Standard 4 - Terms & Definitions for Brainscape Flashcards
Amendment giving women the right to vote
19th Amendment
Leader of the women’s suffrage movement who used protests and hunger strikes to gain attention for the movement.
Alice Paul
Negotiation between unions and management
Forcing one group (Indians) to take on cultural characteristics of another group (white men)
Carnegie’s process used to turn iron into steel
Bessemer Process
Indians depended on them to survive, but RR companies hired men to kill them because they blocked RR track
Destroyed many crops in the south - Many AA sharecroppers moved north
Boll Weevil
Economic system with private ownership of property that can be used to make a profit
US Steel - Introduced the Bessemer Process to the US - Believed in the Gospel of Wealth
Leader of the women’s sufffrage movement who believed that the right to vote for women should be won at the state level
Carrie Chapman Catt
Law preventing Chinese from coming into the US - Passed after the Chinese helped complete the transcontinental RR
Chinese Exclusion Act
Speech given by William Jennings Bryan encouraging silver to be added to the $$ supply - Connected to the Populist movement
Cross of Gold Speech
Case where the government first recognizes contracts as binding
Dartmouth v. Woodward
Law granting Indians large amounts of land if they behaved like “Good white citizens” for 25 years
Dawes Act
Native American ceremony they believed would rid their land of the white men
Ghost Dance
Case determining that the federal government can control interstate commerce
Gibbons v. Ogden
Carnegie believed that it was the duty of the rich to give of their wealth to help the poor
Gospel of Wealth
Many AA’s moved from the south to the north at the end of the 1800’s because of bad crops, Jim Crow, etc.
Great Migration
Law granting land to settlers promising to build a home on it
Homestead Act
Author who wrote “rags to riches” stories
Horatio Alger
Buying all of one kind of industry (ex. All car producers)
Horizontal Integration
Wars fought to remove Indians from their lands in the west
Indian Wars
Law passed by Congress to limit prices RR’s could charge farmers to transport their crops - severely limited by the Supreme Court
Interstate Commerce Act
Founder of “Hull House”, which taught skills to immigrants to help them integrate into American society
Jane Addams
Idea that government should keep its hands off the economy
Laissez-faire capitalism
Journalists in the early 1900’s who reported on social problems & political corruption
Belief that immigrants are bad and should be kept out of the US
Congressional act giving land to RR companies in order to complete the transcontinental RR
Pacific Railway Act
Political organizations in big cities that helped immigrants in order to gain power
Political Machines
Political organization made up of farmers & others - wanted silver added to the money supply (William Jennings Bryan / Cross of Gold)
Overproduction drove down prices
Problem of Farmers
Group that wanted the government to deal with problems of crime, poverty, sanitation, etc.
RR strike - the military was called out & many were arrested - the Sherman Anti-Trust act was used to prosecute strikers
Pullman Strike
First time the military was called to put down a strike
Railway Strike of 1877
Standard Oil - Organized trusts & used many tricks to control the oil market
Derogatory term for people who work during a strike
Law passed to break up trusts - eventually used to break up unions instead
Sherman Antitrust Act
Belief that survival of the fittest should apply to society (if people are poor, they should be allowed to die off)
Social Darwinism
Women who campaigned for the right to vote in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s
Organization created to address the concerns of farmers
The Grange
Corporation made up of many corporations
Shorter hours, better pay, better working conditions
Union Goals
Organization made up of workers to address their problems
Muckraker journalist best known for writing “The Jungle”, which was a book about lax standards in the meat industry
Upton Sinclair
Populist presidential candidate who gave the “Cross of Gold” speech - Ran for President against McKinley - lost; He later prosecuted the Scopes monkey trial
William Jennings Bryan
Site where many Native Americans were massacred after surrendering to the military.
Wounded Knee
Contract where workers promise not to join unions
Yellow Dog Contracts