Visual Fields part 2 Flashcards
what is static perimetry?
a stimulus in fixed size and stimulus is moved from a non seeing area to a seeing area until it is detected by px
what is static perimetry?
the visual field is probed at a specific static point and threshold sensitivity is recorded
what does the retina have?
every point in the retina has a certain threshold sensitivity
what is static perimetry recorded ?
decibels or log unit
what does a high number mean?
high number means the higher the threshold sensitivity the dimmer the light detected
What is the max luminance?
max luminance is 0 dB
where are high and lower threshold sensitivity recorded?
higher threshold sensitivity are recorded in central locations
lower threshold sensitivity are recorded in peripheral locations
How do you compensate change in sensitivity across the visual field?
Varying the stimulus luminance
varying stimulus size
What types of static perimetry are there?
supra threshold screening
Full threshold
what is supra threshold screening?
a stimulus is seen above a certain threshold
What is full threshold?
measures precise threshold sensitivity by varying stimuli intensities
How does supra threshold screening work?
stimuli presented a certain number of dB av
above threshold at each point within visual field
any stimuli falling within a scotoma will not be seen
what is suprathreshold TWO ZONE?
show stimuli, px reports cant see
show stimuli again, if px sees it then mark with circle if px can see again mark black
= two responses
How many responses does suprathreshold TWO ZONE have?
two responses
what is suprathreshold THREE ZONE?
points missed twice are shown a stimulus of max luminance, if seen marked with an X (relaive defect ) if not seen marked as black (absolute defect )
How is supra threshold related?
Age related Supra-threshold
Threshold related supra-threshold
how does the age related supra-threshold strategy work?
since age is the primary factor, some instruments base the suprathreshold on normative data for various age groups
e.g 70 years old will compare with normal 70 year old
what is the stimuli in age related supra threshold?
stimuli is set at certain number of dB higher that age matched normal
how does the threshold related supra threshold strategy work?
determines the threshold for 4 points within the visual field. show stimulus cant see it, make it 4dB bright can see it make it 2dB dimmer until they cant see it
what is the stimuli in age related threshold related supra threshold?
set supra threshold testing level at a certain number of dB above the 2nd most sensitive point of 4 measurement is their threshold sensitivity and makes it couple dB brighter thats how they know what you should see
supra threshold screening can be measured by ?
No quantification
with quantification
what is no quantification?
examiner simply notes the stimuli that are not seen
no attempt to quantify the depth of scotoma
what is quantification?
if any suprathreshold stimuli is missed the depth of the scotoma is assessed by establishing threshold
which software provides supra threshold strategy?
Henson software