Present tense - ending spelling changes Flashcards
What happens with -ger and -gir verbs in the present tense?
e.g. Proteger, fingir
1st person: the ‘g’ changes to a ‘j’
Proteger: yo protejo, tú proteges
Fingir: yo finjo, tú finges
What happens with -guir verbs in the present tense?
e.g. Distinguir
1st person: the ‘u’ is dropped
Distinguir: yo distingo, tú distingues
What happens with -cer and -cir verbs in the present tense?
e.g. Convencer, conocer
1st person:
1) if last letter of stem is consonant, ‘c’ changes to ‘z’
Convencer: yo convenzo, tu convences
2) if last letter of stem is vowel, ‘z’ added before ‘c’
Conocer: yo conozco, tu conoces
To protect
I protect, you protect
Yo protejo, tú proteges
To pretend
I pretend, you pretend
Yo finjo, tú finges
To choose
I choose, you choose
Yo escojo, tú escoges
To correct
I correct, you correct
Corregir (i)
Yo corrijo, tú corriges
To arise (come about, emerge) I arise, you arise
Yo surjo, tú surges
To grab, take
I grab, you grab
Yo cojo, tú coges
To distinguish
I distinguish, you distinguish
Yo distingo, tú distingues
To get, acquire
I get, you get
Conseguir (i)
Yo consigo, tú consigues
To pursue, chase
I chase, you chase
Perseguir (i)
Yo persigo, tú persigues
To follow, continue (keep going)
I follow, you follow
Seguir (i)
Yo sigo, tú sigues
To convince
I convince, you convince
Yo convenzo, tú convences
To know of, to meet (for 1st time)
I know, you know
Yo conozco, tú conoces
To produce
I produce, you produce
Yo produzco, tú produces
To appear
I appear, you appear
Yo aparezco, tú apareces
To translate
I translate, you translate
Yo traduzco, tú traduces
To drive (ES) I drive, you drive
Yo conduzco, tú conduces
To do, make
I do, you do
Yo hago, tú haces
To say
I say, you say
Yo digo, tú dices
To grab, take hold of
I take hold of, take hold of
Yo asgo, tú ases
To put
I put, you put
Yo pongo, tú pones
To go out
I go out, you go out
Yo salgo, tú sales
To satisfy
I satisfy, you satisfy
Yo satisfago, tú satisfaces
To have
I have, you have
Tener (ie)
Yo tengo, tú tienes
To be worth, value
I am worth, you are worth
Yo valgo, tú vales
To come
I come, you come
Venir (ie)
Yo vengo, tú vienes
To fall
I fall, you fall
Yo caigo, tú caes
To hear
I hear, you hear
Yo oigo, tú oyes
To bring
I bring, you bring
Yo traigo, tú traes
What happens with -uir verbs in the present tense?
e.g. concluir
1st, 2nd, 3rd person:
Between vowels, an unstressed ‘i’ changes to a ‘y’
Concluir (to conclude): yo concluyo, tú concluyes,
To conclude
I conclude, you conclude
Yo concluyo, tú concluyes
To argue
I argue, you argue
Yo arguyo, tú arguyes
To contribute
I contribute, you contribute
Yo contribuyo, tú contribuyes
To distribute
I distribute, you distribute
Yo distribuyo, tú distribuyes
To include
I include, you include
Yo incluyo, tú incluyes
How is G pronounced?
Before A, O, U, or a consonant = hard G
Before E or I = pronounced like a Spanish J
“gu”: before i, e, or o, = hard G e.g. ‘guerra’
“gu”: before a = “whua” e.g. ‘aguacate’
How is C pronounced?
Before H = “ch”
Before A, O, U, any other consonant (including C) = hard C (k)
Before E or I = soft C (s)
How are words ending in vowel, N or S pronounced?
Stress on the 2nd last syllable
How are words ending in consonants (other than N&S) pronounced?
Stress on last syllable
Words ending in vowels and which consonants are stressed on 2nd last syllable?
N and S
To thank
Agradecer (cer)
Yo agradezco, tú agradeces