vet prep dog/cat part 3 Flashcards
what is the tx for dermatophyte microsporumcanis (the cause of ringworm)?
lime sulfur dip and/or miconazole shampoo
A 3 y/o DSH presents for hair loss on the ventral abdomen with hairs showing blunt, barbed-like tips. Although no crusts or excoriations are present. Which of the follow is Least likely the cause?
Psychogenic alopecia; the “barbed” appearance in the cat is due to her excessively grooming her abdomen and is likely some type of allergic dermatitis (food allergy, atopica, and/or flea allergy dermatitis)
What is Gnathostoma??
Nematode that is about 3 cm long and has spine-covered head which create nodules in the stomach which can ulcerate and lead to severe peritonitis, human cases of Gnathostoma usually occur from infestation of undercooked fish or other animals and causes gastritis and peritonitis and infestation can also cause neural migration into the eye
Control is done by preventing cats from hunting in areas where the parasite is found and can kill them with albendazole
what is laxatone/laxaire and what is it used for?
it is a petroleum and mineral oil oral paste and is used for hairball problems
best tx for cat with non-suppurative moderate pleocellular lymphoplasmacytic periportal cholangiohepatitis=
Tx with prednisolone and ursodiol
what isCholangiohepatitis???
it is inflammation of the biliary system and liver parenchyma- concurrent diseases usually include pancreatitis and IBD
Tx of tapeworm in cats
Praziquantel (Drontal plus and Profender)- both are good against both genus and species of tapeworms (and also rounds and hookworms)
What is the tx for cats with chronic obstipation and megacolon that is refractory to medical therapies?
Subtotal colectomy
what is seen with some Siamese cats that they are born with and is an enzyme def that causes abnormal bone growth and joints?
A patient has hepatic lipidosis and high ALP and ALT, he stopped eating completely and you know he needs a feeding tube. Where do you place the esophagostomy tube in this cat?
Left side of the neck
Cat with increased WBC (mild), Marked increased neutrophils, thrombocytopenia (low platelets), marked increase of ALP and ALT and GGT and marked increased total bilirubin
Enlarged liver on U/S with hyperechoic common bile duct that is distended and cholelith in the GB that is completely obstructing the outflow of the GB, the GB is enlarged with a wall that is thickened and looks layered
Cat 2 y/o MN DSH for vomiting for 2 days and PE is dehydrated but otherwise normal, BUN elevated mildly, creatinine elevated mildly, slight low sodium and potassium, low chloride, high TCO2, high Hct (hemoconcentrated), and low USG with negative urine sediment. You started the cat on Ringer’s solution IV for its dehydration, based on the hx and blood results, what is your ddx?
Upper GI obstruction
A 9 year-old male castrated to you with a primary compliant of inappetence over 5 days, on PE exam, you find BCS 8/9, sclera icteric and there is mild cranial organomegaly detected on abdominal palpation. On labwork you find mildly low albumin, marked increased ALP and AST, and marked increased total bilirubin, On US you see enlarged liver with hyperechoic hepatic parenchyma and GB is normal along with everything else. You do a liver FNA and find hepatocytes with cytoplasmic lipid droplets. What is the most important treatment for this condition?
Tube feeding
Cats with pancreatitis Tx:
They should be fed a regular commercial diet
TX is pain meds, anti-nausea meds, antibiotics, H2 blocker
IBD in cats TX-
TX with corticosteroids such as pred or Budesonide which are the most common medications used for controlling IBD in cats
IBD in cats, what will FNA show?
Lymphocytic plasmocytic enteritis
cat with motile protozoal trophozoites on centrifugal zinc sulfate float showing cysts of the parasite tx looking like balloon with two eyes is what and what is the tx???
Giardia and tx is fenbendazole +/- metronidazole
Cat with megacolon, first offender, very stable but rads show a shit ton of poop in the colon and patient is vocalizing in the litter box and is painful on abdominal palpation and rock-hard feces are palpated. What is the best tx and prognosis to tell the owner?
Enemas, laxatives, cisapride and fair prognosis (Cisapride is a prokinetic drug to help with intestinal motility)
Fair prognosis because can reoccur
Prolapse vs intussusception
Gently slide a thermometer (or another type of blunt probe) alongside of he prolapsed tissue and if it only goes a short distance it is a prolapse but if it goes in like all the way it is a intussusception
____ is a drug that makes cats vomit
diabetic neuropathy creates the plantigrade stance in diabetic patients T/F
Cat with ravenous appetite, weight loss, heart murmur and increased liver values, what do you tell the owners?
she likely has hyperthyroidism and medical mgmt with Methimazole daily for the rest of her life will provide successful control of the disease
_____ can mask renal disease because increased blood pressure would cause increased bf through the kidneys and increase the GFR
What insulin is most similar in comparison to feline insulin?
bovine insulin
A 14 year-old MN DLH was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism in your clinic. What additional test should be run before starting treatment for hyperthyroidism?
Do a chemistry panel, which should be run to get a baseline of renal function and liver function. Occult renal insufficiency is often masked by the hemodynamics of hyperthyroidism which often causes increased renal profusion and increased GFR
Liver enzymes and liver function abilities should also be checked on chem because methimazole can be hepatotoxic
Which clinical finding is most supportive of hyperthyroidism in cats?
Palpable nodule in the area of the thyroid gland
Remember methimazole can cause facial excoriations so if this does occur, discontinue and start cat on radioactive iodine treatments
Excessive growth hormone release from the pars distalis from a tumor in the pituitary gland, excessive growth hormone causes a defect in insulin receptors on target cells causing insulin resistant diabetes mellitus and enlarged head, paws, abdomen, weight gain
diagnose with MRI of the head
Tx is radiation therapy of the pituitary tumor, higher doses of insulin, and somatostatin analogs to try and inhibit the release of growth hormone from the tumor
cats what high ALT, thin likely have what metabolic derangement?
what endocrine issue in cats will always have high total and ionized calcium, be azotemic, and have low phosphorus???
Primary hyperparathyroidism (sx is recommended)
A cat presents for glucose curve but is fractious and stressed at the clinic, what should you do?
Draw blood for a fructosamine to see what glucose levels have been over the past 2-3 weeks, and stress hyperglycemia does not affect the results of the serum fructosamine test
The following 4 cats present to you with signs of PU/PD, what of the following cats could you consider doing a DDAVP trial on?
A 6 y/o DSH, FS and adequately hydrated with serum BUN 10, Creatinine 0.7, (BUN and Creatinine normal), USG 1.007 because it has normal renal values and low USG in the face for normal hydration so you can do the water deprivation test on this patient to assess why it is pu/pd
What is the screening test of choice for hyperthyroidism in cats?
Total T4 levels… If abnormal, then do Free T4 by equilibrium dialysis and radio iodine is always TOC but has its risks too
skin fragility syndrome in cats
Commonly associated with poorly regulated diabetes mellitus (DM) due to hyperadrenocorticism so will have excoriations/skin wounds and plump adrenal glands on U/S (not always!!!)
Signs are similar to Cushing dogs (pendulous abdomen, skin issues, polyphagia, lethargy, muscle wasting, pu/pd)
DO THE low dose dex suppression test NOT ACTH stim (it does not really work in cats) and do urine cortisol-creatine ratio can be used as a screening toolC
You have been presented with a 3 y/o cat that was supposed to be spayed at 6 months old according to the shelter (so she is supposed to be a FS cat) but the new owners report every few months she acts like she is in heat. What do you do to confirm ovarian remnant syndrome (from ovaries left behind during her spay)?
Vaginal cytology showing mostly cornified epithelial cells–Implies cat is in estrus
cat blocked tx
Use Ringers solution (0.9% Sodium Chloride) for IV fluids since he will be hyperkalemic. LRS can be a decent alternative if you do not have Ringers
Dextrose can be added to help the potassium be driven back into the cells, but in extreme cases sodium bicarbonate and calcium gluconate are better options to do that
Send cat home with phenoxybenzamine to help with the cat suffering from hypertonicity of the urethral muscle from the previous blockage, phenoxybenzamine can be used to reduce internal urethral sphincter tone and help the cat urinate more easily without the urethral spasms
An owner presents because her outdoor cat is now pregnant and you take rads and make out 6 fetal skeletons. The owner wants to know how far along the momma cat is, what do you tell her?
At least 36-45 days because can see fetal skeletons on rads
Normal gestation is 63 days
Ultrasound can confirm at 13 days
Can palpate by days 21-28 and see enlarged uterus on rads but no fetal skeletons til days 36-45
When using kidney biopsy to rule in/out kidney disease, what specific test do you recommend for the biopsy sample IN A CAT THAT MAY HAVE FAMILIAL DISORDER THAT IS GENETIC because it is one of the following breeds: Ambyssinian, Siamese, oreiental shorthair?
Congo red for amyloids which is seen in the cat as a familial disorder affecting the breeds listed above
Hemoxylin and eosin staining does not always catch amyloid deposition which is why we also need congo red
TX for this syndrome is medical mgmt.. reports have shown to use DMSO also
Do not breed these affected cats
You shine a light in a cats right eye and it constricts but the left eye does not, then you shine a light in the lefty eye and the left eye does not constrict but the right eye does. Where is the lesion in the pathway?
Efferent to the left eye
Because no matter which eye the light is shined in, there is no motor (or efferent) response in the left eye
Afferent neurons are sensory neurons that carry nerve impulses from sensory stimuli towards the central nervous system and brain, while efferent neurons are motor neurons that carry neural impulses away from the central nervous systme and towards muscles to cause movement
A cat owner brings in his one year old male intact cat and wants onychectomy (declawing) procedure done. What of the following is consistent with AVMA guidelines for such instances
Peri-operative analgesic use is imperative if onychectomy is performed
What is the most common reason for post-anesthetic cortical blindness in cats?
cats with VSD-
Prognosis is very good with small ventricular defects and no tx is needed
Some will close by themselves by year 1 of life, but large ones are a different and are fatal
Small VSD’s cause a more turbulent jet of blood through the small defect and cause a loud murmur
So smaller defects have a louder murmur than big ones because of the turbulent blood flow
how is osteosarcoma different in cats than in dogs?
Slow to mets in cats unlike dogs and amputation is usually curative
Is usually in the HL of cats
what hormone influences feline mammary hyperplasia?
ovaries producing progesterone and can be tx with spay
What is the tx of cat with HCM?
Ateolol which is a beta blocker and will decrease the contractility and HR thus allowing for better chamber filling before it contracts
the goal is to improve diastolic filling by decreasing the HR
what condition in cats is most commonly associated with aortic thromboembolism (saddle thrombus) in cats and why???
HCM because it tends to lead to dilation of the left atrium with blood stasis in the chamber and thrombus forms and is lodged into the bifurcation of the aorta leading to saddle thrombus
a 7 year old female spayed Persian cat presents for pu/pd and lethargy vomiting and anorexia. The cat is euth and necropsy findings reveals Feline polycystic kidney disease, what would have been the rec. treatment?
fluids, low protein diet, and gastric protectants
A cat with bad chemosis (swelling of the lower and upper eye waterline areas) but no other CS?
He has chlamydophila felis
Feline herpesvirus-1 (FHV-1) and chlamydia are the most common infectious organisms that cause conjunctivitis and corneal ulcers in kittens, and less frequently in adult cats.
Gram positive branched filamentous rods are either Nocardia spp. or Actinomyces spp. What test would differentiate the two?
Acid-fast stain
Nocardia would be acid fast unlike Actinomyces
Cat presents for pica (which is animal eating things it should not like rocks, soil, mulch, etc) and it has been chewing the owner’s clothes. The owner reports that behavior seemed to begin shortly after her baby was born. You give clomipramine (clomicalm) and a tricyclic antidepressant for behavior issues, what are potential SE of the drugs?
Vomiting, diarrhea, constipation can occur due to the clomipramine
Instead of that drug combo, you could use fluoxetine (Prozac) which is an SSRI drug
Jaw wire in cats, when to take out?
6 weeks after placing it
use heavy sedation
An owner brings in her cat for a spay but it is in heat and wants it to be done when she is not in heat because you told her it may be more difficult since she is currently in heat. If the cat is not bred, how long will it take for her to return to estrus?
1-3 weeks from the end of the current estrus if assuming she is not bred or ovulates
Estrus in cats is the behavior receptivity to mating, typically lasts about 7 days
How does pseudopregnancy occur in cats and why?
Cats are induced ovulators so if a queen ovulates but does not become pregnant, a pseudopregnancy occurs and CL develops and secretes progesterone which inhibits GnRH release from the hypothalamus and secretion of LH and FSH from the anterior pituitary, thus preventing return to estrus for about 50 days; will not have CS
what are the common causes for retinal detachment in cats?
hypertension (can be renal or thyroid disease)
A cat landed wrong when jumping from a tree and is now very lame on a front forelimb but the owners do not have a lot of money. What is the best tx for the injury most likely sustained?
Carpal arthrodesis
T/F controlling hypertension in a cat will possibly allow the retina to reattach and restore the vision
A cat presents with a proptosed left eye. You replace the globe and repair lacerated extra-ocular muscles. What additional procedure is indicated before waking the cat up from anesthesia?
Temporary tarsorrhaphy like we would do in dogs
It will protect the eye and help keep it in the proper position while the other ocular muscles heal (leave the tarsorrhaphy for THREE weeks)
The most common cause of cataracts in cats is anterior uveitis which can be from idiopathic causes, primary ocular causes, trauma, infections, and manifestations of systemic diseases among other causes
DM usually only causes cataracts in dogs
dendritic ulcers in cats can be due to…
What is the holding layer of the abdomen when spaying a cat?
External rectus FASCIA NOT MUSCLE (this is true of dogs too)
What is the causative agent for Feline Infectious Anemia?
Mycoplasma haemofelis
Tx with Doxycycline
2.5% drug is 25mg/mL just like 1% drug is 10 mg/mL DO NOT FORGET THIS!!!
A cat presents for epilepticus and is moving a lot so a IVC is not placed, what is the best treatment option for this cat to stop its seizure?
Diazepam rectally
Butttt this is a controversial Q since Diazepam can cause hepatic necrosis in cats so yayyyy for controversial Q’s
Heinz bodies in the RBC with blood that is brown in color is usually from what toxicity (causes methemoglobinemia from oxidative damage to the Hgb)
acetaminophen toxicity
what does a cat have if it has a hx of penetrating ocular trauma and now presents for blindness???
Feline traumatic sarcoma of the eye which is unique to cats and is very malignant and will have shrunken globe, and can occur anytime after the trauma even years later and toc is enucleation
The swinging light test is often used in ophthalmologic exams to check pupillary responses in each eye. A positive Marcus Gunn sign is considered pathognomic in diagnosis a unilateral prechiasmal lesions. What is observed during this?
*When the light is directed into the abnormal eye, the pupil in the normal eye stays dilated
Normally, when light is directed into the eye, the signal is transferred from the retina through the optic nerve past the chiasm and down the optic tract and is then direct to both oculomotor nerves and the pupil will constrict bilaterally
*Abnormally, if there is a pre-chiasmal lesion, the light shinning in the abnormal eye will have an interrupted signal that cannot get past the chiasm and both pupils will stay dilated
White cat with blue eyes is prone to…
Deafness which is also associated with Dalmatians, aussies, boston terriers, english setters and old English sheepdogs
manx cats are known to get
cauda equina syndrome
Enalapril is an ACE inhibitor which is used as a vasodilator, anti-hypertensive agent, and heart failure treatment
it works by preventing conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II thus reducing aldosterone concentrations and causing diuresis and dilates the efferent arterioles of the glomerulus to help aid with losses from PLN
Is often used in conjunction with diuretics