Vitamins & Minerals Flashcards
Fat soluble, stored in the liver; carotene is precursor, provitamins converted in intestinal mucosa cells
Vitamin A
Functions of vitamin A
Skin and vision
Sources of vitamin A
Yellow, orange fruits; dark green leafy vegetables
Cantaloupe, fish, liver, carrots, fortified skim milk, apricots, sweet potato
Three results of vitamin a deficiency
Night blindness (nyctalopia) - reversible
Xerophthalmia (corneal damage) - not reversible
Dry, scaly skin (hyperkaratosis)
Precursor of vitamin D
7 dehydrocholesterol –D3 cholecalciferol – D2 ergo calciferol
Rickets and osteomalacia are caused by deficiencies of what vitamin?
Vitamin D
Calcium and phosphorous metabolism is the function of…
Vitamin D
Egg yolk and fortified milk
Sources of vitamin D
Functions: antioxidant, resists destruction of RBC
Sources: vegetable oils, almonds, green vegetables, whole grains
Deficiency can lead to hemolytic anemia
Vitamins E / tocopherol
Synthesized by bacteria in lower GI Tract; forms prothrombin in the liver
Vitamin K
Needed for calcium metabolism. Deficiency can lead to hemorrhage.
Vitamin K
Vitamin K can be affected by:
Mineral oil, antibiotics, anticoagulants
Oxidation of carbohydrates
Metabolism of pyruvate to acetyle CoA
Beriberi is a deficiency related to deficiency in:
Muscle weakness, memory loss, tachycardia, loss of sensation
Sources of thiamin/B1
Grains, wheat germ, pork, liver
Thiamin deficiency can cause an increase in what lab value?
Plasma Pyruvate
Name for Vitamin B2
Functions of riboflavin
Energy release from protein
Red cell production
Sources of riboflavin
Liver, kidney, meat, milk
Growth failure, cheilosis, angular stomatitis, and magneta tongue are symptoms of what deficiency?
Nutrient essential in all cells for energy production and metabolism (carbs, protein and fat)
Sources of niacin
Protein, peanuts, cereal, chicken, rice, yeast, milk
Enrichment of grains include these vitamins:
Thiamin, riboflavin, niacin
What are the three D’s of pellagra?
Dementia, dermatitis, diarrhea
Pellagra and a beefy, bright red tongue are symptoms of what deficiency?
Para-amino benzoin acid is precursor
Functions: DNA synthesis, forms RBC in bone marrow, prevents neural tube defects
Sources of folate
Fortified dry cereals, liver, kidney, green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, lentils, beans
Folate deficiency leads to
Megaloblastic, macrocytic anemia
Coenzyme in amino acid metabolism - deamination and transamination
Higher intake in protein requires increased
Sources of B6
Meat and grains:
Meat, wheats corn, yeast, pork, liver, cereal
Deficiency symptoms:
Seizures, anemia, dermatitis, glossitis, peripheral neuropathy
Contains cobalt
Bound by intrinsic factor in gastric juice
Coenzyme in protein synthesis
Forms red blood cells