Arabic- verbs Flashcards
who wrote on the book
مَنْ كَتَبَ على الكِتابِ
The book belongs to yusuf
الكِتابُ لِيُوسُفَ (Here yusuf has a fatha at the end as you would put for a female name because it is a foreign name.
Zainab ate from the plate
أَكَلَت زَينَبُ مِن الصَّحنِ
He has left and he is going to the masjid
خَرَجَ وَذَهَبَ إِِلى االمَسجِد
Muhammad studied in Madinah
دَرَسَ مُحمَّدٌ بِالمَدينَةِ (This is how they say it in arabic instead of في)
I wrote the letter
كَتَبتُ الرِّسالَةَ
We wrote the letter
كَتَبنَا الرِّسالَةَ
I drank/ we drank
We are saying, we are doctors
نَقولُ نَحنُ أََطِبَّاءُ
I left the masjid
خَرَجتُ مِنَ المَسجِد
He sought information/ an explanation
I sought an explanation/ information
I said
We said
I remembered
I am honoured to meet you
تَشَرَّفتُ بِلِقائِك
What is the capital city of your country
ما عاصِمَةُ بَلَدِك
Bit by bit in shaa Allah
شَيئاًفَشَيئاً إِنْ شا ءَ اللّٰه
the capital city of my country is Riyadh
عاصِمَةُ بَلَدي الرِّياضُ
I was born a Muslim
أَنا مُسلِمٌ مُنذُ مَوْلِدِي
I am reading the kitaab
أَقرَأُ الكِتابَ-
zainab is reading the kitaab
تَقرَأُ زينَبُ أَلكِتابَ
I asked the teacher
سَأَلتُ المدَرِسَ
We asked the teacher
سَأَلنا المُدَرِّسَ
I am asking the teacher
أَسأَلُ المُدَرِّسَ
We are asking the teacher
نَسأَلُ المُدَرِّس
I walked to the masjid
مَشَيتُ الى المَسجِد
Should I walk to the school
هَل أَمشي الى المدرَسَة
The mother said go by car
قالت اَلاُمُ: إِذهَب با لسَّيار
Should I walk home
هـَل أَمشي الى البيتِ
We are writing a letter to the teacher
نكتُبُ رِسالةً الى المُدرِس
wanted / wants/ want
أَرادَ/ يُريدُ/أَرِدْ
Allah wants for you ease
يُرِيدُ الله بِكُم اليُسر
I want to leave
أُريدُ أَن أَخرُجَ
fell / falling/ fall
سَقَطَ/ يَسقُطُ/أُسقُط
Muhammad fell on the ground
سَقَطَ مُحَمَّدٌ على الأرض
Gave/ giving/ give
أَعْطَى ا/يُعطِي/ أَعطِ
Give all those who have a right, their right(Hadith)
أَعْطِ كُلِّ ذِي حَقً حقَّهُ
Took/taking /take
I took the book from the library
أَخَذتُ الكِتابَ مِنَ المَكتَبِ
He hit /Hitting/ hit
Muhammad hit the floor with his hand
ضَرَبَ مُحَمَّدٌ بِيَدِهِ الارض
Did you hit ammar whilst he is your brother - The و here means whilst not and.
عَمِلَ/يَعمَلُ/إِعمَل- Worked/Working/ work
أَتَضرِبُ عَمّارً وَهُوَ أَخوك؟
The و here means whilst not and.
Worked/Working/ work
what are you doing / up to now?
ما ذا تَعمَلُ الانَ
What are you up to now o zainab ?
ما ذا تَعمَلينَ الآنَ يا زَينَب-
Did/doing/ do
فَعَلَ/يَفعَلُ/ إِفعَل
Hamzatul wasl- hidden hamzah that you don’t pronounce if it’s not at the beginning
Waited/ waiting/ wait
Zainab is waiting for the exam
تَنتَظِرُ زَينَبُ الاءِختَبارَ
Wait a little
إِنتَظِر قليلً