Vital 1 Flashcards
1 accelerate
2 alter
3 encounter
4 encompass
5 utilize
6 decay
7 conduct
8 persuade
9 assess
10 refrain
11 withdraw
12 coincide
13 refer
14 grant
15 enact
16 compensate
17 exert
18 interfere
19 attribute
20 vary
21 dispose
22 constitute
23 accustom
24 urge
25 span
26 arrange
27 comply
28 stipulate
29 stem
30 allocate
31 prevail
32 infer
33 evaluate
34 withhold
35 emit
36 indicate
37 consolidate
38 inform
39 incorporate
40 susceptible
1 Accelerate - to increase in speed or rate.
2 Alter - to change or modify.
3 Encounter - to come across or meet unexpectedly.
4 Encompass - to include or contain within a larger scope.
5 Utilize - to make use of or employ for a specific purpose.
6 Decay - to deteriorate or break down over time.
7 Conduct - to organize or carry out an activity.
8 Persuade - to convince someone to do or believe something through reasoning or argument.
9 Assess - to evaluate or judge the quality or value of something.
10 Refrain - to abstain or hold back from doing something.
11 Withdraw - to remove or take away from a particular place or situation.
12 Coincide - to occur at the same time or coincide in space.
13 Refer - to mention or allude to something briefly.
14 Grant - to give or award something to someone.
15 Enact - to make into law or put into practice.
16 Compensate - to make up for a loss or deficiency.
17 Exert - to apply or put forth effort or pressure.
18 Interfere - to intervene or get involved in a situation where one is not wanted.
19 Attribute - to ascribe or credit something to a particular cause or source.
20 Vary - to change or differ in some way.
21 Dispose - to get rid of or deal with something.
22 Constitute - to form or make up a whole.
23 Accustom - to make someone familiar with something through repeated exposure.
24 Urge - to strongly encourage or persuade someone to do something.
25 Span - the length of time or space between two points.
26 Arrange - to organize or set things in a particular order.
27 Comply - to obey or conform to rules or requests.
28 Stipulate - to specify or demand as part of an agreement.
29 Stem - to originate from or be caused by a particular source.
30 Allocate - to distribute or assign resources for a specific purpose.
31 Prevail - to triumph or be victorious, especially against opposition.
32 Infer - to deduce or conclude from evidence or reasoning.
33 Evaluate - to assess or judge the quality, significance, or value of something.
34 Withhold - to refuse to give or grant something.
35 Emit - to release or discharge something, especially gases or light.
36 Indicate - to point out or show something.
37 Consolidate - to combine or merge into a single whole.
38 Inform - to provide information or knowledge to someone.
39 Incorporate - to include or integrate something as part of a whole.
40 Susceptible - easily influenced or affected by something.-
41 enormous
42 immense
43 feasible
44 adequate
45 vast
46 dazzling
47 inevitable
48 hazardous
49 indispensible
50 substantial
51 extensive
52 perennial
53 sole
54 poignant
55 keen
56 prevalent
57 indispensable
58 indicative
59 inhospitable
60 inquisitive
61 publicized
62 deceptive
63 reluctant
64 ingenious
65 conclusive
66 diverse
67 virtually
68 profoundly
69 distinctly
70 inconsiderately
71 substantially
72 notably
73 reluctantly promptly
74 tremendously
75 enormously
76 unfavourably
77 conservation
78 component
79 precaution
80 excavation
41 enormous: how big, huge size or quantity
42 immense: extremly, beyond ordinary
43 feasible: possible to achieve,determined can be done
44 adequate: enough, meet requirments
45 vast: large, extensive
46 dazzling: shine brighlty, amaze greatly
47 inevitable: bound to happen, can not be avoided
48 hazardous: Risky not safe, dangerous
49 indispensible: absolutley neccesary on situation
50 substantial: significant, very large or very important or strong
51 extensive: very large size, amount ,comprehensive
52 perennial: lasting, something happens repadetly, maintance, bloom times
53 sole: only or single, one and only
54 poignant: causing strong emotion, dokunaklı
55 keen: sharp, sıkı, desire
56 prevalent: widespread, coomon
58 indicative: showing or pointing out something
59 inhospitable: somewhere not good for living
60 inquisitive: curious, want to learn things, ask a lot questions
61 publicized: make smth known to public
62 deceptive: false impression, misleading,dishonesty
63 reluctant:does not want to do something, unwillingsness
64 ingenious:cleverly
65 conclusive: certain and final
66 diverse: different and varied
67 virtually: almost nearly
68 profoundly: derin
69 distinctly: seperate and different from something else
70 inconsiderately: behave without emphaty, düşüncesiz
72 promptly: encourage or remind them to do smth, or without delay,
74 tremendously: large or extreme amount,sizde etc.
75 enormously: very big size or quantity
76 unfavourably:hoş olmayan, elverişsiz
77 conservation: act of protecting or preserving recources
78 component: a part of somth bigger
79 precaution: önlem
80 excavation: dig or remove eart to reveal smth
81 legitimacy
82 prevalence
83 deficiency
84 resignation
85 detriment
86 conductivity
87 reassessment
88 interpretation
89 conformity
90 deficit
91 initiative
92 interval
93 abundance
94 settler
95 make up
96 run over
97 make out
98 run through
99 come across
100 put off
101 put out
102 put up with
103 give rise to
104 point out
105 take up
106 carry out
107 set out
108 account for
109 take after
110 pull through
111 sort out
112 wipe out
113 carry on
114 carry away
115 call off
116 send off
117 give out
118 go along with
119 go on
120 go over
81 legitimacy: considered valid
82 prevalence: how much something exist
83 deficiency: spesific lack of smth should be present
84 resignation: decide to leaving volunterily
85 detriment: smth causes damage or harm gradually
86 conductivity: iletkenlik
87 reassessment: evaluate somth again
88 interpretation: explain or understand smth
89 conformity: doing same thing as everyone else
90 deficit: lacking or not enough
91 initiative: take action before someone ask you to.extra, insiyatif.
92 interval: amount of time or space between two things
93 abundance: having plenty of it, a lot
94 settler: someone who moves to anew place and make that place their home
95 make up:
96 run over: hit, quickly rewiev, exceed smth limit,
97 make out: understand smth diffucult or human intimate activities
98 run through: quickly review or exhaaust smth
99 come across: encounter smth or make a impression on someone
100 put off: delay smth, or lose enthuasiasm from smth
101 put out: publish or announce smth, exclude of smth, display or show
102 put up with:
103 give rise to: cause of smth
104 point out: draw attention for smth
105 take up: startin a new thing, or occupying a space
106 carry out: complete a task, act or make as pllaned, spacifized
107 set out: start to begin or doing smth
108 account for: provide a explanation or reason for smth
109 take after: behaves or resemble like other people
110 pull through:
111 sort out:organize or arrange smth
112 wipe out: completely destroy or remove
113 carry on: continitue doşng smth you are already doing
114 carry away:
115 call off: cancel somthing
116 send off: go away or depart
117 give out: provide smth for someone
118 go along with: agree
119 go on:
120 go over: review smth
121 keep abreast of
122 be accompanied by
123 keep down
124 keep pace with
125 back out
126 bang out
127 move off
128 bear out
129 make up to
130 play up
131 break out of
132 bring forth
133 embark on
134 bring over
135 face up to
136 bring through
137 bring upon
138 fall out
139 burst into
140 fill in
141 get cross
142 cast aside
143 go by
144 go for
145 go in for
146 go off
147 contribute to
148 draw out
149 head towards
150 rule against
151 rush upon
152 lay out
153 lead on
154 win over
155 look to
156 lose out
157 make away with
158 make off
159 pile up
160 run on
161 set about
162 tell off
163 wear out
164 work through
165 object to
166 switch off
167 set forth
168 condemn
169 abolish
170 associate
171 compel
172 consult
173 compromise
174 hinder
175 dismay
176 tackle
177 erupt
178 examine
179 anticipate
180 applaud
181 perceive
182 astonish
183 arouse
184 correspond
185 compile
186 confide
187 entail
188 confine
189 curtail
190 foster
191 deduct
192 embark
193 denounce
194 depict
195 fetch
196 fluctuate
197 cultivate
198 forego
199 dedicate
200 deem
201 impair
202 deplete
203 jeopardize
204 insist
205 irrigate
206 integrate
207 omit
208 obstruct
209 retain
210 resent
211 overwhelm
212 recruit
213 scatter
214 unearth
215 shrink
216 sweep
217 persuasive
218 relentless
219 recurrent
220 subsequent
221 adamant
222 severe
223 decadent
224 redundant
225 readily
226 restricted
227 coherent
228 consecutive
229 ambiguous
230 competent
231 inadequate
232 deceitful
233 detrimental
234 obscure
235 affluent
236 abundant
237 indulgent
238 tedious
239 impartial
240 astonished
241 negligible
242 arbitrary
243 persistent
244 boastful
245 tentative
246 attainable
247 constructive
248 erroneous
249 conventional
250 fanciful
251 disputable
252 diffident
253 discredited
254 ingenious
255 initial
256 reputable
257 obliged
258 outrageous
259 provisional
260 refutable
261 resentful
262 novel
263 obstructive
264 precarious
265 precise
266 subtle
267 moderate
268 transient
269 negligent
270 stagnant
271 trivial
272 abrupt
273 untamed
274 versatile
275 compulsory
276 impetuous
277 adequately
278 abundantly
279 conclusively
280 initially
281 exceedingly
282 vaguely
283 abruptly
284 gradually
285 indefinitely
286 chiefly
287 consecutively
288 roughly
289 consciously
290 solely
291 densely
292 convincingly
293 conveniently
294 inclusively
295 vehemently
296 plausibly
297 inadequately
298 formidably
299 gravely
300 equivocally
301 constructively
302 favorably
303 bilaterally
304 endearingly
305 concisely
306 extensively
307 fruitfully
308 courteously
309 infinitely
310 hazardously
311 imminently
312 daringly
313 defectively
314 defiantly
315 indispensably
316 fiercely
317 incessantly
318 incompetently
319 prosperously
320 laterally
321 leisurely
322 restrictively
323 markedly
324 receptively
325 negligently
326 nominally
327 persuasively
328 tentatively
329 perpetually
330 pertinently
331 supremely
332 pretentiously
333 vigorously
334 sparsely
335 sullenly
336 uniformly
337 vainly
338 soundly
339 unremarkably
340 contribution
341 redundancy
342 completion
343 attentiveness
344 acquisition
345 departure
346 discretion
347 impairment
348 disposition
349 maintenance
350 indication
351 allocation
352 alteration
353 examination
354 utilization
355 withdrawal
356 arousal
357 avidity
358 bargain
359 vacancy
360 allusion
361 amplification
362 concession
363 deceit
364 deception
365 deserter
366 detection
367 cohesion
368 compliance
369 confiscation
370 conscience
371 apprehension
372 detention
373 discrepancy
374 counter
375 colleague
376 dedication
377 constraint
378 linkage
379 fertility
380 hesitate
381 fluctuation
382 incentive
383 inversion
384 famine
385 intersection
386 jeopardy
387 malady
388 remedy
389 refinement
390 negligence
391 repetition
392 neglect
393 troop
394 reversal
395 departure
396 impairment
397 recognition
398 vacancy
399 allusion
400 amplification
401 utilization
402 cavity
403 constraint
404 deserter
405 eruption
406 dismissal
407 famine
408 dedication
409 inadequacy
410 inclination
411 malady
412 linkage
413 negligence
414 preservation
415 jeopardy
416 remedy
417 refinement
418 troop
419 impose
420 utter
421 blow
422 emigrate
423 transplant
424 convey
425 endure
426 reign
427 glance
428 intervene
429 yield
430 collide
431 facilitate
432 hesitate
433 erode
434 pose
435 vanish
436 alleviate
437 divert
438 contaminate
439 devastate
440 lessen
441 evaporate
442 opt
443 erect
444 accommodate
445 afflict
446 plague
447 precede
448 resemble
449 commence
450 sue
451 swell
452 disguise
453 testify
454 tempt
455 enlist
456 evacuate
457 incur
458 narrate
459 oust
460 perish
461 perplex
462 reckon
463 revive
464 allege
465 propel
466 postpone
467 abound
468 recede
469 resign
470 disperse
471 subsidize
472 cater
473 strain
474 suspense
475 envision
476 excavate
477 exempt
478 plunder
479 pressurize
480 prosecute
481 submerge
482 quarrel
483 swamp
484 reassure
485 trample
486 rectify
487 recur
488 vaporize
489 render
490 withstand
491 reside
492 soar
493 usher
494 acclimatize
495 dispel
496 banish
497 dwindle
498 captivate
499 embellish
500 endeavour
501 endorse
502 ensue
503 evade
504 expel
505 condense
506 confront
507 congest
508 corrode
509 leap
510 lease
511 pave
512 anchor
513 ascertain
514 bribe
515 dwell
516 massacre
517 fertilize
518 coastal
519 plain
520 prosperous
521 acute
522 devoted
523 dietary
524 respiratory
525 tremendous
526 cognitive
527 endangered
528 noted
529 naval
530 neutral
531 fiscal
532 oppressed
533 deprived
534 sedentary
535 digestive
536 prolonged
537 inland
538 integral
539 distinguished
540 unspoiled
541 dormant
542 prone
543 inexhaustible
544 inherited
545 odd
546 restless
547 anticipated
548 advisable
549 arable
550 arid
551 distorted
552 benign
553 elusive
554 colossal
555 indigenous
556 far-flung
557 lethal
558 foremost
559 peculiar
560 plausible
561 intricate
562 prevailing
563 paramount
564 peripheral
565 scenic
566 literate
567 outward
568 punctual
569 backward
570 barren
571 descriptive
572 eligible
573 unanticipated
574 incompatible
575 unsanitary
576 intentional
577 vigorous
578 juvenile
579 malignant
580 unenviable
581 contaminated
582 eminent
583 self-taught
584 shabby
585 daunting
586 surgical
587 drowsy
588 far-fetched
589 inclined
590 copious
591 infectious
592 forensic
593 intact
594 intriguing
595 graceful
596 nomadic
597 humid
598 preceding
599 spatial
600 staggering
601 inconclusive
602 menial
603 momentous
604 overdue
605 adjacent
606 pivotal
607 savage
608 tangible
609 unanimous
610 relieved
611 residual
612 restrained
613 sanitary
614 scornful
615 vibrant
616 self-sufficient
617 sizable
618 soluble
619 unsurpassed
620 untraceable
621 undue
622 unrestricted
623 unobstructed
624 uninviting
625 unassertive
626 triumphal
627 ulcerated
628 swift
629 bountiful
630 adhesive
631 astounding
632 wary
633 captivating
634 clogged
635 colloquial
636 collisional
637 complementary
638 dismaying
639 eloquent
640 evocative
641 exemplary
642 fervent
643 fictitious
644 fussy
645 inedible
646 infallible
647 irreparable
648 irrepressible
649 irritable
650 judicious
651 scant
652 keenly
653 vividly
654 deceptively
655 amicably
656 ardently
657 duly
658 unevenly
659 sparingly
660 enduringly
661 flatly
662 grimly
663 persistently
664 conjointly
665 crudely
666 intrinsically
667 diagonally
668 earnestly
669 utterly
670 vicariously
671 hesitantly
672 sternly
673 tactfully
674 woefully
675 unduly
676 eagerly
677 devoutly
678 frankly
679 frugally
680 valiantly
681 amicably
682 ardently
683 duly
684 unevenly
685 intrinsically
686 decently
687 meticulously
688 earnestly
689 enduringly
690 puzzlingly
691 explicitly
692 strikingly
693 inscrutably
694 lavishly
695 overtly
696 tactfully
697 mildly
698 woefully
699 unduly
700 frankly
701 frugally
702 unsightly
703 valiantly
704 amicably
705 laboriously
706 ardently
707 indulgently
708 duly
709 sparingly
710 ceaselessly
711 alertly
712 arbitrarily
713 persistently
714 conjointly
715 intrinsically
716 decently
717 decidedly
718 meticulously
719 moderately
720 earnestly
721 enduringly
722 enviously
723 redundantly
724 explicitly
725 flatly
726 grimly
727 hesitantly
728 sternly
729 tactfully
730 unduly
731 utterly
732 vicariously
733 strictly
734 valiantly
735 indulgently
736 duly
737 unevenly
738 alarmingly
739 arbitrarily
740 amicably
741 ardently
742 conjointly
743 meticulously
744 earnestly
745 redundantly
746 flatly
747 grimly
748 sternly
749 tactfully
750 woefully
751 unduly
752 utterly
753 vicariously
754 lavishly
755 neatly
756 indulgently
757 alertly
758 redundantly
759 tactfully
760 meticulously
761 unduly
762 utterly
763 vicariously
764 lavishly
765 neatly
766 overtly
767 mildly
768 invariably
769 devoutly
770 frugally
771 valiantly
772 indulgently
773 deceptively
774 eagerly
775 ceaselessly
776 astonishingly
777 amicably
778 categorically
779 conjointly
780 crudely
781 domestically
782 sparingly
783 enduringly
784 redundantly
785 grimly
786 meticulously
787 hesitantly
788 hotly
789 inscrutably
790 overtly
791 mildly
792 woefully
793 amicably
794 instance
795 örnek, vaka
796 relief
797 matter
798 gulf
799 kidney
800 merchant
801 dialect
802 controversy
803 probe
804 comet
805 commerce
806 liver
807 reconstruction
808 scholar
809 mount
810 ray
811 legislation
812 peninsula
813 harbour
814 monument
815 blockade
816 curtain
817 revival
818 sequence
819 census
820 severity
821 shrinkage
822 consensus
823 crust
824 dweller
825 leisure
826 rival
827 screening
828 stagnation
829 theft
830 yield
831 alloy
832 clerk
833 copper
834 depiction
836 narrator
837 opponent
838 timber
839 chamber
840 contamination
841 defendant
842 evaporation
843 malnutrition
844 potency
845 proliferation
846 rodent
847 rug
848 proponent
849 proverb
850 proximity
851 puberty
852 pupil
853 pursuit
854 quarrel
855 shade
856 shoreline
857 shortcoming
858 soreness
859 tribe
860 tuition
861 stuffiness
862 tutor
863 stutterer
864 tyre
865 unease
866 uneasiness
867 upbringing
868 tavern
869 upheaval
870 vapour
871 vault
872 setback
873 zest
874 adherent
875 ingestion
876 adhesive
877 deterioration
878 pile
879 emigrant
880 apprentice
881 artery
882 pension
883 cultivation
884 debris
885 fjord
886 supper
887 voyage
888 gravitation
889 abortion
890 shrine
891 infancy
892 sphere
893 pilgrimage
894 plague
895 aviation
896 cannon
897 capillary
898 luggage
899 confrontation
900 marsh
901 midst
902 degradation
903 embodiment
904 firearm
905 glacier
906 hazard
907 pitch
908 precipitation
909 preoccupation
910 protagonist
911 rag
912 reluctance
913 sediment
914 sewage
915 burglary
916 wool
917 deduction
918 intestine
919 isle
920 devotion
921 dissertation
922 duct
923 merit
924 occupant
925 fatality
926 pedestrian
927 permeability
928 fracture
929 persistence
930 fundamentalism
931 pinnacle
932 galleon
933 poultry
934 accommodation
935 prophecy
936 ward
937 puncture
938 raider
939 auditor
940 applicant
941 aviator
942 beam
943 bid
944 competency
945 remnant
946 repellent
947 respiration
948 caution
949 correspondent
950 curator
951 seizure
952 flock
953 succession
954 forerunner
955 formation
956 summit
957 germination
958 intonation
959 invader
960 fatigue
961 peril
962 prominence
963 parade
964 pilgrim
965 remainder
966 impetus
967 conductor
968 influx
969 configuration
970 stove
971 infertility
972 inheritance
973 inspection
974 inspector
975 turmoil
976 expedition
977 convention
978 aptitude
979 margin
980 cottage
981 restraint
982 cruiser
983 rod
984 density
985 outlook
986 sedation
987 deputy
988 staple
989 esteem
990 tailor
991 fare
992 readiness
993 realm
994 refraction
995 rehearsal
996 triumph
997 affinity
998 algae
999 alternation
1000 amazement
1001 amnesty
1002 amusement
1003 appraisal
1004 arsenal
1005 artifact
1006 fortress
1007 handicap
1008 fumes
1009 fuse
1010 herd
1011 greed
1012 accession
1013 measles
1014 bribery
1015 menace
1016 inferiority
1017 inmate
1018 inquiry
1019 burst
1020 insecticide
1021 calamity
1022 intimidation
1023 juvenile
1024 canister
1025 narration
1026 captive
1027 captivity
1028 negotiator
1029 chickenpox
1030 cirrhosis
1031 noble
1032 dwarf
1033 nuisance
1034 combustion
1035 conduction
1036 diameter
1037 pavement
1038 pest
1039 fortifications
1040 pharaoh
1041 cushion
1042 deprivation
1043 disarmament
1044 disfavour