Vergil, Eclogue 1.27-58 Flashcards
āerius –a –um
pertaining to the air; airy, aërial; rising into the air; towering, lofty; air–cleaving
elsewhere, in another place; in other respects, otherwise; in another matter
altāria –ium n.
the upper part of an altar; a high altar; an altar (> altus)
Amaryllis –idis or –idos f.
Amaryllis (a name); a shepherdess in Vergil’s Eclogues
apis apis f.
arbustum –ī n.
a growth of trees; a grove; thicket (> arbor)
barba –ae f.
beard; dim. barbula, little beard)
twice (in composition bi–)
bōs bovis m.
cadō cadere cecidī cāsum
to fall, sink; die, be killed
candidus –a –um
white, fair
captō captāre captāvī captātus
to grasp at, seize, captivate
cāseus –ī m.
cessō cessāre cessāvī cessātus
to cease, be idle; hold back, lay off, delay; rest; be free of
contāgiō –ōnis f. or contāgium –ī n.
contact, touching; an infection, pollution, vicious companionship or intercourse, participation, contamination
dēpāscō –ere –pāvī –pāstus and dēpāscor –pāstus sum
to devour, consume; taste; feed upon, graze
exeō exīre exīvī/exiī exitus
to come/go/sail/march/move out/forth/away, leave; pass (away), expire/perish/die; discharge (fluid); rise (river); become visible; issue/emerge/escape; sprout
fētus –a –um
pregnant, with young; bearing; filled, full, teeming; having brought forth; fruitful.
frondātor –oris m.
a foliage tender, pruner
fūmō fūmāre fūmāvī fūmātus
to smoke; send up vapor; fume, reek; foam (> fumus)
Galatēa –ae f.
Galatea, a sea–nymph, daughter of Nereus
gemō gemere gemuī
to groan, sigh
Hyblaeus –a –um
of Mt. Hybla in Sicily
īnsuētus –a –um (trisyll.)
unaccustomed; unused, unwonted (pl. n. as adv.), insueta, strangely; hideously
iuncus –ī m.
a rush
iuvenis iuvenis m.
laedō laedere laesī laesus
to strike; hurt, injure, wound; offend, annoy
lapis lapidis m.
stone; milestone; jewel
līmes –itis m.
a cross path bounding two fields; border, boundary, train; track, passage (rel. to limen)
līmōsus –a –um
full of mud; miry, slimy (> limus)
Meliboeus –ī m.
Meliboeus (name), one of the shepherds in Virgil’s Eclogues
obdūcō –ere –dūxī –ductus
to draw or lead towards; draw over
opācus –a –um
shady; obscure, dark; subst., opaca, orum, n., partitive; opaca viarum, dark pathways, roads
pābulum –ī n.
feeding material; food, pasturage, pasture (> pasco)
palumbis –is m.
a woodpigeon, ring-dove
palūs –ūdis f.
a marsh, swamp, moor, fen; water; pond, lake
pāscō pāscere pāvī pāstum
to nourish, feed
pāscuus –a –um
for pasture, grazing
pecūlium –ī n.
property in cattle
pecus pecoris f.
cattle , as a collective, a herd
pendeō pendēre pependī
to hang, hang down
pinguis pingue
fat, rich, fertile; also, plump, in good condition; dull, gross, heavy, stupid, doltish
pīnus –ūs or –ī
a pine tree, pine.; (meton.), a ship; a torch; a pine brand or torch
pōmum –ī n.
every year, yearly
raucus –a –um
harsh–sounding, noisy
respiciō respicere respexī respectum
to look back, regard, consider
rūpēs –is f.
a rock, cliff, crag, ledge, freq.; quarry (> rumpo)
saepēs –is f.
a hedge, fence
saepta –ōrum n.
a fence, enclosure, wall
salictum –ī n.
willow grove
sēnī –ae –a
6 each
servitium servirti(ī) n.
servitude, slavery
sērus –a –um
late, too late
suādeō suādēre suāsī suāsus
to urge, recommend; suggest; induce; propose, persuade, advise
submittō submittere submīsī submissum
to place under, submit
susurrō –ōnis m.
to hum, buzz, murmur, mutter, whisper
taurus taurī m.
temptō temptāre temptāvī temptātus
to test, try; urge; worry; bribe
Tītyrus –ī m.
Tityrus, one of the shepherds in Virgil’s Eclogues
tondeō –ēre –totondī –tōnsus
to shear; finish; clip, trim; browse, feed upon, graze upon
turtur –uris m.
a turtle-dove
vīcīnus –a –um
neighboring, near
victima –ae f.
an animal offered in sacrifice; a victim
ulmus –ī f.
an elm tree, elm