Vitamins Flashcards
Vitamin D can be formed by _____ and naicine from_____ by the body
Vitamins can be classified into
Water soluble and fat soluble
Water soluble fats includ
B1( thiamine)
B2 ( Ribuffaxin)
Naicine ( nicotinic acid)
B5 (Pantothenic acid)
B6 (pyrodoxine)
Vit. B12 (Cobalamin)
Folic acid
And C (accorbic Acid)
When phosphorus is added to thaimine it’s converted?
It’s function
Thaimine Pyro phosphate which is a coenzyme for decarboxylation of keto acids
What are the enzymes that use TPP
Pyruvate decarboxylase
Pyruvate dehydrogenase
Branched chain alpha keto acid dehydrogenase
Alpha keto glutamate dehydrogenase
What are the sources of thaimine
Minimum requirements
Seeds, nuts, wheat, legumenious plants, lean meat
Adult–1. 0mg,
Infant& children–0. 4-1.3mg
Required intake increase in cases such as
Anoxia- shock, hemorrhage, hyperthyroidism, injury, illness, fever, pregnancy, lactation, increased carbohydrates intake
Deficiency in thiamine causes
Dry Beri beri & wet beri beri
Due to low plasma albumin and congestive cardiac failure
Symptoms of thiamine deficiency
Exhaustion, neuropathy, anorexia, cardiac disorders
Wenicke korsakoff syndrome found in alcoholic associated with thiamine deficiency
_____ is the component of the coenzyme FAD and FMN
Riboflavin, vit.B2
Riboflavin has ____ ring system binked by_____, which allows riboflavin to exist as____ and accept electrons either as pair or single
Linked by ribitol
Exist as semiquinone
____ and ____ can only accept electrons as pairs?
FMN and FAD is ____ dependent
Atp dependent
Riboflavin is mainly used in?
Energy metabolism of lipid and sugar
Sources of riboflavin
Meat, nut, legumes, milk, fish, egg
Normal riboflavin in adults, infants and children
Adults–1. 5-2.5
Infants–0. 6
Children–1-1. 8
Lack of riboflavin is non-fatal
Y Is nicotinic acid not really considered a vitamin
Bcuz it can be formed by tryptophan but it’s inefficient
60mg for 1
Nicotinic acid contains a ___ ring
Sources of nicotinic acid
Milk, lean meat, unrefined grain, cereals, tryptophan
Required nicotinic acid
For adults– 17-21
Deficiency in nicotinic acid causes
Diseases involving GIT & CNS
Deficiency of Pyrodoxal phosphate causes
Hypo chronic microcytic anemia
In infant causes convulsiin due to inactive glutamate decarboxylase
Bitulin is a coenzyme associated with
Carboxylation rxn
Sources of bitulin
Intestinal bacteria, liver, egg, peanut, milk
What can cause deficiency in bitulin
Excess consumption of white part of egg
Cabalanin(B__) has ____ ring
B12 tetrapyridine ring
B12 deficiency causes
Lack of intrinsic factors
Pernicious anemia
Active form of folic acid is
Tetra hydro folate THF
Folic acid deficiency results in
Megaloblastic anemia, impaired absorption, neural tube defects
Burning foot syndrome is due to deficiency in?
Pantothenic acid B5
What vitamin forms an essential part of acetyl carrier moiety
Pantothenic acid B5
vit.C is also known as
Ascorbic acid
The H-bond in vit.C are
Triple hellix
Deficiency in vit. C causes
Scurvy– weakening of collagin fibres
Failure to hydroxylate proline and lycine
Hydroxylation reactions requires
Vit. C
What vit. are fat soluble
Which serves as coenzyme
A, D, E, K
Only K
Vit. D is more like a hormone
Vit. A are present in diet as
Retinol & beta carotene
Deficiency in vit. A causes
Night blindness
Vit. D deficiency results in
Obstructive jaundice, partial gastronomy, GOT disorders, Ricket
Deficiency of vit. E only in pregnancy & new born baby
Hemolytic anemia
Vitamin E occurs in diet as 8 closely related compounds called
Vitamin K are of ___ types?
Absorption of vitamin K&E is dependent on
3 types
Menaquinone(K2) in animals
Phylloquinone(K2) in plants
Appropriate fat absorption
_____ acts as q coenzyme for fat soluble vitamin
Vitamin K