This class was created by Brainscape user Stephanie Jackson. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (37)

The 8 Limbs of Yoga
What is the 3rd limb,
What is the 2nd limb
29  cards
Endocrine System
What is the function of the endoc...,
What impact does yoga have on the...,
How do the nervous and endocrine ...
58  cards
The Chakras
What is the first chakra,
What is the second chakra,
What is the third chakra
28  cards
The Nervous System
What does the nervous system do,
What are the two branches of the ...,
What is the central nervous syste...
35  cards
What is a sattvic diet,
What is a rajasic diet,
What is a tamasic diet
9  cards
Alignment and Adjusting
What is the first principle of ad...,
What is the second principle of a...,
What is the third principle of ad...
23  cards
Injury and Recovery
What is the difference between ch...,
How long does acute pain last,
How long does chronic pain last
11  cards
Functional Anatomy
What poses are considered weight ...,
What effect does weight bearing h...,
How does weight bearing effect bo...
15  cards
Vinyasa Krama
What is vinyasa krama,
What does the term vinyasa refer to,
What does krama refer to
22  cards
Muscles of the Trunk and Spine
What are the 4 major movements of...,
What is flexion of the spine,
What is extension of the spine
31  cards
Muscles of the Shoulder
What are the muscles of the rotat...,
What does the supraspinatus muscl...,
What does the infraspinatus muscl...
10  cards
Muscles of the Pelvis
What is the primary hip flexor,
What muscles abduct the hip,
What poses are associated with hi...
16  cards
Myology and Biomechanics of Movement
What are the 3 types of muscle ti...,
What is skeletal muscle,
What is smooth muscle
61  cards
Pre Natal
What are the main points to consi...,
What poses are contra indicated i...,
What poses are therapeutic in the...
25  cards
Inversions and Arm Balances
Adho mukha svanasana,
Adho mukha vrksasana
23  cards
Standing Asana
Hasta tadasana,
Utthita trikonasana
14  cards
Standing Balancing
Utthita hasta padangusthasana,
14  cards
Spine Twists
Ardha padmasana,
Ardha matsyendrasana
35  cards
Forward Bends
Janu sirsasana,
Parivrtta janu sirsasana
31  cards
Yoga Sutras
What is the first yoga sutra,
What does atha yoganusasanam mean,
What is the second yoga sutra
6  cards
What are the three doshas,
What does vata mean,
What does pitta mean
16  cards
Lateral Flexing Poses
Parivrtta upavistha konasana,
Utthita trikonasana,
Utthita parsvakonasana
18  cards
Back Bends
23  cards
Sacred Texts
What is the hatha yoga pradipika,
What are the vedas,
What is the mahabharata
9  cards
Nada Yoga
What does nada yoga mean,
What is nada yoga,
Why is nada yoga so uniting
13  cards
Philosophy and Holistic Health
What is holistic health,
What is holism,
How does holism relate to yoga
19  cards
What are some of the benefits of ...,
What is nadi shodhana called in e...,
What does nadi shodhana mean in s...
38  cards
Cardiovascular System
What is the function of the heart,
21  cards
Bandhas and Granthi
What are the four main bandhas,
What is mula bandha,
What is uddiyana bandha
26  cards
Koshas and the Gunas
What are the five koshas,
What is annamaya kosha,
What is pranamaya kosha
29  cards
Lymphatic and Immune Systems
What are the three primary functi...,
What is the function of the thora...,
Where is the thymus gland located
11  cards
What are the four types of brain ...,
When does the brain generate beta...,
When does the brain generate alph...
5  cards
Reproductive System
How does yoga benefit the menstru...,
How does yoga benefit fertility,
How does yoga support menopausal ...
12  cards
Respiratory System
What is the upper respiratory sys...,
What is the lower respiratory sys...,
What is the role of the upper res...
8  cards
What are the four vedic texts,
What is the rig veda,
What is the yajur veda
7  cards
Digestive System
What are the organs of digestion,
What is the physiological process...,
What pranayama practices support ...
9  cards
What is yogic psychology,
What are the five klesas,
What does klesa mean
8  cards

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