Verbs followed by 'a' + infinitive Flashcards
to manage to
“She manages to drive the car home”
acertar a (ie)
“Acierta a manejar el carro hasta casa”
to be/get used to
I got used to driving the car
acostumbrarse a (reg)
Me acostumbré a manejar el carro.
to encourage to
You encouraged me to drive the car
animar (reg)
Me animaste a manejar el carro.
to learn to
They learned to drive the car
aprender a (reg)
Aprendieron a manejar el carro
To dare to (to have the courage to)
He didn’t dare drive the car
Atreverse (reg)
No se atrevió a manejar el carro
To help
She helped him to drive the car
ayudar a (reg)
Ella le ayudó a manejar el carro
to go down to
I went down to drive the car
bajar a (reg)
Bajé a manejar el carro
to begin to (4)
comenzar a (ie) empezar a (ie) echarse a (reg) ponerse a (irreg)
to teach to, show how to
Teach me how to drive the car (tú)
enseñar a (reg)
enséñame a manejar el carro
to force to
Force him to drive the car (tú)
forzar a (ue & zar)
Fuerzalo a manejar el carro
to urge to, to motivate to, to drive to
She motivated me to drive the car
impulsar a
Me impulsó a manejar el carro
to incite to
They incited him to drive the car
incitar a
Lo incitaron a manejar el carro
to incline to
I was inclined to drive the car when I was younger
inclinarse a
Me inclinaba a manejar el carro cuando era más joven
to invite to
Would you invite her to drive the car?
invitar a
¿La invitarías a manejar el carro?
to be going to
I’m going to drive the car
ir a (irreg)
Voy a manejar el carro
to limit oneself to
Limit yourself to driving the car, please
limitarse a
Limítate a manejar el carro, por favor
to (eventually) become, to come to be
I became a famous driver
llegar a ser (reg)
Llegué a ser un conductor famoso
to lead to, result in
The decision led to me driving the car
llevar a (reg)
La decisión me llevó a manejar el carro
La decisión llevó a manejarme el carro
to send to
He sent for me to drive the car
mandar a (reg)
Me mandó a manejar el carro
to refuse to
They refuse to drive the car
negarse a (ie)
Se niegan a manejar el carro
to force, compel to (not forzar)
I am forcing you to drive the car
obligar a (reg)
Te estoy obligando a manejar el carro
to go on to
He later went on to drive the car
pasar a (reg)
Más tarde pasó a manejar el carro
to persuade to
We’ll persuade them to drive the car
persuadir a
Los persuadiremos a manejar el carro
to renounce, to waive
I renounce driving the car
renunciar a (reg)
Renuncio a manejar el carro
To resign oneself to
He resigned himself to driving the car
resignarse a (reg)
Se resignó a manejar el carro
to resist
Why do you resist driving the car?
resistirse a (reg)
¿Por qué te resistes a manejar el carro?
to tend to
She always tended to drive the car
tender a (ie)
Ella siempre tendía a manejar el carro.
to ___ again
It’s good to drive the car again
volver a (ue)
Es bueno volver a manejar el carro
To dare (someone else)
They dared him to drive the car
Desafiar (í)
Lo desafiaron a manejar el carro
a+infinite verbs: learning (2)
To learn to, learn how to - aprender a
To teach to - enseñar a
a+infinite verbs: resistance (3)
To refuse to - negarse a (ie)
To resit to - resistirse a
To limit oneself to - limitarse a
a+infinite verbs: persuasion (6)
To invite to - invitar a To encourage to - animar a, alentar a (ie) To urge to - impulsar a To persuade to - persuadir a To challenge to - retar, desafiar a (í) To force to - forzar a (ue), obligar a
a+infinite verbs: go! (7)
To go to - ir a To go on to - pasar a To come to - venir a To go down to - bajar a To go up to - subir a To lead to - conducir a To come to (be) - llegar a (ser)
a+infinite verbs: get ready (2)
disponerse a
prepararse a
a+infinite verbs: decisions (4)
To make up one’s mind to - decidirse a
To undertake to - comprometerse a
To dare to (have courage to) - atreverse a
To resign oneself to - resignarse a
a+infinite verbs: helping (2)
To help to - ayudar a
To contribute to - contribuir a
a+infinite verbs: habits (4)
To get/be used to - acostumbrarse a
To tend to - tender a (ie)
To incline to - inclinar a
To do again - volver a (ue)