Lifespan Nutrition Flashcards
Pregnancy weight gain: BMI
28-40 lbs
Pregnancy weight gain: BMI 25-29.9
15-25 lbs
Pregnancy weight gain: BMI >30
11-20 lbs
Additional calorie needs during 2nd trimester?
340 cals
Additional calorie needs during 3rd trimester?
452 cals
Additional calorie needs during lactation in first 6 months?
330 cals
Additional calorie needs during lactation in 6-12 months?
400 cals
Protein needs during second half of pregnancy and lactation?
71 grams
Weight gain during first 3 months of pregnancy (per month)?
1 lb per month
Weight gain after first 3 months of pregnancy (per week)?
1 lb per week
At risk pregnancy factors:
Failure to gain 4lbs per month in last half of pregnancy
35 years of age
Three minerals important to pregnant adolescent? (Needs extra)
Calcium, iron, zinc
Supplements during pregnancy:
Ferrous sulfate- 30 mgs during 2nd and 3rd trimesters (taken between meals, not with milk, tea, or coffee)
Folic acid - 400 mcg (added to 200 from food =600)
Calcium - 1300 mg if under 18 years old; 1000 mg if over 18
Progesterone - develops placenta after implantation
Linolenic acid - development of fetal nervous system
A normal weight infant is how many grams?
2500-4000 grams
- 5 - 4 kg
- 5 - 8.8 lbs
A low birth weight infant weighs less than?
2500 grams
5.5 lbs
A very low birth weight baby weighs less than?
1500 grams
3.3 lbs
Extra low birth weight baby weighs…
Less than 1000 g
Small for gestational age
Appropriate for gestational age
10th to 90th percentile
Large for gestational age
> 90th percentile
Nutrient needs for 0-6 months
550 calories
9 g pro
125-155 ml/kg water
At least 30 g fat
Nutrient needs 7-12 months
700 calories
11 g pro
1.5 ml/kcal water
Weight and length parameters 0-6 months?
13 lbs
24 in
Weight and length parameters 7-12 months?
20 lbs
28 in
Human milk calories
20 calories per oz