Pre Natal Flashcards
What are the main points to consider if a regular student becomes pregnant?
May tire more easily
May experience morning sickness
Changes in posture changes
More energy is required to perform day to day activities
Certain movements become more difficult to execute e.g. sudden stopping, changes in direction
Hormone relaxin, allows for greater flexibility and possible overstretching
What poses are contra-indicated in the first trimester?
Closed twists
Strong backbends
Pronated backbends
What poses are therapeutic in the first trimester?
Standing postures
Hip Openers
What poses are contra-indicated in the second trimester?
Closed twists Strong backbends Pronated backbends Forward bends Inversions Strong core work
What poses are therapeutic in the second trimester?
Standing postures Hip Openers Chest Openers Supported Savasana Postures for low back pain eg. lateral flexion
What poses are contra-indicated in the third trimester?
Closed twists Strong backbends Pronated backbends Forward bends Inversions Strong core work
What poses are therapeutic in the third trimester?
Hip Openers
Chest Openers
Supported Savasana
Postures for low back pain eg. lateral flexion
Why are closed twists contra-indicated during pregnancy?
They compress the uterus
Why are backbends contra-indicated during pregnancy?
They overstretch the abdominal muscles
Why are pronated backbends contra-indicated during pregnancy?
They compress the uterus
Why are inversions contra-indicated during pregnancy?
Draw blood away from the uterus
Why is strong sore work contra-indicated during pregnancy?
The abdominal muscles need to separate to accommodate the baby
Why are hip openers therapeutic for pregnancy?
Prepare the body for a natural labour
Why are standing postures therapeutic for pregnancy?
Encourages good circulation in the legs to prevent cramping as blood pressure starts to drop.
Strengthening the leg muscles and the pelvic floor is important preparation for later phases of pregnancy
Why are forward bends contra-indicated during pregnancy?
They compress the uterus
Why are chest openers therapeutic for pregnancy?
Alleviate back pain due to heavier breasts
Why does Savasana need to be supported?
Reduces pressure on the vena cava which moves blood from the lower part of the body
to the uterus and then back to the heart
Why are lateral flexion postures therapeutic for pregnancy?
Alleviate low back pain due to increased abdominal weight
What other practices are therapeutic during pregnancy?
Pranayama that stimulates the PNS
How does pregnancy affect digestion?
Decreased peristalsis
Increased risk of gallstones
Risk of gestational Diabetes
Heartburn and indigestion
What pranayama practices are contra-indicated during pregnancy?
Those that involve retention of the breath such as Kapalabhati and Bhastrika as they reduce the delivery of oxygen to the foetus
What is Pre-eclampsia?
Pregnancy-induced hypertension along with significant amounts of protein in the urine
What is Placenta Praevia?
Complication where the placenta is attached to the uterine wall close to or covering the cervix
What is Anaemia?
An inadequate amount of haemoglobin. Women often become anaemic during pregnancy because the demand for iron and other vitamins is increased.
What is Sciatica during Pregnancy
Due to increased pressure on the lumbar spine, the sciatic nerve may become compressed.