Elbow/Wrist/Hand Flashcards
Lateral Epicondylitis: mm involved
Medial Epicondylitis: mm involved
Pronator Teres
Lateral Epicondylitis: key sxs
*P! with wrist extension.
-Agg by wrist + elbow ext (ECRB max excursion).
-Agg by radial deviation.
-Agg by finger ext.
-Grip strength decreased.
-ROM intact (but may be pain-limited).
Lateral Epicondylitis: MOI
Repeated wrist EXT
Medial Epicondylitis: MOI
Repeated wrist FLEX
Lateral Epicondylitis: special tests
P! with resisted middle finger ext.
Medial Epicondylitis: key sxs
*P! with wrist flexion.
-Agg by wrist ext + elbow ext + supination (pronator mass stretched).
Medial Epicondylitis: special tests
-P! with resisted pronation.
-P! with wrist flex.
-Reverse Cozen’s
-Reverse Mill’s
Cozen’s Test: procedure, purpose, (+)
Lateral Epicondylitis.
Forearm pronated, wrist ext, slight RD.
Resist wrist flex + UD.
(+) = P! in lateral epicondyle.
Reverse Cozen’s Test: procedure, purpose, (+)
Medial Epicondylitis.
Forearm supinated, wrist flex, slight RD.
Resist wrist ext + UD.
(+) = P! in medial epicondyle.
Mill’s Test: procedure, purpose, (+)
Lateral Epicondylitis.
PROM forearm pronation, wrist flex, elbow ext.
(+) = P! in lateral epicondyle.
Reverse Mill’s Test: procedure, purpose, (+)
Medial Epicondylitis.
PROM forearm supination, wrist ext, elbow ext.
(+) = P! in medial epicondyle.
Maudsley’s Test: procedure, purpose, (+)
Lateral Epicondylitis, Radial N involvement.
Forearm pronated.
Lift middle finger up.
Resist middle finger ext (don’t let me push down to the table).
(+) = weak, painful.
Olecranon Bursitis: pathophysiology & key sxs
“Student’ Elbow”
Inflammation of olecranon bursa.
Swelling on posterior elbow.
Posterior elbow pain & tender to pressure.
Agg by max elbow flex/ext.
Cubital Tunnel: nerve involved & key sxs.
Ulnar N compression.
-Paresthesia in digits 4+5.
-Pain in medial elbow, radiates down.
-Decreased grip strength.
-Agg by elbow flexion (most pressure in cubital tunnel).
Sxs of prolonged or severe Cubital Tunnel
Thenar atrophy.
Pinky abducts.
Cubital Tunnel Special Test
Tinel’s: tapping on cubital tunnel (medial epi) & along Ulnar N.
(+) pain or numbness in digits 4+5.
Most distal point where abnormal sensation is felt indicates “how far” N has regenerated.
Cubital Tunnel treatments
-Ulnar N glides.
-Stretch flexors & pronators.
-Avoid max elbow flexion.
-Orthosis with flexion block; or splint at 45 flex.
Pronator Syndrome: nerve involved & key sxs
Median N compression (at elbow or forearm).
-Pain in prox forearm.
-Agg by repetitive elbow motion & forearm pro/sup.
-Paresthesia in thenar, thumb, digits 2-4.
-Weakness of FPL & FDP & pronator teres.
Pronator Syndrome special test
P! with resisted pronation.
(+) Tinel’s at pronator teres.
(-) Tinel’s at wrist.
(-) Phalen’s.
How to differentiate Pronator Syndrome from Carpal Tunnel?
Pronator = thenar eminence tingling & paresthesia (this is not common with carpal).
Pronator Syndrome treatments
-Median N glides.
-STM to biceps, pronator teres, FDS.
-If irritable: posterior gutter orthosis (holds elbow at 90 flex).
Radial Tunnel: location, nerves involved, mm borders
-Located near radiohumeral joint.
-Radial N branches into superficial & deep.
-Deep Branch becomes PIN in the radial tunnel.
-Borders: ECRB, ECRL, supinator, brachioradialis.
Radial Tunnel Syndrome sxs
-Can occur w/ lateral epicondylitis (ECRB compressing PIN).
-Weakness in supinator & wrist/finger extensors.
-Point tenderness ~4cm distal to lateral epi.
-Agg by stretching Radial N: elbow ext, pronation, wrist flex.
Radial Tunnel Syndrome special tests
-P! with resisted supination.
-Rule out TOS & proximal N impingement.
Radial Tunnel Syndrome treatments
-Radial N glides.
-Stretching supinator & ECRB.
-Custom orthosis with wrist in extension.
Elbow fx: possible sites & initial medical interventions
-Distal Humerus: cast (2wk) then hinged brace. ORIF if bad.
-Radial Head: sling (1wk) & early AROM. ORIF if bad.
-Olecranon: typically requires ORIF.
-Capitulum/Trochlea: custom orthosis & early AROM.
Potential complication of elbow fractures & key sign
Heterotopic Ossificiation
Significantly impaired ROM & hard end feel.
What may increase risk of Heterotopic Ossification?
Aggressive ROM too early
UCL injury risks
-Pitching velocity & volume (overuse).
-Throwing mechanics (esp curveballs).
-Humeral Retrotorsion (due to GIRD).
UCL injury sxs & special tests
-Ulnar N paresthesia.
-Pain during cocking phase.
-UCL tender to palp.
(+) Tinel’s
(+) Valgus Stress
Valgus Stress Test procedure & purpose
UCL stability.
-Elbow in slight flex.
-Stabilize above elbow.
-Valgus force (pull outward) below elbow.
(+) excess motion & P!
Varus Stress Test procedure & purpose
RCL stability.
-Elbow in slight flex.
-Stabilize above elbow.
-Varus force (push inward) below elbow.
(+) excess motion & P!
Moving Valgus Stress Test procedure & purpose
UCL stability (functional).
-Sh abd 90, elbow max flex.
-PROM elbow ext + apply valgus force (quick movement).
(+) P! typically at greater elbow flex.
Modified Milking Maneuver procedure & purpose
UCL stability (functional).
-Elbow at 90, forearm supinated (thumbs up).
-Pull by thumb into shoulder ER while stabilizing elbow.
(+) reproduces symptoms.