’s population
VA Plan
Battle in which the Union gained control of the Mississippi River
Founder of the NAACP
W.E.B. DuBois
Uprising over an tax on alcohol during the nation’s early years - George Washington led troops out himself to put it down
Whiskey Rebellion
Populist Presidential candidate who gave the “Cross of Gold” speech and later served as prosecutor at the Scopes Monkey Trial
William Jennings Bryan
Abolitionist newspaper publisher who called for immediate emancipation, but still held some racist views
William Lloyd Garrison
Quaker known for founding Pennsylvania as a well planned, religiously tolerant colony.
William Penn
Civil War General remembered for using Total War on his March to the Sea
William Tecumseh Sherman
Proposed law that would have prohibited slavery in any land purchased from Mexico - It failed & made the South want to keep a balance in Congress between northern & southern states
Wilmot Proviso
Site where a number of surrendering Native Americans were massacred at the end of the Indian Wars
Wounded Knee
Contracts stating the the employee will not join a Union - These were often used in the late 1800’s to prevent unions from organizing
Yellow Dog Contracts
Final battle of the Revolutionary War