Vestibular Flashcards
Central vs. Peripheral Pathologies: definitions
Central: brain-related
Peripheral: labyrinth-related
Examples of CENTRAL pathologies
Cerebellar disorders
Examples of PERIPHERAL pathologies
Vestibular neuritis
Acoustic neuroma
Central vs Peripheral Symptoms: Ataxia
Central: severe
Peripheral: none or mild
Central vs Peripheral Symptoms: Smooth Pursuits & Saccades
Central: abnormal
Peripheral: normal
Central vs Peripheral Symptoms: Red Flags
Central: diplopia & scanning speech
Peripheral: none
Central vs Peripheral Symptoms: Hearing
Central: not affected
Peripheral: hearing loss, fullness in ears, tinnitus
Central vs Peripheral Symptoms: Nystagmus
Central: pendular & vertical
Peripheral: jerk
Central vs Peripheral Symptoms: Visual Fixation
Central: does not change sxs
Peripheral: improves sxs (esp nystagmus)
How to assess for Smooth Pursuits
Follow my finger with your eyes (H)
How to assess for Saccades
Look at nose, finger, nose, finger
How to assess VOR
Ability to maintain visual fixation during rapid head movements.
Head Thrust (AKA Impulse) test.
Head Thrust: which side is being tested?
Side where head is turning TOWARDS
Abnormal Head Thrust looks like…
eyes follow the head, then return to the target
BPPV: is VOR abnormal or intact?
BPPV definition
Otoconia displaced from utricle & goes into semi canals.
BPPV Canalithiasis vs Cupulolithiasis: definitions
Canal: crystals floating around canal.
Cupulo: crystals stuck in cupula.
BPPV Canalithiasis vs Cupulolithiasis: episode durations
Canal <1min
Cupulo >1min