Vertebrates 1 Flashcards
Name 3 characteristics that are unique to chordates?
- Dorsal Hollow Nerve Chord
- Notochord(long, rigid, fluid filled sheet that provides structure to the organism)
- Muscular, post-anal tail
Are chordates deuterostomes or protostomes?
What is a characteristic shared by all deuterostomes?
Pharyngeal Slits. Pouches located on the side of the head supported by pharyngeal arches. Lost in echinoderms. Similar structures can be found in humans ears and jaws
What type of feeding do fish do?
Filter feeding
How do pharyngeal slits work for food?
Water enters the mouth of the chordate and then exits out of the pharyngeal slits. As it exits the pharyngeal slits filter food out of the water.
How do pharyngeal slits work for reparation?
Water enters through the mouth and exits through the pharyngeal slits. As it exits O2 and CO2 are exchanged across the respiratory surface(gills)
Key Feature of vertebrates: Axial Skeleton
-Vertebral Column(spine)
Key feature of vertebrates: Appendicular Skeleton
-Pectoral girdle(arms)
-Pelvic girdle(legs)
Do vertebrates have opened or closed circulatory systems?
Closed(within vessels). Ventral heart
Key feature of vertebrates: Organs in coelom
Sac where organs are suspended
Another word for pharyngeal slits
Gill slits
Gill arches
-made up of cartilage and bone and support the gills
How gills exchange gasses?
O2 enter the mouth in the water and the water then passes over the gills. The gills filter out O2 as wells as food and CO2 and other waste is put back into the water
covers and protects the gills
Why is it important the gill filaments are thin?
Gill filaments contain capillary beds that are used to exchange gases by having thin gill filaments this eases diffusion