Visual Tracts (Phys, Tracts, Control of Eye Movements) Flashcards
What fibers target the inferior bank of the calcarine sulcus? (Lingual gyrus)
Upper quadrant of contralateral hemifields
What is the affect of light on an on-center cell?
Cone stimulation
There is less glutamate, and this will cause the cell to depolarize.
Because there is less glutamate, there is less inhibition of the cation influx via the GCPR. The cation influx will continue, unbothered
Purpose of Blobs
Color detection
Respond to specific wavelengths of light
What receptors are present in the center of on-center cells?
Fxn of the dorsal pathway of visual processing
“Where” pathway
Passes through V3
Completes motor acts based on visual input
Bipolar cell activation by Rods
Rods will converge on an on-center bipolar cell.
Rods also stimulate an amacrine cell, which will hijack the Cone pathway by synapsing on and stimulating ganglion cells.
What is the affect of glutamate on an off-center cell?
Cone stimulation
The increased glutamate will bind to the AMPA receptor. This will cause an influx of cations and depolarize the cells
(AMPA is stimulated by glutamate)
Happens in DARK
Where do ganglion cell axons coming from the nasal retina synapse?
Layers 1, 4, 6 of CL LGN
Where is the blind spot
At the Optic Disk (where retinal axons leave the eye as the optic nerve)
What retinal fields get an image from the RIGHT half of visual field?
Nasal aspect of Right retina
Temporal aspect of Left retina
Pathway of smooth pursuit eye movements
- Parietooccipital jxn
- Pontine nuclei
- Cross
- Flocculonodular Cerebellum
- Vestibular Nuclei
Purpose of Ocular dominance columns
Eye dominance
Respond to input from either left or right
Fxn of the pretectal area as a visual cortex area
pupillary light reflex
What will seizures do to saccadic eye movements?
Eyes will deviate away from the gaze center
What Brodmann’s area makes up the primary visual cortex?
Area 17
What is the pathway of vision after the bipolar cells are depolarized?
Bipolar cell Ganglion Cell (stimulated by glutamate) Optic N. Optic Chiasm Optic Tract Lateral Geniculate Body
Primary visual cortex
Edge and contour
Where does the optic tract terminate?
Lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN)
What receptor type is present in off-center cells?
Brodmann 19
Color processing
What fibers target the superior bank of the calcarine sulcus? (Cuneus)
Lower quadrant of contralateral hemifields
Fxn of superior colliculus as a visual cortex area
Directs eye movements
What Brodmann’s area makes up the visual association cortex?
Area 18 + 19
Three phases of saccadic movements
What are the optic radiations?
Secondary neuron bundles arising from LGN
Purpose of Orientation Columns
Angle of image
Respond to various visual line stimuli
What retinal fields get an image from the LEFT half of visual field?
Nasal aspect of Left retina
Temporal aspect of Right retina
Brodmann 18
Depth perception
BTP of Vertical saccades
Burst = RiMLF Tonic = Nucleus of Cajal Pause = omnipause cells of raphe
Middle Temporal
BTP of Horizontal saccades
Burst = PPRF Tonic = Nucleus prepositus Hypoglossal Pause = omnipause cells of Raphe
What are the Magnocellular layers of the LGN?
Layers 1-2
- Have rods; sensitive to moving stimuli
What are the Parvocelluar layers of the LGN?
Layers 3-6
Where do ganglion cell axons coming from the temporal retina synapse?
Layers 2,3,5 of IL LGN
Glutamate levels in Light
What will destructive lesions do to saccadic eye movements?
Eyes will deviate towards the gaze center
Glutamate levels in the Dark
What is the affect of glutamate on a on-center cell?
Cone stimulation
Glutamate will cause the hyperpolarize, by blocking the influx of cations through the GCPR.
So in the dark, these cells will be hyperpolarized due to an increased amount of glutamate
What is the affect of light on an off-center cell?
Cone stimulation
Because there is light, there is LESS glutamate.
Since AMPA cells function better under the influence of glutamate, their activity will be reduced when there is light.
This means less cation influx, causing the cell to HYPERPOLARIZE
What aspect of the optic nerves deccussate at the optic chiasm?
Nasal portion of each optic N.
Temporal parts stay IL!
Where is the object of attn focused and centered in the eye?
Fovea centrals and macula lutea
Near Vision Response
- Contraction of ciliary muscle (suspensory ligament relaxes, lens gets rounder)
- Convergence of eyes to point of focus
- Pupil constriction (reduces opening for light)
Fxn of the ventral pathway of visual processing
“What” pathway
Gives us the ability to identify things
What fibers make up the Myer’s loop?
Fibers running from the upper quadrant of CL hemifields (fibers going inferiorly)
Brodmann 18