Vocab 5 Flashcards
Shingo’s seven wastes
Overproduction waste of waiting waste of transportation waste of stocks waste of motion waste of making defects waste of processing itself
shipping manifest
Document listing the pieces in a shipment. Usually covers entire load regardless of whether one destination or multiple destinations
single-level bill of material
Display of components that are directly used in a parent item
six sigma
Methodology the furnishes tools for improvement of business processes. Intent is to decrease process variation and improve product quality.
Abbreviation for goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable/Attainable, Relevant/Realistic, Timely
Variability of an action. Often measured by the range of standard deviation of a particular dimension
standard costs
The target costs of an operation, process, or product including direct materials, direct labor, and overhead charges
standard time
Length of time that should be required to set up the machine and run one batch through the operation
statistical process control (SPC)
Application of statistical techniques to monitor and adjust an operation.
stock-out costs
These costs may include lost sales, backorder costs, expediting, and addtl. manufacturing and purchasing costs
stock-out percentage
A measure of the effectiveness with which a company responds to actual demand or requirements
A storage point located upstream of a work station intended to make it easier to see customer requirements
strategic plan
The plan for how to marshal and determine actions to support the missions, goals, and objectives of an organization
summarized bill of material
Form of multilevel BOM that lists all the parts and quantities required for a given product. Does not list the levels of manufacture. Only lists each component once for the total quantity needed
supplier certification
Certification procedures verifying that a supplier operates, maintains, improves, and documents effective procedures procedures that relate to the customers’ requirements
supplier lead time
The amount of time that normally elapses between the time an order is received by a supplier and the time the order is shipped
supplier relationship management (SRM)
Comprehensive approach to managing the interactions with a supplier. Goal is to streamline the processes involved with the supply processes
supply chain
global network used to delivery products and services from raw materials to end customers through an engineered flow of information, physical distribution, and cash
supply chain management
design, planning, execution, control, and monitoring of supply chain activities with objective of creating net value
tactical plan(s)
The set of functional plans (mktg plan, production plan, sales plan) synchronizing activities across functions that specify production levels, capacity levels, staffing levels, funding levels, and so on, for achieving the INTERMEDIATE GOALS AND OBJECTIVES to support the organization’s strategic plan
takt time
Sets the pace of production to match the rate of customer demand and becomes the heartbeat of any lean production system
A place where vehicles are loaded and unloaded. Several functions such as weighing cargo and rerouting cargo are performed at terminals
theory of constraints (TOC)
A holistic management philosophy developed by Goldratt that is based on the principle that complex systems exhibit inherent simplicity.
theory of constraints accounting
Accounting system that accumulates costs and revenues into 3 areas – throughput, inventory, operating expense
The rate at which the system generates “goal units”
time bucket
A number of days of data summarized into a columnar or row-wise display. A weekly time bucket would contain all of the relevant data for an entire week
time-phased order point (TPOP)
Time planning logic technique for independent demand items. Comes from a forecast, not a BOM explosion
total cost curve
In breakeven analysis, the ____ is composed of total fixed and variable costs per unit, multiplied by the number of units provided. Breakeven quantity occurs where the total cost curve and total sales revenue curve intersect
total costs
Considering all cost impacts on customer service improvement
total productive maintenance (TPM)
Preventative maintenance plus continuing efforts to adapt, modify, and refine equipment to increase flexibility, reduce material handling, and promote continuous flows. It is operator-oriented maintenance with the involvement of all qualified employees in all maintenance activities
total quality management (TQM)
Participation of all members of an organization in improving processes, goods, services, and the culture in which they work
tracking signal (forecasting)
Ratio of deviations between the forecasts and a mean absolute deviation. Signals when validity of forecasting model is in doubt
Department responsible for arranging most economical classification and method of shipment for both incoming and outgoing products
transaction channel
Distribution network dealing with change of ownership of good and services. Negotiation, selling, and contracting
Function of planning, scheduling, and controlling activities related to the mode, vendor, and movement of inventories into and out of an organization
two-bin inventory system
Fixed-order system. Replenishment quantity is ordered when the first bin is empty. During replenishment lead time the material from the second bin is used
two-card kanan system
A kanban system where a move card and production card are employed. The move authorizes the movement of a specific number of parts from a source to a point of use. The production card authorizes the production of a given number of parts for use or replenishment
uniform plant loading
In lean, the distribution of work between work stations sot hat the time required for each station to complete all tasks is as close to equal as possible
UN Global Compact Management Model
framework to guide companies through process of formally committing to, assessing, defining, implementing, measuring, and communicating the United Nations Global Compact principles
A measure of how intensively a resource is being used to produce a good or service. ____ compares actual time used to available time
unit load
A shipping unit made up of a number of items arranged so they can be picked up and moved as a single unit
value chain analysis
Examination of all the links used to produce a companies good and services.
value stream mapping
A graph displaying the sequence of operations needed to produce and deliver a product or service
VATI Analysis
In theory of constraints – Procedure for determining the general flow of parts and products from raw materials to finished products
vendor-managed inventory (VMI)
Optimization means whereby supplier has access to customer’s inventory data and is responsible for maintaining a specified inventory level requirement set by the customer
visual review system
A simple inventory control system where the inventory reordering is based on actually looking at the amount of inventory on hand. Usually used for low-value items, such as nuts and bolts
voice of the customer (VOC)
Actual customer descriptions in words for the functions an features customers desire for goods and services
wait time
The time a job remains at a work center after an operation is complete until it is moved to the next operation
wall-to-wall inventory
An inventory management technique in which material enters a plant and is processed through the plant into finished goods without ever having entered a formal stock area
wave picking
Method of selecting and sequencing picking lists or items in order to minimize the waiting time of the delivered material
Document containing a list of goods with shipping instructions related to a single shipment
Paths over which a transportation company moves cargo, including right-of-way, roadbed, and railroad tracks. ____ may be publicly or privately owned
work cell
Dissimilar machines grouped together into a production unit to produce a family of parts having similar routings
work center
A specific production area, consisting of one or more people and/or machines with similar capabilities, that can be considered as one unit for purposes of capacity requirements planning and detailed scheduling
work order
Specific production area, consisting of one or more people/machines with similar capabilities. Can be considered as one unit for purpose of capacity requirements planning and detailed scheduling.
A warehouse location methodology that includes some of the characteristics of fixed and random location methods
zone picking
A method of subdividing a picking list by areas within a storeroom for more efficient and rapid order picking