Prosthetic Gait Flashcards
Where does COM move after amputation?
-Towards heavier part of body.
-Away from amputated limb.
-LE amputation = also shifts upward/superior.
-UE amputation = shifts lower.
How does the socket wall mimic muscle-related deviations?
-Socket wall becomes the “new muscle” (anterior wall = functions like quads).
-Low socket wall = weak muscles.
-High socket wall = tight muscles.
Example: lateral trunk lean d/t weak hip ABD or d/t low lateral wall.
What may cause foot rotation during IC?
-Stiff heel cushion.
-Incorrectly rotated foot.
What may cause lateral trunk lean during stance?
-Short prosthesis.
-Low lateral wall.
What may cause excessive abduction during stance?
-Long prosthesis.
-Abducted hip joint.
What may cause lordosis during stance?
Anterior wall discomfort
What may cause forward flexion during stance?
-Unstable knee joint.
-Short walker.
What may cause heel whip during heel-off?
-Knee bolt rotated.
-Prosthesis donned in poor rotation.
Medial heel whip indicates the knee bolt is…
Lateral heel whip indicates the knee bolt is…
What may cause high heel rise during early swing?
-Inadequate friction
-Slack extension aid (knee flexes too much)
What may cause terminal impact during late swing?
-Inadequate friction
-Taut extension aid (uncontrolled whip into max extension)
If Heel/PF Bumper is too stiff/hard…
-PF is restricted, less absorption of heel strike.
-Abrupt or excessive knee flex.
-Excessive DF.
If Heel/PF Bumper is too soft…
-GRF moves too far anteriorly from IC to mid-stance.
-Knee hyperext.
-Excessive PF.
Orthotics: inadequate DF assist mimics…
Weak DF