Vocab Flashcards
المُبتَدَء (Definite-مَعرِفَة ). The word that starts the sentence. The word that starts the sentence will often be definite. By definite we are referring to one specific thing like this chair. Showing something is definite is usually by preceeding with ال/هاذا/or someones name
(Indefitine -نَكِرَة)
أَلخَبَر- Completes the meaning after the المُبتَدَء .Example in sentence that completes the sentence that is being described. Eg the description in the man in tall- i.e. the word tall is the Khabar
He said/he is saying/ say
Say (female)
He was upright/ He is standing up(or being upright)/Stand up (or Be upright)
I heard the adhaan
سَمِعتُ الأَذَانَ
I read the letter
قَرَأتُ الرِّسالةَ
I wrote to my father
كَتَبتُ الَى أََبي
The judge is writing the contract
يَكتُبُ القاضي العَقَدَ
Fatimah looked at the moon
نَظَرَت فاطِمَةُ الا القَمَ
Study well
أُدرُس جَيِّدًا
Aminah studied engineering
دَرَسَت آمِنَة الهَندَسَة
He rode/he is riding/ ride
I rode the horse
رَكِبتُ الخَيلَ
ride/ get on board the boat
إِركَبْ فِي السَّفينَةِ
I walked to the masjid
مشيتُ الى المَسجِد
Suad walks to the school
تَمْشي سواعد الى المدرسة
-I asked the teacher (female) a question
سَأَلتُ المُدَرِّسَةَ سُؤَالاً
Became Complete(or perfect)/completing/ become complete- (not commonly used)
the month was complete
-كَمُلَ شَهرُ
(not commonly used - He found/ He is finding/ /Find
Muhammad will find his keys in the future in shaa Allah.
سَوفَ يجِدُ مُحمَدٌ المِفتَاحَ إِن شا الله
سَيجدُ can also be said instead of سَوفَ. Here the س takes the place of سوف
I did not
She wrote
He wrote- كَتَبَ
With the female verb you add a ت at the end
In arabic, the verb usually preceeds the name of the person being described which usually has a dhamma. The thing being done then comes third and usually has a fatha on the last letter.
Maryam listened to the adhaan
سَمِعَت مَريَمُ الَأذَانَ
Walked- female and male
مَشَت (f)
مَشَىا (m)
Made dua - male and female
دَعا (m)
دَعَت (f)
Aminah is writing the letter
تَكتُبُ آمِنَةُ الرِّسالَةَ
The two dots on the bottom (ي) become two dots on the top (ت)in a sentence with female. In a male word it would be يَكتُبُ
Yasir is teaching Muhammad
يُدَرِّسُ ياسِرٌ مُحمَّدًا
The person who’s name has a dhamma tayn at the end is the one doing the verb (teaching), and the one with the fatha is the student
Suad is teaching Aaishah
تُدَرِّسُ سُعادُ عائِشَةَ
The person who’s name has a dhamma at the end is the one doing the verb (teaching), and the one with the fatha is the student
Muhammad will write the letter in the future
سَيَكتُبُ مُحمَّدٌ الرِّسالَة
س /سَوفَ- sawfa is a bit more in the future, than sa
No he has not written
لا ما كَتَب
Muhammad rode a horse
رَكِبَ مُحَمَّدٌ فرسً
and Aminah also rode a horse
وَرَكِبَتْ آمِنَتُ فَرَساً أَيضً
Maryam asked the teacher a question
سأَلَت مَريَمُ المُدَرِّسَةَ سُؤَالاً
Abbas found the car
وَجَدَ عبَّاسٌ السَّيَّارَتَ
Fatimah did not find the bike
ما وجَدَت فاطِمَةُ الدَّرَّاجَة
Willed/ willling
And ali did not read the book
وَما قَرَأَ عَلي الكِتابَ
The book is on the desk
الكِتابُ على المكتَبِ
He is from Saudi arabia
هُوَ مِنْ السَّعُودِيَّة
Belongs to/ for
The book belongs to muhammad
الكِتابُ لِمُحَمَّدٍ
With/ by
Yusuf went by car/went with the
ذَهَبَ يُوسُفُ بالسَيّارَة
Ibrahim talked about the sun
تَحَدَّثَ إِبراهيمُ عَنِ الشَّمس