Vestibular Function Testing Flashcards
What is vertigo
The illusion of movement of self or world- often spinning
Typically discrete episodes
Normally suggest peripheral vestibular involvement
What is imbalance, lightheadedness, unsteadiness
-history more vague
-less likely to be discrete episodes
-central cause may be more likely- particularly if symptoms appear to be deteriorating
Consequences of long term dizziness
- Tiredness
- Headaches
- Time off work and financial consequences
- Inability to perform at full potential at work.
- Inability to contribute to home life fully.
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Patient education and correct intervention will help:
- Reassure patient
- Prevent turning into a crohnic problem
Otolith organ function
Linear acceleration and static tilt/gravity
Semi circular canals
Angular acceleration in three planes
How does the vestibular system work in terms of semi circular canals
Movement of head>endolymph>cupola deflection>hair cell deflection> action potential up nerve
How does the vestibular system work in terms of otoliths organs
Movement of head> shearing force on hair cells due to heavy otolithic membrane> hair cell deflection> action potential up nerve
What happens when there is head movement in terms of balance
- Head movement initiates vestibular reflexes to keep eyes stable in space to help maintain upright posture.
What does the vestibuloocular reflex do
Helps eyes stay on target when moving around
What does the vestibulospinal relflex do
Body balance
What does the vestibulocollic reflex do
Neck balance
What is vestibular neuritis
Function of one balance organ drops
Acute spinning 48 hours, movement evoked imbalance
Function of one balance organ drops and unilateral hearing loss
Acute spinning 48 hours, movement evoked imbalance, hearing difficulties
Bilateral hypo function
Function of both balance organs can drop
Loss of balance, oscillopsia, movement evoked imbalance
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
Otoconica moves from utricle into posterior semi circular canal
Short lived spinning on rolling in bed, looking up and bending down
Increased endolymph pressure
Migraine associated dizziness
Episodic bouts of spinning for up to 24 hours, unilateral drop in hearing, tinnitus and fullness
Migraine symptoms and dizziness
What does testing often look at
Vestibulo ocular reflex
Ie looking at eye movement in response to testing
What is eye movements called
What are some of the simple tests that can be done
Head impulse test
Dix hall pike
Tests with equipment
- videonystabmography
- calorics
- video head impulse
More advanced tests
- vestibular evoked myogenic potentials
-rotating chair
-posturography (high tech test of standing balance)