Visual Field Analysis ? Flashcards
what personal details should you?
..Is it the correct patient ..Record ID number ..DOB (Age) ..Refractive Error
Is the data correct
..Date of test
..correct eye
How is the reliability criteria classified?
False positive
False negatives
Fixation losses
When is the data unreliable?
False positive >33%
False Negative >33%
Fixation losses >20%
What does False positive mean?
Patient says they can see a light when no light is shown or responds faster than usual humanly possible
What does False negative mean?
Patient says they cant see a light when they are shown a brighter light in a location where they said they could see it before
What does fixation loss mean?
Patient responds to a light which is shown in their blind spot
What does data representation have?
Numeric printout Greyscale Global visual field indices Total and pattern deviation maps Probability analysis Glaucoma analysis
What does the numeric printout show?
Numeric representation of the threshold sensitivity. Higher the number the higher the threshold sensitivity
what does 0dB mean?
Just able to see the perimeters brightest max light
What does <0dB mean ?
Not able to see detect the perimeters brightest light cannot see anything then
what do the brackets mean in numeric printout?
Threshold measured twice
What does the grey scale show?
the grey scale is a graphical representation of the numeric printout ?
what does threshold sensitivity change with?
what happens as we get older?
decline in sensitivity?
how much sensitivity changes with age?
0.7 dB per decade
What is relative visual field sensitivity?
The difference between the measured visual field sensitivity and the age-corrected normal visual field sensitivity. This is also called the Total Deviation Decibel map
What does the Total deviation decibel map mean?
Total deviation decibel map= patients measured threshold sensitivity - the normal threshold sensitivity for their age at each test location
what does the negative numbers mean?
the number of dB less than they should have seen for their age
what are confidence intervals?
If the measured sensitivity is outside the confidence interval it is registered as abnormal and a probability level is assigned.
what does grey probability symbols mean?
the darker the more genuine pathology there is
what does localised visual field loss do?
Age matched normal field
measured field
what does cataract show?
a cataract of 20dB will register with the darkest probability symbol and mask any localised loss.
what does the diffuse lost do?
diffuse loss hides the localised lost and hides the pathology
what does the pattern deviation probability map show in cataract?
Pattern deviation plots exposes localised loss by adjusting the general height of the hill