Vinyasa Krama Flashcards
What is Vinyasa Krama?
The process by which there is conscious
intention, that remains the central focus of practice and is undisturbed by external stimuli
What does the term Vinyasa refer to?
The linking mechanism that connects the body, the breath, bandha and intention in one
seamless flow
What does Krama refer to?
It is the intelligent sequencing of a Yoga
practice designed with a specific intention
When do you sequence standing postures?
At the start of practice to warm/limber the body
after Surya Namaskar as well as in the middle of asana to generate heat
When do you sequence balancing postures?
After a firm base has been established through standing postures
When do you sequence twists?
Gentle spine twists can be sequenced at the beginning of a Yoga class to warm up the spine Spine twists can also be sequenced between forward bends and back bends to neutralize the spine
When do you sequence forward bends?
As they are cooling in the second half of your practice after standing asana
When do you sequence back bends?
During the floor series, as these poses are heating, sequencing them earlier if at night, and later if in the morning
When do you sequence lateral flexion postures?
At the beginning to limber, elsewhere to neutralize
When do you sequence inversions?
At the end to slow the flow of prana and draw it towards the vital organs
What factors influence your sequence?
Seasons Age of the students Students’ experience Temperature, e.g. cooling (Pre Natal) or heating practice (Advanced Vinyasa Krama) Current mental and emotional state of being Time of day Cycles of the moon Menstrual Cycle
What is a Sankalpa?
An intention
When is a Sankalpa introduced?
At the beginning of a practice
Why is a Sankalpa introduced?
To provide a focal point for students during their practice
What does Drishti mean?
Gazing or looking inside
Why is Drishti used during asana?
To draw our focus inwards
Why is limbering important?
Most injuries occur in yoga practice due to the body being insufficiently warm
How does limbering impact on anatomy and physiology?
Warms up our muscles and reduces tightness and tension in the back, shoulders and neck
What is counter balancing?
Postures that move energy in the opposite direction of the previous one
What is neutralizing?
A pose that moves energy to a neutral position, allowing you to either move in a
different direction or continue moving in the same direction with more intensity
What is an example of a counter posture?
Purvottanasana is a counter for Paschimottanasana
What is an example of a neutralizer?
A twist or windshield wipers