Vitals Assessment Flashcards
What are some traditional ways to check vitals?
HR, BP, RR, Body Temperature
What are some modern/ Updated way to check vitals?
Gait Speed, and waist circumference (BMI)
What is the average heart rate?
60-100 beats per min in an adult
Where can you take the HR?
Brachial, radial, carotid, femoral or dorsalis pedis pulses
How can you take a patients HR?
Manually, or with a pulse oximeter (Pulse ox)
What is normal BP?
<120, <80
What is Elevated BP?
120-129, <80
What is Hypertension stage 1?
130-139, 80-89
What is Hypertension stage 2?
Greater than or equal to 140, greater than or equal to 90
What is Hypertension Crisis?
Greater than or equal to 180, greater than or equal to 120
What is the average walking speed?
1.2-1.4 m/sec
What are the measurements of the waste that put patients at high risk?
Men >40 in (>102 cm)
Women >35 in (>88cm)
What is Body Mass Index?
Person’s Weight and Height