The Perfect Aspect Flashcards
You have spent a lot of money this month.
Has gastado mucho dinero este mes.
I have read that book.
He leído ese libro.
I had seen him before.
Lo había visto antes.
We had already eaten.
Ya habíamos comido.
They had talked a lot when the party ended.
Ellas habían hablado mucho cuando la fiesta terminó.
I will have finished with my project.
Habré acabado con mi proyecto.
They will have gotten permission
Habrán obtenido permiso.
When is the future perfect used? (2)
– Future events: about actions that will have to be completed before another action in the future.
– Likelihood & conjecture: to talk about what someone guesses or thinks might be true
You will have already ordered when I arrive.
Ya habrás pedido cuando yo llegue.
You (Ud.) will have studied three years of Spanish by this May.
Usted habrá estudiado español por tres años para este mayo.
I will have finished my work by December.
Habré terminado mi trabajo para diciembre.
Where is Paco? - He might have gone to another cafe.
¿Dónde está Paco? - Él habrá ido a otro café.
They may have been hungry by nighttime.
Ellos habrán tenido hambre para la noche.
She must have left Atlanta.
Habrá salido de Atlanta
When is the present perfect subjunctive used?
When the subj clause of the subjunctive sentence is in the past
“I doubt you’ll do it”
Dudo que lo hagas
(present subjunctive)
“I doubt that you did it,”
Dudo que lo hayas hecho
(present perfect subjunctive)
How is the present perfect subjunctive formed?
Present subjunctive of haber + past participle
It’s good that he studied.
Es bueno que haya estudiado.
I’m angry that they left their dog in the hot car.
Me enoja que hayan dejado a su perro en el carro caliente.
My professor doubts that I have read the book.
Mi profesor duda que yo haya leído el libro.
It is good that we talked.
Es bueno que hayamos hablado.
It’s good that he is studying.
Es bueno que estudie.
I’m glad you enjoyed it
Me alegro que lo hayas disfrutado
What is the past perfect subjunctive used for? (3)
e.g. Ojalá que hubiera sabido.
– past conditionals (si clauses)
– express subjectivity in past after WEIRDO verbs
– To express a wish, after ojalá, that something had happened differently
How is the past perfect subjunctive formed?
Imperfect subjunctive of haber + past participle
I wanted you to do it.
Quería que tú lo hubieras hecho
It was too bad that he couldn’t come.
Fue una lástima que no hubiera podido venir.
It was sad to hear that his father had died.
Estaba triste de oír que su padre hubiera muerto.
I wish he had come.
Ojalá hubiera venido.
I wish we could have seen it (3)
Ojalá hubiéramos podido verlo.
Ojalá pudiéramos haberlo visto.
Ojalá lo pudiéramos haber visto.
If I had known, I would have gone with you.
Si lo hubiera sabido, me habría ido contigo.
Would you have bought the book if I had told you?
¿Habrías comprado el libro si te lo hubiera dicho?