visual field defects? where is the pathology? Flashcards
how do you instruct your patient ?
> This test will test all the area you can see with each eye
I want you to always look straight ahead at the fixation light in the centre ( show them)
other lights will now flash in different places. Every time you see a light press your button
You will not see all the lights
the most important thing to remember is to always keep watching the fixating light in the centre
How to improve accuracy with your patient?
: ensure they are comfortable
- neck/ head position
- coat on or off
: explain how long it will take
-xx no of minutes
: patient can cause pause the test on a humphrey
define visual field defect?
A visual field defect is defined as a departure from the topography of the hill of vision from normal limits
why is it important to accurately describe type of visual field defect?
helps to determine the type of pathology
Helps to monitor the condition
what is contraction of visual field?
defect starts from peripheral to inside
what is depression or diffuse visual field loss?
a generalised reduction in the height of the hill of vision
what is localised defect?
small area of defect
what are defects called in visual fields?
How can Scotoma be classified?
Area of vision loss margins shape of defect central visual field baring of the blind spot
what type of scotomas with area vision loss do you get?
A. Absolute
B. Relative
what does absolute defect mean?
can see
can see
cannot see anything
What does relative defect mean ?
Can see , can see little,
cant see much
cannot see at all
what type of scotoma margins do you get?
A. Steep
B. Sloping
what does steep margins of scotoma look like?
from normal to not seeing nothing
What does sloping margins of scotoma look like?
from normal to little bit less to nothing at all seen
what type of shape defect to you get?
Hemianopia Altitudinal Hemianopia Macula sparing Macula splitting quadrantanopia
what does hemianopia look like?
Half of visual field not seen
What does altitudinal hemianopia look like?
superior or inferior loss of visual field
What does macula sparing defect look like?
visual field defect but macula is spared
What does macula splitting defect look like?
Half of the macula has defect ( macula split in half)
what does quadrantanopia defect look like?
a quadrant of the visual field cannot be seen
what type of central visual field are there?
Central scotoma Pericentral Scotoma Paracentral Scotoma Centrocecal Scotoma Nasal step Arcuate scotoma Ring scotoma
What is central scotoma?
scotoma in the centre of visual field effecting the fixation point on the fovea
What is pericentral Scotoma?
ring of defect surrounds the fixation point fovea but does not effect the fovea